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Everything posted by JonnyFlame

  1. Before I get into this, I suggest changing your SteamID on your application to your actual ID, I believe it's STEAM_0:0:181097659. + Playtime (Meets requirements) + Age + Referrals + Experience (Former staff for other servers/platforms) - Paragraphs (You only have 1 paragraph and I'm sure you could add more good characteristics to increase your paragraph to two paragraphs) + Read Staff Rules - Active Warn +1 Overall, good application, I would have liked to see a few more sentences to learn more about you. I always enjoy seeing prior experience and referrals from fellow Staff members. I'm not a fan of the active warn but I'm willing to give you a shot. Best of Luck!
  2. + Age + Playtime + No active warns / no bans + Paragraphs (Thank you for leaving out the filler. I enjoy it when people are honest and get straight to the point, you have excellent reasons and I believe you!) + Community Reputation (I always see you on and helping other players) + 1 for referrals (if confirmed, at the time of writing Omi is confirmed) (Not a + but THANK YOU for making the Application easy to read, the last few have written everything in bold font with no differences and it makes it harder to read.) +1 Overall, your application is well-written and straight to the point. Thank you for applying and best of luck!
  3. + Playtime + Age + Paragraphs (I love to see people take responsibility for their actions and I'm glad that you elaborated on every situation) + Timezone (We don't have many staff in your timezone and that would be beneficial) - Bans (I'm glad you elaborated on each ban but some of these are concerning, it has been a long time since the last ban but I won't hold it against you too much as you seem to have learned what went wrong in each situation) Neutral I could go either way. You have many positives and I enjoyed reading your paragraphs. I do not have much in-game interaction with you so I can't add that to the application (probably due to the difference in timezones). I'm more than willing to give you a chance if others agree! Thanks for your application and good luck!
  4. + Playtime (meets requirements) + Age (meets requirements) +/- Paragraphs (I feel neutral about them but I'm willing to give you a chance) +/- Interactions (I do not have enough experience with you to say anything about this so neutral) + Read the Rules Neutral I'm willing to give you a chance but I would personally like to have more interactions with you in-game. Please don't count this as a negative, if others say they've had a good experience I'm willing to take their word. Good luck!
  5. ++ Playtime (huge time spent) + Age + Paragraphs (Good reasons) + Read the Staff Rules +1 I've seen you around quite a lot and you tend to know when exactly to report someone and make it easy for us to deal with. Would be great to see you join us!
  6. + Playtime + Paragraphs (good reasonings and I can confirm based on the experiences I've had with you) + Read the Staff Rules +1 For the reasons above, I think you have a good chance! I only had good experience with you in-game!
  7. + Age + Playtime + Prior Staff + Experience + Paragraphs +1 Welcome back to the server, and I'm glad to see you re-applied! I hope you're feeling better and let's get him back in! Nothing more to say.
  8. +1 It sounds like a general QoL update that should be added—if not a law then something equivalent. I'm open to new ideas as well.
  9. + Age + No warns + Playtime + Good paragraphs (I enjoy the reasonings and how you have improved as a person/what you learned from the experience) +/- Referrals (None, so neutral) + Read the Rules + Meets all requirements +1 I'm thrilled that you took accountability and corrected your behavior. Showing improvement in a short time is difficult. I really value that trait and you should keep up the good work. I say let's give him a chance! Good luck!
  10. + Referrals (If confirmed)+ Meets the requirements+ Experience (Love to see prior experience)- Warns (You have a few warns and although you meet the requirements for playtime, this is concerning to find multiple warns within 80 hours).- Paragraphs (You have a good start with your first paragraph but please make sure you complete two full paragraphs.)- Did not Read the rules (Yes, I stole most of this from @MunchieZ but I added to it.) Neutral You seem to meet all of the requirements. You state that you are a Chef and possess leadership skills/traits, I am sure that you have more to elaborate on to add for your second paragraph. If you read through the rules and update your post to include some of your missing things I would update this to a +1. You seem to have some great traits and you should tell us more about them. Neutral for now but good luck!
  11. +Age+No Warns -Bans+Playtime+Pior Staff Experience -Paragraphs (Not a single period was used in your paragraph.)+Read the Staff Rules -1 Overall, I would like you to elaborate more about your prior experiences as staff, why/how you received your bans, and what you're doing to change this behavior. It's concerning, to say the least, to see you with 4 bans in the last 14 months as others stated previously. I would see it as a positive if you listed the reasons and how you've learned to grow from each situation. I would also highly suggest speaking with some of our Staff Team (including myself) before posting your application to get their input on it grammatically, and make edits before it gets posted. I would love to see you fix your application and elaborate further. -1 for now but good luck in the future!
