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Entity last won the day on October 22 2019

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  1. You have no idea how happy I am.
  2. Entity

    Prestige Perks.

    Could you provide some examples of materials which aren't currently being used and the associated prestige you wish to see them on?
  3. Most of my experiences with you have been toxic, you go out of your way to disrespect me whenever I get near you. Just want to throw that out there because that's not very mature behavior. To be quite honest, I don't know the purpose of your hatred for myself but the attitude isn't professional nor staff-like behavior. -1
  4. To be honest, I had no idea it restarted on uneven days. Still would be nice for a quality of life change especially for the new players.
  5. 5:00 AM EST and it's not everyday which makes me lose track personally.
  6. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] I believe there should be either a chat notification or some sort of on-screen UI that pops up notifying players when a server restart is imminent. Of course, most active players know the server restart times, but those clumsy (like me) and newer players might buy or put coolers on printers and forget to collect when the server restarts. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] Would be nice to know about 5-10 minutes before the server restarts so players can collect from their printers and not lose a lot of money being clueless about the oncoming restart. Additional Information: (None)
  7. You can get your in-game playtime with /playtime (username) and copy it there. Plus, you need at least 72 hours of in-game playtime before you can apply for staff. @Proggy
  8. Don't sweat it, being online all day everyday will burn you out. Feel free to play for less time if necessary. The application itself should be 2 paragraphs in length. You seem like a nice candidate, I don't know why the comments above mine are harping on your mistake. I'll happily upvote when you add more to your application. I personally adore the enthusiasm you stated with your past staffing experience. It's nice to see someone else who enjoys helping communities grow. The application was updated and is much better in terms of the 2 paragraph requirement. Not only did you expand on your passion to assist Garnet Gaming in growing but also added various key features which we look for in staff members. You have a lot of potential which is why I have changed my vote to a +1.
  9. Entity

    Jerryy's 3rd App

    You have a lot of playtime and experience in the server but overall the application comes off as negative and very immature, here are a few things I'd like to point out. You claim you are toxic and use vulgar language constantly in this application. In this sentence alone, I can tell the kind of person you are. Saying negative comments about yourself like this is degrading and overall shows that you cannot maintain positive nor find that this application is worth remaining professional. I've rarely interacted with you in-game so I'm judging based on what you've written. Not to mention the recent joke suggestion you created which @BINLADINHOE had posted while I was writing this. It is not required for you to compensate for lost items or goods out of your own pocket. When we decide on punishments for individuals, we follow the D3A guideline almost every time, regardless of the user's experience within the server or their status. This is what I personally would expect from other staff members. When staffing on duty, you'll need to be able to record in order to justify your administrative actions and so this is a priority ability for staff members. Before I even contemplate changing my mind, you'll need to get this working again. ~13 times, disregarding the fixed accepted appeal, almost triple what you stated. Most of them being this year. I don't know the context between the accepted appeals and the 3rd down ban but that's a lot regardless. To end off this lengthy response, a -1 until further improvement is shown for your behavior or you take applying more seriously.
  10. Haven't interacted with you nor seen you on lately but your application is pretty good and community feedback so far is positive. +1
  11. Entity


    Are you suggesting a new job be created for the playermodel, and if so, what would the job have on it?
  12. I nearly had a heart attack and thought one of my printers exploded when I levelled up.
  13. I personally like the application but I do recommend not letting Garry's Mod distract you from your education. +1
  14. This is the offense in which I had banned you for, but looking back now, I seemed to have thought you were a different person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz_-oxJKfPY These last few nights have been rough as there has been a recent loss in my family so I apologize if I am not thinking straight. Anywho, I do believe ragegamerrory should be unbanned as it was obviously a false ban and my fault. P.S By the jails, he meant I was arresting him as a cop for breaking the law. And my response as "Sorry" was for the jails as Spiderman. Also I took every report that I saw last night so if you made a report, I likely took it.
  15. Only problem is that certain users might find the night map annoying and stop playing every other day, thus decreasing player count. But other than that I'd love to have this implemented. +1
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