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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. Just lower the time to crack a keypad from 20->15s and keep the pro keypad cracker at 10s
  2. +2 The essential is there, no need to add more just for the sake of ‘’beefier’’ paragraphs. Your values are at the right place. GL
  3. I know some mfs shaking in their boots rn
  4. Neutral, my only encounter with you wasn’t great
  5. Nutter's goons done ran up on me Powerpuff Girls Shooting a movie with the bois
  6. This looks crazy cool!! Are titles releasing this update too?
  7. +1 who cares like he said building is stale af right now
  8. For me it’s still broken I have it turned off while it’s fixed:/ I’m against it personally
  9. + 1 wireframe is the coolest body material by far. Id say prestige 5 since you don't unlock anything at 5
  10. -1 Never been an issue for me personally
  11. +1 any new content would be good at this point
  12. I saw you got banned in chat so I came and claimed your printers that's all
  13. Bro got given a second chance and blew it, don't blame it on me
  14. +1 for the whole month of October
  15. Take care my brother! hope to see you online soon!:))
  16. Vortex

    Printer Suggestion

    Perk for prestige 3 and only +1 printer that way it can’t be abused by alts
  17. Vortex

    Totems NPC

    Description: We are all aware by now that there are totems that spawn at random preset locations, some reward players with money and exp, whilst others change their player model's appearance. To make things interesting, I've came up with the concept of a Totem NPC. Located at Fountain, this NPC would trade you exclusive cosmetics in exchange for a set number of totems. Every time you pickup a totem around the map, it would automatically be counted and ultimately available for trade after a certain amount is reached. Reasoning: I think most of us can agree that totems are one of the few things making a player leave it's base unattended for. Seeing a totem spawn in chat always makes for a fun ''race'' to see who gets to it first. There would now be another good reason to look for them as they would now count as a sort of currency to trade for cosmetics. The cool part is there in no other way to purchase these types of cosmetics, they would be strictly limited to this specific NPC for their set prices. Additional Information: Once ANY type of totem is collected (Baby, Hotdog, Hamburger, Scientist Experiment, Mafia Briefcase, Protein Egg, Artifact) It would automatically tell everyone in chat that: {NAME} has found the Totem! In order to let players know it's been found. 20 Totems: (Toolkit- body) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2992139185&searchtext=cosmetics (1.364 MB) 50 Totems: (Hellish Hood - hats) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2890363438&searchtext=cosmetic (2.4 MB) 150 Totems: (Hood- hats) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2890375547&searchtext=cosmetic (2.185 MB) 250 Totems: (Cape- body) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2996124315&searchtext=cosmetic (0.228 MB) 500 Totems: ( Double Katana Crossed- weapons) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=428547294&searchtext=katana (1.087 MB) 1000 Totems: (Demon Eye- pets) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=519434258&searchtext=demon (0.940 MB)
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