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Everything posted by Ting

  1. This has been an issue that @Garnet has been struggling with for a while. He tried to fix it on Echo, but it never worked out. I guess this gives him something else to try... +1
  2. @Homast Did kyrie make a report? If not, then you should know that you shouldn't ban people out of context. You should have brought him to a sit an explained to him what happened. Even if the evidence is there, it will help greatly for both parties if you talk it out in a sit room. I am not going to +1/-1 this report until homast gets back to me. Remember, get context first, he could have been in sims/duels.
  3. This has been recommended countless times, I don't know what garnet is doing about it (if anything). I +1 this, because we need a large change in the way guns work.
  4. Gildarts is no longer staff, he can no longer give referrals... -1 In your other application, which shouldn't have been accepted imo, people told you to get well known. I don't think you've done this at all yet. You seem to still hide in the 2GA TS channel and not branch out. I don't know about RU factions, but I know in most US factions people don't know who you are. Please, and ill say this again, get well known on both sides. This will allow people to actually meet you and you will be able to show them your maturity. I recommend branching out from 2GA as a way to do this, but that is not necessary.
  5. The hide and seek was the best test event. Can't change my mind
  6. Ark = the one redhead from kim possible
  7. I think y'all are misunderstanding... The subscription is not intended, you are allowed to just buy credits and cancel the subscription.
  8. you can try it... im not an expert but I know that other servers had trouble with the credit system too. but it brings in revenue the best.
  9. Unfortunately, this is a problem that is not able to be fixed. [REDACTED] Networks has the same issue and they have been at it for months. I believe it just something that people will need to deal with. Prometheus needs a rework imo.
  10. I can offically report that the staff team is taking great measures to ensure the safety of all Garnet Gaming Citizens during these rough times. Be sure to constantly spam all of MRP staff as well as DarkRP staff if you have a question about the Rust 2x rules.
  11. Now that I can join a division I dont have to steal your sits haha. I was very impressed on what you did late nights so I'm sure youll be able to hit that MVP.
  12. Civs aren't really meant to be on the server in the first place. But I could very well be mistaken
  13. i’m fading into the same state of depression i was in when i left sso 🙃

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wasdin


      hop on omegle for a laugh brotha 

    3. Oatlife


      Just leave then?

    4. Draggy2


      No you gotta make Garnet Great Again.

  14. -1 Orsis is a useful weapon. If you aren't willing to accept that, then maybe you should either buy it or get better. Ive seen people dominate with the M14. I think this is more of a shot post than anything. I would also like to point out that I have made countless great counters to different suggestions.
  15. i’ll take that admin rank :0 bye bye buddy
  16. I don’t mean to start any toxicity, but you were removed. (as well as banned for 1 week) +3 Gythem has been extremely mature and easy to deal with. Your kindness and your overall attitude have been great. So far, you are one of the only people on the server that I feel comfortable being staff. If you want, you can add me to your referrals.
  17. Ting

    Armin-ban appeal

    Ill tag @Homast here. I wasnt aware what had happened, I got multiple pokes/pms saying he needed people to be banned. I went through the list, and banned them in his name. So its Homast you should be seeking here.
  18. U saying Im the simp? yall need to check out @Wasdin1 and @DRose
  19. Adios amigo! Tbh, you kinda look like greekgodx and Maui combined. yah
  20. Gamma, you are simply not allowed to crouch jump in combat. This means like crouch jumping when you are in a CQC engagement or getting sniped at. However, you are able to crouch jump to do things like Parkour or getting up on boxes. It’s basically if you crouch jump with the intent to break your hit box which isn’t allowed.
  21. I am confused and interested in knowing how you thought base factions cannot blacklist. It is simply harder to blacklist someone in a base faction because donator classes exist.
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