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Everything posted by mossly

  1. mossly

    Dlore nerf

    Name one weapon besides the dlore that has perfect laser accuracy when unscoped.
  2. Allow the mayor to piss off individual classes by being able to raise their taxes specifically Example: raising dealer taxes to disincentivize guns being sold raising taxes on raiding classes because they shot at your nice base etc Every time I am mayor a cop requests for me to "raise taxes on x"
  3. Make arrests give XP It incentivizes pd play RDA is a concern but is already banned
  4. mossly

    Dlore nerf

    This should not be a point and click game. advantages -fairer for players who do not own it -more engaging gunfights -base defense becomes more than press e and click EDIT: Damage nerf to 75 or 80
  5. Change shooting window rules I, and a lot of other players, simply flick e and click to remove raiders through a little window. I think a few changes could be made; not sure which works best -minimum 1 second fade for shooting windows (bad) -make shooting windows be at least the size of a 2x2 square (idk actual gmod measurements, I mean 2 blocks of plastic) -ban any shooting windows above or below players
  6. Reduce amount of fading doors from 4 to 2 or 3. Raiding most actual bases is impossible and thus isn't even tried. Many people just AFK with someone occasionally checking on the base or just assume the presence of a well constructed base will deter raiders. Positive results include -making raiding easier for lower level players -making printerfarmers have to actually play the game -making raid defense more panicked and therefore more interesting
  7. No one will go for a dlore nerf, though it is sorely needed. Every time a post gets made, someone points out that "you can get it for free too" by using credits. That being said, it's a large amount of credits. I think we should lower the credit count for dlore to 50 or 75 to allow players to more easily be on the same footing as their paid counterparts. This would both cut complaining down while encouraging players to play more
  8. By making it 3 instead of 5 there's be more PD raids and an incentive to actually raid instead of just slaughtering lobby folk and dipping.
  9. The credit thing was brought up because any time any mention of balancing dlore or other perma/paid things happens, some dumbass claims that being able to get a dlore once after playing for tens of hours somehow makes the undeniable and meta-defining advantage go away. I harp on this specific weapon because it and its effect on the meta are a very easy to point out. While it is nice to have paid perma weapons, if the assumption by most players is that they have to have a specific paid weapon to be viable it's a bit problematic
  10. Give gang leaders a keypad cracker as well as a lockpick. This would allow the gang to more effectively raid.
  11. For gang wars, we should have a timer, like lockdown; a request sent via one leader to another is accepted, time/war starts. At the end of that period, kills by each team are tallied and the highest kill count team splits a prize pot of XP and Money. Spawncamping is a concern but can be handled as it normally is. This would incentivize people to play the gang roles, heighten stakes during a gang war/provide a ready-made reason for them, and provide a new income and XP pathway for players.
  12. I will make more posts, but a TL;DR The vast majority of forum activity, where suggestions are considered, is long time players, which is why I mentioned them. Even if a lot of players would support a change, the people voting on the change tend towards high level, high money, long term folk. New players SHOULDN'T be raiding PD alone, but a lot of them do not know how to/do not use Crips/Bloods for any real purpose; perhaps spawning the leader with a cracker as well as the lockpick they already have and increase salary per player as more members join a gang to incentivize people to. Easy solutions are -decrease ig credit cost to buy weapons; right now, Dlore is 100c which is a lot for most players. To even the playing field, reduce credit cost and make them more accessible. -reduce amount of officers needed for pd vault raid from 5 to 3 -obligatory dlore nerf comment goes here -change basing rules to make raiding anyone but newer folk plausible (shooting window size incr., perhaps reduce amount of doors by one I did not mean to come off as dramatic, so my bad on that. These'll all be fleshed out in a bit
  13. mossly

    DJ and Radios'

