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  1. Dude I want to be in GB again soo badly. Aidan is certainly doing great for GB and I am glad to know that he is running it still and hopefully for the foreseeable future.
  2. Wholesome moments are surely in ample supply on garnet, especially on MRP. I would have to say that all the moments when I meet old friends on the server that I haven't seen because of my absence like @Krimzin , @Ozzy, @PhatPropane, et al. These moments are great because these guys to me are apart of the legacy of MRP for they were there when I started playing. Also, just when you can interact with new players, help them out, and just have chill vibes makes Garnet Gaming wholesome for me.
  3. Lol that moment in the ranger tryout was funny. (I was the ghillie).
  4. Your response is much appreciated and I agree on several of your points. As I mentioned, the base classes need reoptimizing to give enlisted a better chance when faced with incredibly skillful RU and also reoptimization for RU enlisted also. The map needs a lot more cover also like you said. There is nothing wrong with RU intercepting attacking forces but when it becomes just pushing up to get kills in an OBJECTIVE war then it becomes a problem making it a chore to set a toe out of base. As far as US leadership, I agree that it is lacking but I also see effort. US ARMY Popcorn has made good suggestions on how we can be more in touch and interactive with lower enlisted and has implemented such already. How ever redundant the topic becomes I believe that we need to keep this issue in everyone's mind so that it may be fixed.
  5. I read your article and I agree %110. I was offering suggestions without talking about that issue. I agree that both sides do it and it is a problem that requires unanimous support to fix. SOC that don't listen to war lead and do whatever they want regardless is an issue that I lament personally for both sides. I believe war should be at the obj and not at the enemy's front door period. As far as "correct format", Ozzy, I have been here a while but new to reviewing the forums so I apologize for that. If there is a link I can see how to properly do so please send it to me. Thanks bro!
  6. I realize that my suggestion about Army demo is false bc of the breacher T1 so let me propose this. Add optics to the M60 and increase fire rate a little and same for the RU LMG class and/or switch the M60 out for the M249 again like it was in its peak and adjust the RU LMG to match it.
  7. Hello all, in game I go by Bismarck. Formally I was SMMC and 1LT in 1MD as Ugott Taiga and 2LT in GB as VIII Bismarck. I am creating this post because I have noticed in May 2020 as I came back to the server that the player count is lower than what it used to be and that US loses probably north of %90 of wars especially in peak time. That is all well and good because there are undeniably very skilled players on RU and that is hardly refutable, however, there is seldom a time where during war most US can make it to an objective without being killed shortly after they have left base. My goal is not to necessarily complain about unsportsmanlike conduct but rather to bring further attention to the issue so that maybe something can be done to where there is a satisfactory-medium between both sides making the server enjoyable and attractive to new and seasoned players. I am calling attention to a problem that has been talked about countless times yet again, but I am going to add my own perception to the debate. As a player with a little over 800 hours on the server, I understand that it is fair game for RU to protect the objective they have captured by pushing up a little to intercept US forces, but with layout of the map it hardly allows US any cover from skilled RU snipers as they are trying to gain a foot hold in the war. The addition of new terrain has been discussed as costly and time consuming but I believe that it should still be considered. As far as classes go, I am wondering if it would be fair to say that classes on both RU and US base enlisted should be re-optimized. Perhaps for US, the demolition class could be reintroduced as a shotgun class again. With marksman, however, keep the MK14 for it is a decent starting weapon. As for RU, the base class demo and marksman need to be re-optimized. The shotgun on the RU demo could increase in ammo to 12, but the SKS for marksman needs more options for optics. Perhaps for both support classes, reintroduce the SMG again so that they can participate in obj defense. These changes are only to give both sides a step up to donator class/weapon users. Lastly, incorporate into DS/RFR the teaching against pushing up to enemy base and PTFO! It used to be a priciple taught that kills don't matter in obj war but following orders does. That needs to be more pertinent in training like it used to be and also announced in main DB's for both sides and have SOC factions respect that also. That is about all I can say about this subject. I hope that you all will consider it seriously and fairly. I am a donator myself so I understand the advantages it can bring over others, but if we can make it to where we can eliminate the handicaps placed on base classes and base locations as well as geography then we can make the server fun for everyone. I see that if we make base classes too strong then that makes donator things pointless, but is it worth the cost of making the server unfair and not fun for others? Thank you.
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