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Jared Cox

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Everything posted by Jared Cox

  1. Anybody else just kinda dislike Pokimane?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aparh


      Isnt that the girl who threw her cat on stream? 

    3. Pencil
    4. PrisonNightmare
  2. If it makes you feel better, just remember that your servers made a lot of people very happy to be Garnet Gamers.
  3. I had figured that, and yeah I think it would be better to get the pop foundation built back up again and the player base happy before anything.
  4. I think it would be better, if possible, to switch to the metropolitan map setting like you had suggested in the most recent MRP community post discussion, rather than the switch back to Chakarikar. As much as I liked the map, I believe more people (and correct me if I’m wrong) would rather see a change from the more open maps like a Taiga or a Chakarikar.
  5. Part A: My vote: OPTION C What made me really enjoy CSDesert was the 4 faction system we used to have. I always thought it was really cool for countries to support one another in alliances back in the day during raids and wars. I found the most fun in SAS teaming up with Taliban and Russia, who we deemed as our "enemies", in order to defeat the US forces in war because we needed strength in numbers. Having more than two factions created a lot of strategy and roleplay. Questions were asked amongst the SAS like: "Who should we trust, and who should we rely on for assistance? Do we think [insert faction here] is going to backstab us in the future?" It was these little things that made the server a lot more enjoyable for me when we had four factions. It would be pretty neat to have four factions again. While yes, the number of the players will be split because of this change, I think that having the choice of one or two more factions, plus the "cool factor" of having a country or two ally with you during important missions, would be really nice to have back on MRP again. You felt that there was this mutual brotherhood between you and another faction, like as if you were playing one of the joint UK-US campaign missions in the older Call of Duty games. Part B: My vote: OPTION B Speaking of old Call of Duty games, I always was a big fan of CQC city fighting that occurred at times during the campaign missions. Why not have this in MRP? Fighting in a destroyed city is cool on its own, and I think the gameplay would be a lot better. The open terrains of the maps we've been using for years now has gotten a little stale for me. The gunfights always play out the same, it always ends up in two players eventually meeting up in an open field with snipers, and whoever fires first will more likely win, and not often do you engage into CQC gunfights in these open maps. Having a city with lots of tight corridors, windows, and destroyed buildings would make gunfights a lot more tense and enjoyable. Gunfights wouldn't play out the same every single time, and it would force the player to inspect every nook and cranny to make sure the enemy isn't near (as there are a lot more possibilities for ambushing, tactics, and strategy). Using cover to your advantage would become one of the most important aspects of this new style of gameplay, you would have to use barriers and any other source of cover in the city to protect yourself, rather than just using the gigantic terrain where most of the time you'll be safe because cover is literally everywhere at your usage if there is a incline of terrain near you. The player would have to become adaptive and smarter to make sure that they aren't easy pickings for the enemy, that's what I felt in the open terrain maps, new players would constantly get killed by enemy snipers because quite literally there are very limited spots to take cover when running straight at an objective, and maneuvering to flank the enemy takes 5 minutes. Sometimes this is impossible due to the openness of the area. Part C My vote: OPTION B I've always wanted to more individual scouting missions, and the compromise of elongating wars would be a welcome edition. I always felt that although the war timer was cool and unique in the beginning, but the wars happened too often and played out too much of the same (maybe that's because wars have practically been the same for years now and I'm bored of the same old same old). Scouting missions would be a nice change of pace, with lots of interesting roleplay scenarios to be created off of it. Strategy would become important, and the fighting can be focused better on one objective because of this, creating more fun gunfights. Part E: Definitely consider adding this into MRP. I would've loved to have jobs to do during the downtime in US base back in the day. The possibilities are endless here. Part F: Definitely add all of these. I would love to have a skill tree to make me work towards something and earn little boosts, how satisfying that would be. Weapon skins would be awesome to have for flexing, and unique badges would make me feel prestigious. ^ Also please consider this.
  6. My fucking manager at Burger King has the audacity to say that I’m good for nothing behind my back in Spanish because this bitch is too much of a pussy to say it to my face in English. How ironic. Like imagine having to work at a fast food restaurant for the next 30 years of your life, what the fuck are you actually contributing to in the workforce besides giving fat people Whoppers? Like damn you’re the good for nothing fuckface here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      @Tora1 I guess this is like a lesson for me about how bad bosses can be, after all BK is my first and only job

    3. Tayler


      Fast food is especially shitty. Best to avoid working it if you can, specifically big corporate food places in general

