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Everything posted by Salteeeens

  1. +1 but I’m not clipping every banana placement lol, doesn’t the reporter need the clip anyways?
  2. +1 always a joy to chill with in game, good luck
  3. In-game name: SalteeeensSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:78534847Staff members in-game name: danny or merk (both on my first appeal)Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): UnknownDate & Time of incident: A few months agoTimezone: ESTBan Reason: Repeated IssuesHow long were you banned for?: PermProof of Ban: N/AWhat happened? (include any proof): Since this is not a place for apologies, i will keep this short and sweet. I was banned awhile back for causing repeated issues on the server. I acknowledge that my behavior was inappropriate and did not reflect how I truly feel about the server. Since that time, I've thought about my actions and completely regret screwing up my reputation and ability to play on the server. Speaking of my reputation, I was a long term staff member, and was at the rank of Lead Admin for a very long time. From the point of view of a staff member, i understand what i did was very wrong, and i understand why i got banned. I am humbly asking to be unbanned or considered for an unban sometime in the future. If someone was to grant my request, I will cause no further issues on the server, I would just love to play again. Even though this is no place for apologies i would like to sincerely apologize to Merk and Danny for my past behavior. Thank you for your time.
  4. -game name: salteeeensSteamID (https://steamid.io/): idk i just got bannedStaff members in-game name: dannyStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name):Date & Time of incident: 2/7/24 2:00 AMTimezone: ESTBan Reason: mfkHow long were you banned for?: 2 weeksProof of Ban: its on the websiteWhat happened? (include any proof) danny had no proof i mfk, i had a base and deleted it. The people that reported me had 0 evidence shown to me
  5. +1 no brainer, if people are generous enough to donate to gmod server they should know what they’re getting 100%
  6. Was gonna neutral because of exg but I see some +1’s from respected members of the community so here’s my +1
  7. Salteeeens

    Dlore nerf

    Days without a nerf dlore post: 0
  8. Call me with the bat signal when you need me
  9. -1 low hours and awful colors making the app hard to read good luck tho
  10. +1 perfect fit for the staff team. Amazing application. Good luck
  11. Neutral don’t really know you also 8-9 hours a day is gonna burn you out fast nobody expects that from you good luck
  12. +1 footlong Italian herb and cheese coldcut, pepperjack double toasted, add pickle banana pepper and Mayo. Double choc cookie and a powerade. Also bring back the chipotle southwest sauce thanks.
  13. +1 never had an issue with this guy, reputation speaks for itself. Also +1's from trusted community members. Good luck!
  14. -1 missing a important question. -1 until then
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