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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by AlexConway

  1. Very nicely done! I'm so happy to have worked with @Bobert3 and @Harus on finally giving Jedi some TLC; it was overdue - looking forward to tying up a nice bow on it, and moving back to clone/server wide.
  2. Excellent Work for Merk and Garnet - so many trello cards!
  3. Congratulations to all those promoted! Looking forward to the 8 new T. GMs!
  4. Thank you for all that you have done @Chicaa21 - I've set you to Respected Member and Retired Management! You're welcome back any time.
  5. Locked for review by DarkRP Management. I think the point is received, we're now just arguing with people who have a different viewpoint.
  6. +1 - I see all that Archivist work is paying off. Well Written, nicely thought out. Good Luck.
  7. +1 - Could do with some refinement, but the basics are definitely there; best of luck!
  8. +1 - Very good/solid application! Good Luck!
  9. +1 - Would be a good addition to the team.
  10. +1 - I think the events could use some minor tweaks, but conceptually they are there. Good Luck.
  11. Hey there, please use the below format
  12. +1 - The formatting makes me cringe a bit. But the application is well written, some refinement work to be done. Over the course of GM Training, this will come to be an easy transition. Good Luck.
  13. +1 - I know the events could have some move, but seeing your RP first hand as Jedi - I'm confident you can make a great GM. Good Luck.
  14. I'll give my standard SWRP Moderator Application response: Keep in mind we don’t often get many sits on StarWarsRP - activity is largely self driven and passive. Often times you’ll be helping new players and the overall community. If you’re okay with that type of role: +1 Application is fine, a bit shorter than I'd like, but it does meet the requirements. Good Luck.
  15. Huh? What in the f- Great month for development! Definitely looking forward to next month.
  16. Congratulations all! Extremely happy with the new Executive Team, and our new Trial Admin @Bobert3!
  17. Congratulations to all the promos! I remember just after training @Orion8559 said we was determined to be the MVP and get a double promo. Well earned to you Orion!
  18. Keep in mind we don’t often get many sits on StarWarsRP - activity is largely self driven and passive. Often times you’ll be helping new players and the overall community. If you’re okay with that type of role: Your application is fine meets the requirements but I would have liked to see a bit more, I’m curious to see how you would do in an interview. +1 - Good Luck
  19. Commas are important in sentence structure. But either way it was an example, the point still stands, shooting an RPG at your feet or throwing a big cloud of gas with 0 repercussions to you/party members, are both equally as dumb.
  20. I think self-damage prevents people from being careless with them. An RPG that doesn't deal damage to you/teammates, is overpowered ten fold than one that doesn't. It takes skill to need to aim and use it now from afar; as opposed to look down at your feet, point, click. -1
  21. Yes pill did a lot of events which was appreciated, but he was frequently warned about poor-quality. I know now we are highly focused on quality over quantity - which may not suit him based on previous experience.
  22. I think this may be a bit premature, you’re only back 2-3 days. If you can play for 2 weeks+ with good solid activity, I would consider it - but I can’t in good faith give positive support with such a short time back.
  23. Adding/"Revamping" this rule is moot since a large part of this suggestion is assuming bias is more likely to occur to people who you share a nameclan with, which is not the case. Most staff will always have preconscious bias for their friends (clanmates or otherwise), MANY of them are able to put this aside and look objectively. Very few cannot, so on the very few cases - If you feel the sit was handled incorrectly or with bias, report it on the forums. The sit resolution message prompts you to do so.
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