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Everything posted by Jake

  1. The issue you seem to be describing is not the job being too good, it is the job being used incorrectly. Droids are there to generate RP without a GM being needed or to add to the RP of a scenario. Droid jobs are not meant to be used for the fun of the user only being used to kill, if this is happening a lot give me the names of who is doing it and I will take their whitelists away. For now consider this suggestion denied. I'm on mobile so sorry about the format, @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  2. Thank you for putting in the time in order to make this update happen, a few of these changes were minor I admit but there are some which will allow players to generate their own RP without needing a GM as currently we are short which seems to be the main issue. If you're looking at this post thinking it looks and sounds cool then you should come and check out the SWRP as we would be happy to have you, who knows maybe it will be something else on the GG network for you to play?
  3. Jake


    AcceptedPlease bear in mind that this is not guaranteed to be added as it is another addon that needs to be put onto the server, it will be looked over by Garnet to see if it can happen. If it is implemented it will most likely be given to RANCOR, Alpha & RC as Batt ARC's have an insane amount of gear already. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  4. AcceptedPlease bear in mind that this is not guaranteed to be added as it is another set of weapons to be added to the server, it will be looked over by Garnet to see if it can happen. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  5. AcceptedPlease bear in mind that this is not guaranteed to be added as it is another set of vehicles, it will be looked over by Garnet to see if it can happen. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  6. Accepted No reason for this not to be added other than it being a rather minor change. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  7. Jake

    Shock jail timer

    AcceptedPlease bear in mind that this is not guaranteed to be added as I personally am no developer and do not know if this would be possible, it will be looked over by Garnet to see if it can happen. @0zzy Lock and Move please
  8. DeniedWhile this is not a bad suggestion having a full training course as part of the map would just mean a lot more props permanently added to the map. If you want a training course you can always ask a GM to set one up as that despawns once they switch off the GM job or disconnect. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  9. AcceptedPlease bear in mind that this is not guaranteed to be added as I personally am no developer and do not know if this would be possible, it will be looked over by Garnet to see if it can happen. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  10. Jake


    Take this as a denied. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  11. Accepted Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed to be added as I personally am no developer and do not know if this would be possible, it will be looked over by Garnet to see if it can happen. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  12. Jake

    Media player

    Denied If you are so bored in-game you resort to wanting to watch videos then contact a GM and have them set an operation up. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  13. Denied This would add very little to the server, while it would be easier to use the current jet boots work well as they are. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  14. Denied While this would allow for some more RP situations I believe the amount of times this would or could be used wouldn't be worth it for us right now. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  15. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  16. Accepted This went through in June, so realistically it has been needlessly sitting here for ~3 months. @0zzy Lock and move please.
  17. Accepted I don't see any reason to deny this, good support, never seen anything bad from you in-game. Contact myself or @eli_ to recieve your staff training once you have been set. @Garnet If you could set him ASAP that would be great. @0zzy Lock and Move please.
  18. Denied You are simply more valuable to the server & community as a GM, please do not take this in a negative way but Trial Mods do not contribute much while Gm's are essential to our survival. There will be no re-apply cooldown. @0zzy Lock and move please
  19. Jake

    Heavy's Staff App

    Denied You have not looked over the staff rules correct and this is shown in your application, I gave you over a day to rectify this and up until now you still have not. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. @0zzy Lock and move please
  20. Jake

    Heavy's Staff App

    I advise you look over the staff rules more clearly. Also please include your full RP name (mine would be CG RO 1143 CDR Thorn) as I am having trouble trying to figure out who you are and what batt you are in.
  21. thank god this guy died he was real mean to regs
  22. He can't have both ranks in game
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