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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by BERB_DERE_GOTE

  1. IGN: 2GA MAJ Syrian. Reasoning: I first started playing in 2017; and have put in a lot of time recently (150 about) hours of actual playtime. I feel I can provide a lot of valuable feedback on the different angles and layouts of the map. I would also like to understand the reworked layout of the map better beforehand. As I've recently been working with Enlisted; doing "OBJ courses". Teaching what angles and spots to hold; what to look out for, etc. I also feel I understand understand the limitations and capabilities of the source engine quite well.
  2. 200 would be a better amount of HP
  3. Problem is, Source doesn't swap out for lower quality models at a distance, so they need to be phased out entirely. Make Larger SOC Rooms; GRU has like 10 people atm; So it'd be nice to have a bit more space.
  4. RU Officer meeting in 2GA officer TS; Junior Officer+ required, Reserves permitted. Saturday, February 13th, 7pm EST.
  5. RU has some internal issues that can't necessarily be fixed by server updates. around 30% of the 2GA online don't show up to DB; And atleast 60% of SOC don't attend RU DB or a separate DB. Contrast this with US which has nearly every player online in DB. Things feel too relaxed in RU; Not calling DB before or even after war. Things feel very sloppy.
  6. You lead the one faction with active members.
  7. Hammer is widely available and I'm aware of several people, including myself who'd be willing to help with map-making. While I agree with you that this is a bad Idea; You haven't suggested anything thus far, and have just shot down ideas without contributing new ideas.
  8. The numbers are too low to maintain 3 SOC Factions. A merging of something like GRU + SSO and GB + Rangers is almost necessary at this point. You can't reasonably maintain a faction. The fact that 60% of the playerbase, including a large chunk of SOC, has left. Along with the fact that there's not enough players to pass; Let alone attend tryouts, results in dead factions. It's not optimal, but we can't afford to segregate our players when there's so few in the first place.
  9. A server-wide recoil reduction would certainly not go unappreciated; Specifically the G3. It's nearly unusable in it's current state. I'm thinking more along the lines of "Each gun type has a similar amount of recoil to eachother. IE:SMG,Rifle,Pistol.
  10. I suppose that may be my CSGO monkey brain thinking I should be able to kill somebody from across the map if I'm good enough. Although anybody I've discussed this with say they would prefer significantly higher accuracy from SMG/Rifle; Granted that's only about 5-6 people. Though I suppose I'd understand if that's not the direction you wish to take.
  11. Just what I've heard from players talking the following 1-2 days post nerf. I heard the complain exclusively about the snipers. I never saw those players again. As well as the fact that Garnet was in it's prime when the Sniper meta was at it's worst. The largest room with all of the shelves. I dislike being able to look through through the shelves but never being able too shoot through them effectively. Biggest problem for the server RN. Accepting a Mosq/Cons war is suicide for RU.
  12. Do something to buff the snipers. That's what most players associate Garnet with; And from what I've heard is the main reason for their playing the server; As well as their leaving. Certainly don't return it to the dominating meta it was; But give some credence to what seemingly made Garnet such a popular server. At least considering how much of the playerbase has left. I would personally increase all the SMG/Rifle accuracy to near perfect; However that's just my optimal experience. Perhaps look into altering the map in some way also(inb4 compile time, It's 90% brushes) Mosque is impossible without Cons control; With RU already having less players, it's difficult to allocate players to taking it, let alone actual willingness to strategize. Powerplant is just a very strange objective, but I'm alright with it as it normally has few players attempting to cap. I would also recommend attempting to remedy the Arch camping problem. I'd recommend limiting visibility to the archways, as to prevent being sniped from halfway across the map. With the US arch to Shipment being the biggest offender. Shipment is a well made objective in my opinion; Though I'd like for solid cover in the actual warehouse. I've just noticed that who I presume to be a gamemaster added a way to get over the fence blocking the RU entrance to Cons. Very positive change.
  13. Players who are currently suspected of cheating; As well as players who have been falsely banned for cheating have all said RU weapons are garbage.
  14. I really appreciate the AR-15 Recoil increase as well as the Grenade buff. AR-15 was fine damage wise it was just the recoil in my opinion.
  15. Been here since early 2017. Been through more than a few name changes, so I doubt anyone would recognize me. Long live CS_desert; That piece of shit. I don't plan on leaving any time soon either.
  16. STEAM_0:0:175419775 | 2GA RFR POS Alex has played for 313:52:23 Level:10 2GA
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