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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. Some things I would add / change but most of it is pretty accurate! Gj
  2. Same thing with the Christmas vape never got it..
  3. +1 I trust him too Was gonna +1 because I trust Chris, but that’s a low move. NEUTRAL
  4. Make it so you can only move it with the gravity gun
  5. One of the best to ever do it. Thanks for everything you’ve done!
  6. +1 friend of mine and really experienced player
  7. I believe the same happens when you type /makeshipment. This one is too cute
  8. So the exclusive hats and accessories we all grinded for during holidays are now gone? Getting someone to compress models can't be that expensive... EDIT: so I just got informed it was an april fools joke, never even realised lol
  9. +1 OG boombox for those who don’t have soundpad.
  10. +1 Moon would make a great staff
  11. The 20 minutes timer was the real challenge back then, ifykyk
  12. This is an excellent guide. For some people this might seem like common knowledge but most player don't know all of this. Thank you for making this! Also I was curious, what is the most printers you've personally had to yourself? Mine is 83, I don't think I'll ever beat that honestly.
  13. Fun fact: 83% of gamblers quit right before winning big
  14. +1 Genuine person and super unbiased.
  15. +1 Insane hours and an OG member of the community. He knows the rules better than most people.
  16. It doesn’t affect most jobs but It’s a significant nerf to mayor.
  17. So we’re now limited to one set of perks per life, interesting. Is it for balance?
  18. Also remember to disable !unbox and the ability to claim money by clicking ‘’e’’ on it. !credits should also be disabled. I’ll try to think of other breaking things I can think of so it can actually be playable. I’ll update this thread.
  19. +1 This sounds so cool! I will definitely give it a try if this idea ever comes to fruition.
  20. You still have to crack it, I believe it’s just more convenient for party members.
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