  12. +Age -Warn (NLR, c'mon man, you should know better) +Playtime +Referrals +Paragraphs (Very well written, I appreciate the effort you put into writing them. Your prior experience with being staff is a plus. +Read the Staff Rules I think this is a very well-written application. Having prior experience is a major bonus in my books. I don't know what to say about the warn, you have played DarkRP for some time and should have known better. Regardless, I will give you my +1 as long as you don't acquire any additional warns and have learned from the incident. Good luck!
  13. +Age +Playtime -Paragraphs (You only have one paragraph) (Tip: You could easily separate some run-on sentences into multiple sentences or simplify what you're stating. You easily have enough words to create two paragraphs.) +/- Depending on if your referrals are confirmed -Didn't read the rules (I would encourage you to read every sentence). I'm going with a -1 since there are a few things that need to be addressed. You show promise, but I'm sure if you fix these mistakes it would greatly increase your odds.
  14. You meet all of the requirements and gave great reasons as to why you should be chosen over other applicants. I genuinely enjoyed reading this application and I can tell that you put real effort into your paragraphs. There isn't much else to say other than good luck! +1
  15. Please update your post to have the proper Steam ID, I believe yours is STEAM_0:0:194356690 but please double-check. You meet the requirements for the age and hours but you will need the ability to speak in-game or on Discord if necessary. The recording issue is an easy fix, I'd recommend Medal or OBS/Streamlabs OBS (both free), but you need to be able to record gameplay or clip footage. I would like to know more about you and what characteristics you have and what separates you from the other applicants (basically just include more information). If you can update your application to include these that would be great. For now, I will withhold judgment.
  16. I would like to know a bit more about you since I haven't been around recently. What kind of characteristics do you bring that would be beneficial to the team?, I would like you to tell us about yourself and what interests you or motivates you to want to do this (Please don't take that as negative feedback). You meet all of the requirements with the exception of the age being 1 year lower than we accept, but as long as the higher-ups approve, I approve as well. As for the warn, I would say it's an easy fix, please make sure to thoroughly read all the rules to avoid getting into those scenarios. I see from past replies that initially you did not read the Staff Rules but it seems you have fixed it and I won't fault you for it. I am leaning towards neutral. As long as everyone else is good with it, let's give him a shot to prove himself.
  17. -1 Please follow the correct format.
  18. You meet all the requirements and you have a solid application. I've seen you on quite a lot recently and can vouch for your statements in your application. +1
  19. As for some general advice, I would ask that you ignore players who attempt to troll someone such as yourself. Do not let these players get under your skin and sway you to make rash decisions that could negatively impact your standing. If you can keep a level head and look past these players during sits I believe you will be fine. I'm willing to give you a shot. +1
  20. Confirming referral. This is probably one of the better applications I have seen since I've been a part of this team. You have lots of experience, I have only had great experiences with you in-game, you clearly know the rules, and you were staff previously. I don't know what else needs to be said. +1
  21. I agree that your timezone would benefit the server greatly but I would like to know a few things first. How long ago was the soliciting/Mass RDM? Also what changes have you made personally to ensure that you will not repeat these actions going forward? I have played with you in the past and you seemed pretty chill and I think you have the potential. As Errol stated I have not been on at the same time as you lately (not a bad thing) but I have not had any bad experiences with you. Depending on your answer, I will update my response with my vote for your application. Best of luck!
  22. Great application, it sounds like you can dedicate a decent bit of time to the server which would be very beneficial. I do however encourage you not to burn yourself out. Staff or not, it's important to do what you can when you can to prevent burnout. I encourage fellow members to play other games or take a break a few days a week to keep their minds fresh. I have seen you on quite a lot and I can confidently say you know the rules. You would make a great member of the team. Best of luck! +1
  23. You seem to have good experience in the field of DarkRP moderation and have good traits that will be beneficial to our team! +1
  24. You have good reasons listed in your paragraphs. I can vouch for the referral so +1 there. You meet all the requirements and seem good at interacting with the community on the server. +1
  25. I think it's a good idea to know how much exactly is in it. I agree that it's a good QoL change. +1
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