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Bizzy last won the day on June 18 2022

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  1. my addons dont break they just needs a break sometimes
  3. cuz i was allowed to noclip as a goat on mrp and spawn with all vending machine perks on darkrp
  4. Yea it's similar to the old duel system except now u can pick your own arena and you can have up to a 5v5. You can edit starting hp/armor, gravity, speed, etc.. + leaderboard
  5. Leaderboard files missing and arenas aren't set up L update wait till next restart to enjoy lol
  6. Im not even kidding i wanna see an anti croissant guard faction and duels and vapes disagree/negative react for 10 years of bad luck
  7. yall only get the duel system if yall ban all croissant guard members
  8. yea but can we get bizzyvapes by bizzy on swrp? you already have bizzys inventory system by bizzy and bizzy smokes by bizzy #VapesForTroopers
  9. 1 brit down 2 to go you're all going down im not racist
  10. yEa BuT WheN PaRTy EsP FIx?!?!?!
  11. Everyone having issues with duels that are 2v2+ The issue will be fixed next restart so just do 1v1s until then hehe unless u wanna lose ur wager
  12. Everyone having issues with duels that are 2v2+ The issue will be fixed next restart so just do 1v1s until then hehe unless u wanna lose ur wager oops wrong thread
  13. As a former professional cheater/cheat enthusiast myself this mf is cheating 100%
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