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About Lame_MRP

  • Birthday 04/19/1999

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  1. +1 good app, very active, more mature to just be a t.mod-s.mod, with past experience as an admin would greatly benefit the server and make a great addition to the staff team.
  2. I'm gonna +1, but hopefully you can take some of these ideas/future ideas and implement them towards Base factions. I wouldn't favor one faction and do events for them only. Share the love throughout the entire server. But with that said good luck!
  3. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Q8gs9r also the link in my first post should work now
  4. I am here today trying to help a S.GM/ BG of army? and a close friend of mine into getting a new computer. As of right now, it takes 4 retries and 30 min(~3 hours) to get into the server. When he is in the server, he has a max FPS of 30FPS( no more than 20 people on the server) and is connected to the internet via BLUETOOTH ffs. Nelson is a very creative individual and needs the access to the server as deemed necessary. Myself and SFC Versa have been talking and made a build both as a general update, and can build on to it in the future... pc part picker link : https://pcpartpicker.com/user/pmsforehead/saved/#view=fy4ZQ7 | Please dm me in discord if you would like to financially help, all funds will go towards nelsons new build and if there is an excess of funds, it may be declined but is much appreciated.
  5. +1 for me, active when im online, having another GM on late night to keep thing interesting would only benefit the server. also seems like he has a brain so assisting my events and likewise would be fantastic
  6. +1 from me, chill guy to talk to and has a brain for the most part. If its approved id like to assist in your future events.
  7. +1 naas is a chill guy, very personable and will do great things on the staff team
  8. +1, very thought out and lots of support
  9. Format In-game name: Lame [TSFU LtColonel Abdul Bari] Age: 23 SteamID : STEAM_0:1:195107330 Warns: 1 base-camping, 1 Crouch-Jumping Time zone: CST Playtime? : 2284:41:03. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes, Medal Referral(s): Brian Past experiences as a Game Master: None Why should we choose you over other applicants? I should be chosen before any other applicants because I have been apart countless events on the server dating back to 2018. I’m very active on the server and I put a lot of effort into what I'm doing for my faction and the people within. I’m somewhat well known on both AFG and US for not being a minge or anything too bad that I'm aware of. Another reason that I should be selected for GM is because I'm on the server later than everyone else, somewhere between 11pm-4am CST. Not a lot of people are playing during these times but for the people that are on dont have the same satisfaction of playing war or being a part of tryouts. If I were to be selected to become GM, I would of course keep the same energy of the 4p-8p vibes that war brings to the server. Keep the people interested in playing and enjoying the server. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: About 4-5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The role of a GM is to keep the players happy by having fun, keeping their attention during interesting RP, and motivating them to play more frequently. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would just like to keep the server pop high during low pop times such as when I'm online after work. IF i can help keep people on during the low pop times, we can still have wars that actually mean something. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas designed for only your side to take part in: Kill house event, house owner has 1000 HP and can only use a knife to fend off invaders. Invaders have normal HP, unlimited lives, and can use whatever weapons they wish. [mainly for fun, PVP, Memes] Comms raid. Soldiers will head to Comms to crack into the US FOB’s radio communications and hijack them for better raid outcomes. A small NPC Squad holds Comms so AFG need to attack the building. Once they clear the building, a platoon of NPC’s are just outside. AFG heavily outnumbered but well defended, should keep NPC’s far enough to crack the Radio signals and wipe out the platoon. Roll +50 twice then -50 once to crack the radio signal, If they roll an exact 50 instant crack. From this point I would let the players do what they seem fit for RP, free thinking, and making it more immersive. [PVE, teamwork, luck] Convoy, AFG needs to patrol around the US base for any missing shipments headed to the US FOB. AFG needs to look for anything such as money, guns, vehicles, food or water or just basic supplies. A large cargo truck makes its way to the US FOB and the AFG needs to spot the truck, either set up an ambush or hijack it before it makes it to the US FOB. [skill based] Vega operatives are pinned down in a crashed helicopter site and need AFG support. Vega has US SOC information and needs extraction before the unknown forces clear the crash site and can keep the information to themselves. A small squad made up of both AFG base faction and AFG SOC make their way to the crash site and prepare to both collect the Vega members inside with the intel. 2 is to keep the unknown forces back long enough to keep the LZ clear for a helicopter to extract both the Vega crew as well as the makeshift AFG rescue squad. Failed assassination attempt on Taliban officer. Taliban officer after war takes his Taliban members to Taliban bunks for promotion. Little do they know there is a sniper in the watchtower to the north waiting to see the officer. As the officer is promoting his people, the sniper shoots a SGT-SFC member of the Taliban. Base code changes to red and the sniper is followed by the Taliban to the tunnels where there are roughly 20 civilians begging for water and food. Hoping to arrest/kidnap the assassin, he had a car at the end of the tunnel. The assassin takes his leave and the Taliban soldiers now need to find out who this individual is. [PVE, Skill, “Random”, Luck] 50/50 the catch/fail to catch the assassin. Please list and explain 3 unique global event idea designed for the entire server to take part in: Court Case : United Nations vs Taliban just another day in court where the UN makes claims of improper treatment to AFG soldiers both in the field or at base. The Marshal has had enough of the UN and takes the UN officials hostage. AFG wants the UN officials to drop all charges and other war crime related cases dismissed. Will the US High command take action or will there be some sort of plea deal for the safety of the UN officials. US forces will intervene and extract the UN officials safely. The US High command will choose how they want to deal with this information and plan accordingly. AFG will interrogate the UN officials for 15 minutes to extract any and all information that pertains to any war crimes that the UN knows about. They will torture the officials if needed. After 15 minutes, if the US does not have UN officials, They will be executed. If the US successfully extracts the officials back to the US FOB, they will have told the AFG nothing and be sent back to the European Embassy for medical treatment and safe passage back to the United States.[RP, PVP, decision making, execution of plan] GRU members welcome the AFG forces to protect the Comms building so GRU can hack into the US CO roster for classified US officer information. Need to fend off the US attack to obtain the information. The US are given 1 helicopter and 3 cars to fast track the extraction of information back to the US FOB. Again this is 50/50 depending on skill and luck so if the AFG forces hold down coms for 10 minutes without losing all life then they need to extract the info back to the AFG FOB. US needs to clear the building, get the information back to the US FOB and kill the terminal that was used to access the information to prevent further use.[2 life AFG unlimited lives US] [PVP, RP, skill] A General of the Taliban army’s convoy had crashed by an unknown US SOC squad and is in need of a rescue. All AFG forces need to reclaim the General before he gets kidnaped by the US Forces. A hand selected squad is sent with whatever resources they have remaining from training and need to get to the crash site. If the squad makes it to the crash site and exfils the team that crashed within 5 minutes, they will receive little to no resistance. 5-10 minutes they will see light to medium resistance at both the crash site and on the extraction. 10+ minutes will be a hard fight to the crash site with a 50/50 chance of the General kidnapped/stuck in the vehicle hurt badly. If kidnapped they need to gather whatever resources are left from the site and RTB. If the General is still there, they need to provide medical treatment so he can be mobile. 1.5 min heal time and Extraction will be difficult. [PVP, Skill] Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  10. +1, would like to se a revamp on the TSFU Classes
  11. Love you Late, i had a lot of fun playing on MRP with you
  12. +1 Cool Idea, Hopefully it will go through!
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