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Everything posted by Entity

  1. Or just make it a job that requires level 15+ or so? As players will have to get used to our rules anyways, if they were here to minge then they wouldn't make it to level 15 I guarantee it.
  2. +1 I don't really care about any grammar issues, you seem mature enough and the app is decent.
  3. Entity

    Ban Appeal

    You forgot to add the last part, also: 2020-01-31 - 15:59:35 Illusions(STEAM_0:0:80786733) spilq(STEAM_0:0:513931803) 05-00:00 nitrp IrishLaD
  4. Gladly those ban evaders will finally be rid of. Nice update Garnet!
  5. +1 Besides the application, you'd be a great candidate. I don't see why a few mistakes on an app would influence someone's opinion negatively. You can follow rules in-game and have fun so you'd definitely fit the part!
  6. -1 to a new scavenger job, +1 to a hobo upgrade.
  7. Interesting, wasn't what I was told. That makes a lot more sense now.
  8. Again, I had just had you fix this. There's ways to exploit wireframe and other materials. When it was first removed, a lot of the staff complained and campaigned to allow it but it never succeeded. We'll have to see what the supers think about this. My vote is -1.
  9. Sick update, can't wait to try out the new clan menu. Over $100 in upgrades is insane! You don't have to do that for us. (But we appreciate it)
  10. An exploit used was to avoid rp and admin situations by entering the seat which was quite the annoyance.
  11. @eXg-Buddha is completely right about the -1 opinions. It's okay to share it of course, but think about it in the perspective of a new player. I use no collide bases every rare time that I base. They are broken and need to be resolved, I'll be posting some videos in a bit about how this can be exploited and why @Capalot and @OOBBTT's opinions should be influenced around, stay tuned.
  12. I can give you plenty of examples where that could be exploited, also this is the wrong place to comment about your opinion of these. You should head to the respective suggestion thread.
  13. I do believe Garnet has thought of this before. I'd personally like to see kidnapping as it can add some fun scenarios; For instance- - Police is booming with a mayor, Kidnapper takes a Citizen, Kidnapper has a cell for said Kidnapper and adverts "(Player) has been kidnapped, the ransom is $15k" and Police decide to break in or offer the money. - Kidnapper is hired to Kidnap a certain target which has a base, the target goes outside for a short while to sell meth or buy a gun, Kidnapper takes the target and locks them up so the raider who hired him can break in without trouble (Other than people who counter). Hopefully our buttons get nerfed and no collide becomes not allowed so we can have a great time. If I have enough time, I'm going to create a prototype of this plugin in a way that wouldn't cause too much lag and would still be usable. Might be a bit but I'd really like to see this become a thing.
  14. Completely agree. Having buttons that are held open can really bring a feel for fairness in bases. Once no-colliding is removed or not, this could potentially be a great step for fair bases. Hopefully in the long run we'll have people who don't just sit in their unraidable bases and play different games, but rather have to provide adequate attention to the base as it will be much easier to raid. +1
  15. +1 Don't make me regret it.
  16. +1 I absolutely agree. Raiding a base is impossible with no-collide, it's so annoying to have someone pop up for a split of a millisecond and then you're instantly dead. It also gives the defender loads of extra advantages. I recommend removing no-collide entirely or make it against the rules. Someone also showed me how to exploit this in order to walk through props which allow shooting but makes you completely hidden and unable to be shot. I was in a sit where someone walked through it normally saying "It's no collide" but then if you held out a gun then it made you duck under all the props.
  17. Entity

    Staff Application

    @hex @proggy @evity This man doesn't have the required playtime of 24 hours, I'm almost positive this should be denied until the issue is resolved.
  18. Accepted We really need to push the fact that you shoudn't punished based on logs, and rather with actual solid proof via screenshots or video. @lyndefish Please take this message as a warning, as I'll be really vigilant about this issue. I'll have you unbanned once I am available or find someone who is. @proggy @hex @Alex Conway Lock and move will ya.
  19. Entity

    Eco Wipe

    As much as I would be excited for an eco wipe, Garnet has made his decision. Pinging him multiple times probably won't change his mind either. I feel you though, I wanted an economy balance and a wipe as well.
  20. Uhh, -1. I'm not sure that you can administrate properly if you don't understand how warnings work.
  21. Isn't that your job? Where's your proof that he wasn't with his friend in the base and that he didn't respond? You only got a screenshot of logs which is not even close to enough proof. If I was in a base and killed people for coming in then my logs would look just like that. As a staff, you should provide much more proof. If you do not provide adequate proof then I will be forced to accept this appeal.
  22. Fantastic, no more textscreen minges. (And to the man who showed it on YouTube) What's up with "Wizard1" and "Wizard2" on the F4 Menu? Just test classes or real?
  23. -1 Pedro, you bring some great skill into DarkRP, but you're absolutely toxic as hell and I really don't want you having any rank above VIP.
  24. Entity

    Staff App

    Wait, where you demoted or did you resign? +1 regardless.
  25. Not sure why you wouldn't be able to restrict someone from being arrested? This is a bug that has been abused by Mayors to become "Invincible" aka not being demoted upon death. +1 for the removal of wanting the Mayor.
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