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  1. +1 He gambled away 1 million to me. My opinion probably doesn't matter but he a cool dude. Would be a great staff member.
  2. +1 my opinion probably doesn't matter but he's a good dude.
  3. Description: It's been brought to my attention recently that the NSG faction isn't allowed to use donator classes. Being a PMC group I believe that a PMC should be able to purchase and use classes for use during war to help achieve a successful contract for war. My point being that PMC's are required to supply their own weapons for their contracts, hence why I want to suggest allowing the NSG faction to use their Donator classes for the faction they are contracted for during war. This would only make more sense due to the realistic fact that PMC's don't use traditional firearms due to not having regulations on what firearm they are permitted to use. Reasoning: This would encourage purchases for this soc faction as well as provide a more realistic feeling since this is an RP server. Allowing the NSG group to utilize their tactical advantages just as they would in real life. Additional Information: NA
  4. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: PlayerYour in-game name: 160th TSgt exile917Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/) STEAM_0:1:55457974 In-game name of reportee: 18B SFC Jinxed SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:112549317Date & Time of incident: 2/12/2022Timezone: Around 11:40pm CSTWhat happened? (include any proof): Jinxed shot a smoke grenade from a launcher at my helicopter during war causing the propeller to break and me dying. Here is the video recorded from someone else's POV https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/aJu7Y-HuqczeD/pcnYC71cUz1T?invite=cr-MSw2SkEsMTM4ODMwNjEs
  5. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: PlayerYour in-game name: exile917Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:55457974In-game name of reportee: 0372 2ndLt KonjectSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:56128417Date & Time of incident: 2:15am Timezone: CSTWhat happened? (include any proof): Someone fliying a spotted someone stealing the power core from base. I flanked behind enemy base to lure him an officer that can "remove" the core from him. Once I encountered the individual it turned out to be a MARSOC member delivering the power core to the taliban base. Here is the video. https://streamable.com/mhgbtn
  6. My ban appeal has already gone through they classified that it should've just been a warn and not a week ban
  7. Ban appeal went through but still banned from teamspeak by salmon for something i did in game would be nice to have it resolved
  8. You're right I am a regular player and I should've known better but wasn't aware of the rule. And I wasn't given any verbal warning prior. I had been removed from a db but that was for not using pts. And growing up in a southern state the with a Hispanic family using the word f*gg*t wasn't a super derogatory term and was taken lightly. My main thing was I was banned in game and server with this being the only known incident regarding this
  9. yup just waiting on a comment i posted here to get approved just like this one. https://gyazo.com/e6ba53bd40cec67545a35aef57281ecd
  10. Sorry just checked there was a post about homophobic terms and slang being used and if i read right it says and im quoting the actual post by nutter "As with all things there will be exception, IE: a member with an urban upbringing who's speech includes some foul language may be excused with a verbal warning, but generally, expect this procedure. First offense: Verbal Warning/Optional warning (depending on severity) Second offense: Warning & Chat mute Third offense: Warning & Elongated chat mute & jail time Fourth offense: Server ban for a 3 day period Fifth offense: 1 month ban for repeated hatespeech/racism/homophobia Sixth Offense: Community-wide ban."
  11. In-game name: exile917SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:55457974Staff members in-game name: PikeStaff members SteamID (/id (name): not sure but Teamspeak name is acerDate & Time of incident: Sept 5th around 8:50pm CSTTimezone: CSTBan Reason: Minor HomophobiaHow long were you banned for?: 1 week in game and 1 week in Teamspeak by salmonProof of Ban: https://gyazo.com/0acefc989ec5b369789b918c1bf9bc6d and for the Teamspeak https://gyazo.com/5371bdaf790f679cebcec63c0921aa8c What happened? (include any proof): Was walking around US base and said "huh F*gg*ts" in a sarcastic manner then they all turned and said " you said that to the wrong group pal" then banned Why should your ban be removed?: No where in the server rules does it state what we can or can't say
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