  7. To add on to that, I think this mixture of different attitudes in appropriate circumstances is the main reason why I played MRP continuously when I was a newer player. The majority of the MRP community in 2016-17 was this mixture of attitudes that Homast mentions. Things on the server were somewhat serious when you were roleplaying and generally playing on the server most of the time, and things were chill as fuck when you were just talking to your buddies in TS sharing a laugh or two or saying some out-of-character shit in-game. I remember how roleplay was implemented often by the officers and faction leaders, creating this semi-serious vibe, and I also felt that this seriousness made wars very fun to participate in. When you won a war back on cs_desert, you felt like you made your officers proud, like as if losing a war meant 3 hours of PT jogging around the base, so you felt like you HAD to win, like these officers were so cool that you HAD to make a name for yourself doing some “heroic act” in a war. As cringey as that sounds, that’s exactly how it felt to me. Is it just me or has the seriousness of MRP just completely evaporated? Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that making a faction laid back is bad, but why not add some semi-seriousness into the mix? Maybe it’s just because the MRP community as a whole has changed significantly to this laid back vibe, because the veterans who left a while ago fit this serious vibe and now the newer players don’t? Maybe it’s because I’m not new to the concept of GMod MRP anymore and I’ve just gotten bored of the game? I’m not certain. But I do miss the feeling of things in a roleplaying server mattering somewhat.
  8. Every time that I play the Halo theme for my two year old brother he raises his arms and starts humming the theme.

    1. KingOfCoochie1993


      My brother is scared of me because me and my other brother used to drag him outside, beat him brutally with a baseball bat until he gave us his ICEE pops. 

  9. The beauty community on YouTube :cringe:

  10. (Most of us) Garnet Gamers are growing up. As young adults, we love to reminisce about the past. In this thread, simply post an image that resonates some sort of childhood nostalgia within you. Post an image that will make people say "Oh, I remember that", but give no context as to what it is that you're posting (essentially don't explain what it is you're sharing if it would need to be explained, for example a video game cover you're nostaglic about doesn't need to be explained as the title of the game is on the front), as it adds to the satisfaction.
  11. He literally said himself that he cheated.
  12. whiskey while using esp:
  13. what if ur first date was a 1v1 on nuketown 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      if that’s the case im shutting out that bitch with my ballista 

    3. LalaDeviluke


      who ever hits a sick nasty trick shot 420 blazing nuke kill streak yeets themselves out of the nearest window

  14. Ban evasion is bad for the server. If you ban evade then you obviously don’t deserve to be unbanned. -1
  15. @Gythem Naitsir rn reading this goodbye post:
  16. Black Ops 1 made history so much fucking cooler than school did.

    1. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      @Jackal I’ll def play tmrw if you’re down. Funny enough I also have resurrection so we can certainly play the WaW maps.

    2. Homast


      shieettt...  I'll join y'all too, I don't have First Strike or Escalation, So no CotD or Ascension for me, But I got the others

    3. Captainswag


      I loved Ascension but don’t have it on PC, but yeah it’s personally my favorite Call of Duty

  17. +1 Lots of experience, mature, well-written paragraphs.
  18. I just graduated high school! So excited to start the next four years at my desired college. My school is weird so we’re having a separate graduation on July 29th when (hopefully) the virus clears up a little bit, that’s when I’ll receive my diploma.

    1. Homast


      Hell yeah, Mister Cocks got his High School Diploma now

    2. LalaDeviluke


      i'm already graduated and i have my dipoloma and did a online graduation 😄


  19. Huge +1 Mike is a great guy to hang out with in TS and he is a great roleplayer with very creative ideas.
  20. Originally I didn’t want reserves to come back, I thought the system was unnecessary, and I never wanted the managers of MRP to cave into the general populous of MRP players because 85-90% of the playerbase disagreed with the removal. Seeing these proposals brought up of how reserves should be reintegrated have given me new light into the perspective of those who want reserves back. From my knowledge of being in the MRP community for a little more than three and a half years, I have never seen such an overwhelming support of a simple suggestion like “bringing back reserves”. I know that the managers and higher-ups, and also some previous and current players of MRP will disagree with the majority of the community, but I personally believe that if this 85-90% of the MRP community wants to bring back reserves, I think it would be the right thing in this situation as a manager to listen to the community first before listening to your own personal beliefs. Reserves was always a flawed system, but the people who want this system back have some very good points on how to vastly improve it, and quite honestly I’m all for it. If it’s something that the MRP community REALLY wants, then I would appeal to the people.
  21. You got me emotional in the first 5 seconds with that OG GarnetGaming billboard sign.
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