    Told you guys radios were a bad idea
  14. It's because you've oriented the entire rest of the server economy towards printing and permaweapons. I constantly try and create RP situations in the hopes that people will unite and respond. I'll make fucked laws, taxes out the ass, intentionally recruit the worst cops possible. The idea is to get an us v them rebellion type thing going on, but most of the time nothing happens because no one gives a fuck. I sometimes even try democracy; same thing. People raid the PD mainly because it is a funny prank, not for any benefit. Once you have permanent weapons, have unlocked the class you want, etc, there is no reason to care. That's also why everyone above level 30 is just hanging out and not really doing much; the only reason to use money (for most mid to high level players) is to get more printers and make the money number bigger. You don't have to worry about losses due to arrest or lack of business, as you'll just spawn with things. The basing rules are as such that low level people who are actually affected by taxes are completely unable to raid the PD while high level players whose resources at least give them a miniscule chance (miniscule, because all you have to do is flash a fading door with a dlore to wipe any player in a raid entrance) have no reason to give a shit about what the mayor is doing. The way out is to restructure the PD raid rules, edit basing rules a bit, and try and level the playing field, but people will consistently argue against removing weapons that break the meta or changing rules so their base requires raiders to actually have a chance. I think we need to make a PD raid cooldown and require a reason (e.g. "Raiding in 5 minutes unless taxes lowered/law 4 removed/insert reason here" with a mandatory cooldown of 30m or something on pd raids); it would discourage frivolous "lemme nerve gas the lobby" raids, give PD time to prepare, and make it likely that more people will join the raid on either side. It would also make the raids matter more for RP. Right now, the ONLY reason to raid, barring printers (and let's be honest, no one is raiding major printing bases for the reasons mentioned above; no chance of success) is because it is fun to kill people. Give people a reason to care about raids outside of "haha killing fun" and the gameplay loop might work. You might ask "Mossly, why are you soapboxing here, just make a fucking suggestion" but the same crowd (CC, Prestige level 4000, mass printers) has already made it clear they are against most rule changes that would change their gameplay loop of printing and raiding the gun shops of level 14 players with their one hit kill lazer.
  15. The first amendment prevents the government from taking action based on speech, not social/business consequences. This is also why if you are being racist in walmart or a theater or whatever they can kick your ass out. It is really fucking awful that I would never feel comfortable introducing gmod to a friend because of the amount of racism. If a new player joins and sees racist shit, they aren't gonna assume it is just one asshole; it'll color their entire perception of the server. Hey, out of curiosity; what's making you guys uncomfortable about heightening penalties for racism? You shouldn't have anything to worry about, right?
  16. I think the mayor should be able to fire any cop because they are employees; this has a built in failsafe of a mayor who fires too many PD will be unable to adequately recruit This also has positive RP consequences; a mayor would be able to get rid of officers who aren't in line with their style (nice mayors removing evil cops, evil mayors making sure only oppressors are in their pd) In regards to level, a minimum level of 15 or 20 would be adequate.
  17. +1 We should also revamp the rules so you can kill someone who is actively shooting at you. I shouldn't have to wait until I get one-shotted by a Dlore until I can fight back.
  18. I don't see the value in having people around whose thing is to be as racist as possible before getting banned. To that end, I think we should implement a 3 strike system; you get banned for racism three times and you're out.
  19. +1 except for stuff like cracker It is fucking embarassing to have the amount of people we have just barely skirting racism as a "funny joke because they didn't say an actual slur" I think we should crack down on people who's entire bit is "look how xenophobic/racist and edgy I am"
  20. I agree with you but also want to point out that many servers where this is a thing have a much higher average population than us so I don't think it would really drive people away.
  21. I'm a huge fan of bad cops, but cannot objectively say this is a bad idea. +1 This could be fixed by making the mayor able to demote cops. I think a simple demote/vote would be abused to just ensure there is no cops ever.
  22. You missing the classic "toss grenades into gun shops and PD" game
  23. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1b8S9O4UgsJJXH/d1337sMsVAt0?invite=cr-MSxJZkIsMTU4NTY2NTkzLA My clip was too late and missed the initial damage and dmglog capture, so I have no hard evidence of damagelogs. You're right, damaging people would be ARDM. Thank you for admitting to the part my clip missed, though. For reference, even if it was an AMRDM ban it would also be 2 weeks. The reason I did not pull you to a sit is because a). you were doing a common massing tactic and b). you're a high enough level that you knew what you were doing. I assumed that you'd just continue tossing grenades at people like most people do, so I do apologize. If you're going to kill someone in a crowd, throwing nerve gas and saying "oops, I only meant to get that one guy" would be equally unacceptable. @dmoney824 this is a certified "my bad" moment, please update punishment to whatever is applicable
  24. see title, am tired of trolls joining, immediately having access to the MRDM Starter Kit, and proceeding to toss grenades into buildings We should make a seperate gun dealer or raise the level req. to play as the one that sells explosives which would serve a double purpose of making certain guns matter more and differentiating gun dealers
  25. I can when I get home. For context, he was tossing grenades into a crowd and damaged ~10 people, he didn't just "accidentally" do damage to other people. Expect evidence around 2100 EST.
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