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About J1mmyJ0hn

  • Birthday 03/14/2003

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  1. J1mmyJ0hn

    Turks staff

    +1 while helping this guy out he has a lot of potential for this server. I can see that the racism warn could catch some eyes of staff members, he deserves a chance to join staff. I do see him on the server but it would be nice to see you play as tali and interact with them.
  2. +1 Really enjoy talking to this guy seems like he has good events would like to play. Think would be a great addition to GM
  3. +1 The event sounds fun and sounds like a good event to run on the server. Would love to run these events.
  4. In-game name: 75R TRN J1mmy Age [minimum 15 y/o]:19 about to turn 20 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:56225858 Warns: 2 self damage Timezone: EST Playtime? [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]: 100:05:32 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YESDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO] YESReferral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] SmityPast experiences as staff: [Optional] Omni SCPRP i have done other servers 1 darkRP and 3 MilitaryRP but forgot the server names.How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I have been playing MRP for 5-6 years now I'm not new to MilitaryRP. I plan on being active as much as possible so i can keep watch over the server while others are away. I'm not saying staff members are inactive there are some things not everyone sees, yes i wont be able to see as much as others. I wanna be able to show my support on the server by being a staff member which includes, being active on the server, will get on when someone needs a staff member, and by solving peoples issues with other players. I wanna make this server a place where everyone can come to enjoy and have fun by getting rid of those that hack or just has no intent to role play. I know what makes a server not fun i have been to many other MilitaryRP servers before and its the people that do not follow the rules on the server. I want this server to be as fun to everyone as it is to me. I want to be able to enforce the server rules on to people so that we all can just enjoy the server. I believe i can benefit the server by helping new players to MilitaryRP and understand the concept of what Garnet Gaming has to offer in MilitaryRP. I want to try and shut down those that intend to harm the server or try to promote other servers while playing Garnet Gaming. People show care on the server but when you are not on staff its hard to enforce the rules due to people not caring, I want to be able to fix that issue. Minges are another thing that ruin the MilitaryRP experience, I want to try and fix the minges and show them they can have fun (I know it sounds impossible because they have one goal and thats to not care about server rules). I want to try and help as much as I can , Thank you for your time on reviewing my staff application.Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details I have been warned 2 times for self damage. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I would put in as much time as i get even if i get off work and its for a few hours other than that 4 hours on the days that i work and 8 hours on the server on my off day.
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