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Everything posted by Witchings

  1. Witchings

    RP Factions

    +1 I've tried implementing RP into some stuff we do in Afghan such as trials and stuff and honestly the factions would be nice to see return and do a new purpose. Plus I'm just a RP nerd lol
  2. It's already agreed on that the AK-103 is one of the best, if not the best SOC gun in Afghan, is it not? Anyways there's a reason the 055th go around boasting they have the best classes, it's mostly because of this thing. -1
  3. You know, for how much I knock CS_Desert and say I hate it, god I fucking had some good times on it, thanks for the memories Mark, amazing video.
  4. Welcome to SWRP. nah but for real, when me and you were in GB, you were probably one of the only guys on my side, and stuck through till I left, so thank you for that, I really hope you do find something worth wild in the future man. Peace
  5. I've gotten into a pretty bad mindset, I'm recovering now from it, and I'm happier with talking and hanging with friends. But I'm still destroying my sleep schedule and my temper is still very short fused. I want to start streaming again but I feel like it's useless, because Paypal is fucking me over and I can't access the donation money and it just feels hopeless with that.
  6. It appears no menu pops up at all, yeah. Only just displays the inside of your model with no further prompt.
  7. I'm excited to see Taiga make a return, I know for a lot of people it will atleast draw them back for a day or two...even though I'm a sucker for Charikar, I think Taiga would freshen the gameplay more for now. Can't wait Garnet!
  8. Cya man, sad to see you go. Hope you start to get yourself back to a happier state.
  9. Getting into GB and Marsoc was a completely fresh experience, made me feel a stupid amount of pride for a fucking game.... lmao it was also an amazing time when I got 2LT in GB under Uncle Burger. I miss the 2019 GB man.
  10. The map I started on is back.... WELP so much for leaving, you convinced me garnet
  11. +1 Ting is friendly, helpful, and overall mature. Understands rules as such, wish we talked more though.
  12. +1 Some people can't afford to have alts with GMOD, it's unfair to those who have to solely rely on their money and buying it off of other players, which by the way is extremely risky because that player can easily log off and rip them off. Alts aren't fair to newer players guys, it's pretty common sense.
  13. We've been up and down quite a lot, especially recently, we haven't talked in awhile and I don't really know how much you've changed since you last got denied on staff, hopefully though it's been long enough where they'll look past that and accept this, because you're mature and I think you'll be able to handle situations well. +1
  14. +1 While me and him have been sorta going at eachother, having had moments of disagreeing with him and with the faction I'm him against him, he has a pretty bad rap from some people, but me personally I can fully see his side and I can't really seem to have a major problem with him, I think he'd be a very good staff to enforce rules.
  15. +1 with the way he went about giving the info, it didn't even have ill intent, this isn't doxing, more so a warning for her. While it could have been done better, this doesn't deserve a ban. The fact that a lower rank was able to do this, terrifies me. Next time you guys have a situation like this always do staffVstaff reports, so a incident like this doesn't happen again.
  16. I disagree, the way it's being blown up, and the anger of some of the players on here, there are long time players that have stayed devoted to the faction, it's not a matter of 1 and it's more so 1 and they're gone. A change that causes a shift in player count even more isn't a good one. It isn't gonna fix the balancing issues that US and RU are having, or the disconnect, it's only increasing toxicity and drama that was really uneeded.
  17. -1 While I remain a tad bit biased, I'm also open to hearing to other sides of the stories, but from a player that plays everyday and assists both MARSOC and Marines, I don't know why the removal of Marines would help US, most of the marines are completely against it, the reputation that followed marines brought in players, other people are drawn in when they're recruited and stay, compared to Army (No mean to throw shade just throwing some facts) They're numbers and wanting to stay on the faction is low. While I think the overreactions are much, I'm 100% disagreeing with any removal of any faction, due to the fact of players not agreeing with rule sets and new leads, there are people who put their hard time on the faction and to be transferred to one with very little rep, it's a slap in the face.
  18. I hope you stay active this time, also work on being a bit more serious ay? +1
  19. Just give demo it's shotty back. +1 A gun that isn't already a donor would be a nice variety and spice up 1MD from other base factions
  20. Your concerns aren't too clear, you think it's a bad thing to support me based on having previous staffing experiences on a GG server? While the staffing may seem different it's still gives me the skills to take sits quickly, know commands, and read gray areas, DRP still has these areas whereas it's up to staff to decide. With my recent return I've already made a solid entry, getting to know majorily US again, with most RU knowing me. Regarding the direction thing, it's hard to know where a server is heading when you're not talking to staff or the devs, this would be easier if I was on the staff team. Overall I think it's a tad bit unfair to say I'm not ready, if you hardly know me or my history with the server.
  21. I really hope that this is solved, because it's bullshit to kill off a server from getting new players that's getting money pumped into due to "Ping spoofing" Absolutely bullshit.
  22. While the application is good and original, you also have a lot of experience the playtime is nowhere near enough, and the involvement in the community for atleast US doesn't appear to be enough, get yourself out there and get mlre hours and I think you'd make great staff, but for now -1
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