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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


Account Terminated
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Everything posted by Korn

  1. Confirming my referral. Slurge never causes problems and is like super chill +1
  2. nice little update, already beat nutters high score on snake
  3. I would've gladly been a referrel, dimebag is a great, responsible player. +1
  4. well you were just banned for Mass NLR after being told to stop so i change that to a -1
  5. well i only met you once so i don't really know you, but application seems good and seem persistant on being staff. +1
  6. Grandma Wiggles has my +1. Great past experience.
  7. I’ve seen you a lot and you have been very nice to people. I specifically heard you say something to someone who actually got banned for toxicity to be nice or something related to that. +1
  8. yes yes yes, I confirm my referral. great person with great experience. +1
  9. this is... the Real Flame Soul... leaving us?:(
  10. Korn

    Ban appeal

    Accepted I talked with Atlas/Four Big Guys, he said he has no video evidence of the situation. So the ban will be removed. @ChrisRid@stretchy
  11. cool and mature guy, and i did refer him+1
  12. Korn

    Ban Appeal

    Accepted This video and photo don't really show anything, hacking-related. That whole situation in the duels is very possible to happen.
  13. Please use the entire ban appeal Formant
  14. has re-proven to be a trusted person recently. +1
  15. You are a great player, but you lied to me saying you read the staff rules. Once you read over them I will give you a plus one so, for now, I'm just neutral.(Edit) You read over the staff rules and fixed your mistake. +1
  16. I do accept my referral, I will admit you are sometimes a bit immature loll. You do seem to know rules well and i don't see you breaking any. +1
  17. Denied With the disrespectful comments towards "Don" in this post the ban will remain. Please lock and move! @ChrisRid
  18. very professional staff on darkrp, so will probably bring that over here.+1
  19. Sureak is a great, mature person in game.+1
  20. I hope Dude is Ok! I donated $50 hoping that helped you get to your goal earlier.
  21. Korn

    Sat Ban Appeal

    ACCEPTED Due to the lack of evidence, you will be unbanned. Since you RDM in sit and admitted to it, you will only be warned once for RDM.
  22. If that city RP thing is April fool's joke I'm gonna be angry!!
  23. Denied Currently Baked banned you for Advertising Porn, not the link you said you posted. Somebody asked how/where to upload photos in forums, and you then replied with a link to PornHub. You have been staff on CityRP for a while- and got staff on DarkRP. You know to not post that kind of link. Sorry, but the ban will remain.
  24. I would love to +1 since u are a great guy and a great player, but the one paragraph could be more and better. So for now I'm just neutral.
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