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Everything posted by toxiccwilly

  1. -1 LOW PLAYTIME Bad paragraphs Red flags
  2. Never seen u on but its a great app so imma stay neutral
  3. I have seen him never really interacted with him but i have been gone for a bit and i trust the staff team that has +1nd so imma +1 ALSO GOOD APP
  4. -1 Read Staff Rules again please and try to point out things ur good at not just what was happening 10 min into ur time being back sometimes theres only 1 staff member and it gets really over whelming
  5. In-game name: toxiccwillySteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:615364034In-game rank:L ModTimezone: centralLength of LOA:at most 1 monthReason:i have been going through some stuff as it has been almost exactly 4 years since my dad has passed im sorry guys i havent been on much if at all i was hoping i could get better but i think i need to take some personal time and do some things that we used to do together all the time yall are like a second family to me but i need to take this break sorry guys if the time changes i will let uper managment know but i will try not to take more then a month
  6. this is hella messed up u get people that there first experience on drp is our server and then they meet you and they get banned bc they didnt know it was wrong bc a staff member was telling them to do im sorry federate but u hella fucked up i get he said he wanted to but still u shouldn't be encouraging it
  7. toxiccwilly


    Description: Ok so i dont know if this is possible but if it is i think there should be a Game Master class that has extra props they can past and spawn in portals and stuff like i said idk if its possible to make a class have more props or even stack ranks ingame because there would have to be a Game Master rank too Reasoning: if it is possible it will benifit the server because staff like me who have gm have to wait to do certain events bc they dont have access to portals i also think it would improve the quility of events as we would have more prop limit to play with but as i said idk if its possible so i thought i should throw it out there
  8. +1 good app and never had problems with him ingame
  9. +1 would like to see u on the team
  10. +1 on the tax i think it will heavily improve rp all the across the board +1 on lottery i just like it ight
  11. +1 yeah fix what danny said other then that it looks pretty good i have seen him on the server alot and he doesnt cause any problems so imma +1 this just make sure to make that part longer @tboygamer123
  12. -1 for now fix ur app and ill consider a +1
  13. +1 Never had a bad interaction Seems to know the rules Seen on alot Good details Would like to see you on the staff team
  14. hmmmmmm so u dont got a clip of me saying those words all u got is in the club and 2 min and 1 second is a wierd auto clip time u sure u didnt edit that clip i have medal to clip but there isnt a 2 min and 1 second option
  15. That was the clip me saying go in the club lmao. HE TRYNNA FRAME ME DAD!!!!
  16. Post our full conversation
  17. What about before that that night i told hella people to go to the night club
  18. This is funny bc i wasnt even in that clip nor have a ever told people to go kill hella people actually i tell every1 i give a gun to not to cause ion wanna have to ban them that was a completly reasonable ban i dont see the issue here u even show urself mass rdming and just because abide tries to show u how t play the game better doesnt mean he is telling you to mass
  19. No what i was saying is there would a be a $5 base charge plus whatever the item costs so to add dlore it would be $33
  20. toxiccwilly


    Description: I think it would be a good idea to add a way to update/add things to a custom class that already created.Without haveing to pay to add a friend maybe if when you add that thing u pay like $5 plus whatever your trying to add. Reasoning: I think it would help people and persuade people to buy custom classes if they knew that if they wanted something for it in the future they can add it.
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