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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by AlexConway

  1. Ban re-imposed, failed to abide by the 0 strike policy.
  2. AlexConway

    astrid unban

  3. Very nicely done! I'm so happy to have worked with @Bobert3 and @Harus on finally giving Jedi some TLC; it was overdue - looking forward to tying up a nice bow on it, and moving back to clone/server wide.
  4. Excellent Work for Merk and Garnet - so many trello cards!
  5. Congratulations to all those promoted! Looking forward to the 8 new T. GMs!
  6. Thank you for all that you have done @Chicaa21 - I've set you to Respected Member and Retired Management! You're welcome back any time.
  7. Locked for review by DarkRP Management. I think the point is received, we're now just arguing with people who have a different viewpoint.
  8. +1 - I see all that Archivist work is paying off. Well Written, nicely thought out. Good Luck.
  9. +1 - Could do with some refinement, but the basics are definitely there; best of luck!
  10. +1 - Very good/solid application! Good Luck!
  11. +1 - Would be a good addition to the team.
  12. +1 - I think the events could use some minor tweaks, but conceptually they are there. Good Luck.
  13. Hey there, please use the below format
  14. +1 - The formatting makes me cringe a bit. But the application is well written, some refinement work to be done. Over the course of GM Training, this will come to be an easy transition. Good Luck.
  15. +1 - I know the events could have some move, but seeing your RP first hand as Jedi - I'm confident you can make a great GM. Good Luck.
  16. I'll give my standard SWRP Moderator Application response: Keep in mind we don’t often get many sits on StarWarsRP - activity is largely self driven and passive. Often times you’ll be helping new players and the overall community. If you’re okay with that type of role: +1 Application is fine, a bit shorter than I'd like, but it does meet the requirements. Good Luck.
  17. Huh? What in the f- Great month for development! Definitely looking forward to next month.
  18. Congratulations all! Extremely happy with the new Executive Team, and our new Trial Admin @Bobert3!
  19. Congratulations to all the promos! I remember just after training @Orion8559 said we was determined to be the MVP and get a double promo. Well earned to you Orion!
  20. Keep in mind we don’t often get many sits on StarWarsRP - activity is largely self driven and passive. Often times you’ll be helping new players and the overall community. If you’re okay with that type of role: Your application is fine meets the requirements but I would have liked to see a bit more, I’m curious to see how you would do in an interview. +1 - Good Luck
  21. Commas are important in sentence structure. But either way it was an example, the point still stands, shooting an RPG at your feet or throwing a big cloud of gas with 0 repercussions to you/party members, are both equally as dumb.
  22. I think self-damage prevents people from being careless with them. An RPG that doesn't deal damage to you/teammates, is overpowered ten fold than one that doesn't. It takes skill to need to aim and use it now from afar; as opposed to look down at your feet, point, click. -1
  23. Yes pill did a lot of events which was appreciated, but he was frequently warned about poor-quality. I know now we are highly focused on quality over quantity - which may not suit him based on previous experience.
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