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Everything posted by Omnipotent

  1. Solid hours, decent app. As for a ban from three years ago, I have to say "who cares" +1
  2. -1 You are a hothead and lash out when things go wrong for you. I do too, but that's why I left staff, the team needs people with level heads who won't harass people in PMs.
  3. +1 You have always been a cool guy and you have previous experience. As far as the bans go, I'm not gonna say "Ooh people can change man," everyone sensible understands a joke on gmod.
  4. Bank robber looks neat the other two (especially the first) is a gonna be a no from me chief Neutral
  5. -1 Cool idea and well thought out, but I feel this goes far beyond the "Vanilla" standard of the server, as well as likely being a hassle to a lot of people.
  6. +1 I've been saying this for 2 years. Suggestions and all. Pants on head retarded to keep so many props banned.
  7. Everybody hates me when I do this but I feel hours are low. Not that low but low. Howeverrr, I have seen you in game before and interacted with you, great every time. Also you took your criticisms constructively and didn't act like a child, which is penultimate to community reputation in staff apps IMO. Mainly because so many do the opposite. I think you will do a good job as staff. +1
  8. -1 absolutely massive -1. the first is not used much and I highly doubt it could lead to fps loss of any measurable amount, if I'm wrong I'd love to see the stats. As for the second I've never had anyone complain about it and enjoy it much myself for special builds, especially because players in third person can hit esc and the material will move as they do. As for the other two, as you say its just your opinion and it is W I L D you would attempt to remove the ability for hundreds of users to use a couple of materials because you don't like them.
  9. -1 /+1 -playtime is super low for staff +has support of community + can write paragraphs better than 90% of those who apply here +Actually an adult -again, playtime is very low for staff If you just had a couple hundred more hours this would be an easy +1. but the community seems to really like you and you aren't 5. Can't give you a minus one. But playtime keeps me from giving a plus one either. Good luck mate. Oh and that warn is a literal nothingburger dw.
  10. i dont see my manager position reflected on the roster @Merk please fix
  11. +1 i dont know you but you can spell, and you aren't 12. also I don't care about bans.
  12. I wouldn't say newbies should be able to use it, because you will see swastikas and dicks up and down the street. not that that isn't funny but its only funny for about a minute. it would be constant. I think something more along the lines of players with ~100-150 hours get to use it, or those below that can purchase VIP. Most users who get VIP are going to get it within those first 150 hours anyway, so I don't think it would call for revenue loss. +1
  13. people who got vaccinated during covid would've ratted out their neighbors in 40s germany.

  14. +1 but brother please fix this to follow format so it isn't auto denied I think mayor polls would be cool though
  15. 2 week vacations are the shit especially when some people leave after the first week you get to see them pack up and drive away while you daydrink and fish.
  16. if you arent ready to talk about how property tax is enslavement you're a sap

  17. ooooookay i gotcha makes 100% more sense. Thanks mate.
  18. Do what? Is this to mean any weapons purchased, say from a gun dealer? Or just ones out of the crate store? If its all weapons that is bonkers. otherwise cool update aside from this good work edit: thanks for clearing it up, nut
  19. -1 Poor/simple grammar/capitalization. As in you have 39 different glaring grammatical errors within only 360 words of text. One error every nine words. Despite some members' beliefs, this, if anything, surely does not indicate high quality in the applicant. Active warnings are a bit of a red flag for staff apps. Not always but sometimes. This is not the biggest deal in the world. My main point is as Schyzo said, your paragraphs are poor in construction, and it does not indicate high capability. This, and I feel your hours should be at least a couple hundred higher.
  20. Most of my opinions would get me forum banned.

  21. Your hours are just so low my man. Paragraphs are super lacking as in you have three sentences total and you've no previous experience. I can't say you're ready yet. Bump up them hours my man and work on getting to know the community and try again. -1
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