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Everything posted by Clarksp

  1. In-game name: eXg Clarksp Age: 20 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:124073303 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime?: 578 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes, I do Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes, I do Referral(s): Kristaps Porzingod, he isn't staff but he's a cool guy Past experiences as staff: I was staff a few times on Garnet. The highest staff rank I got to was S. Mod before I resigned because I didn't have enough time to remain active. Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I have been playing GMOD for a long time, about a quarter of my total time played on Garry's Mod has been spent on Garnet. This much time on the server has allowed me to see what has and hasn't worked from both the staff side and the community side of things. I have been able to learn that not every situation a staff member deals with can be treated the same way. Some people you encounter are totally new to the game and have no idea what they are doing. While others have enough experience to know what they are doing, but just enjoy trolling and causing trouble for the thrill of it. Having enough staff experience allows you to tell the difference between these two and handle them accordingly. If you handle a situation like this wrong, it could cause that harmless new player to turn into someone that just enjoys causing trouble. Before I took a break from GMOD, I was the Staff Director on a American Revolutionary War RP server. This rank taught me how to properly manage a team of people and make sure they are all doing what they are supposed to. This past spring I graduated from college with a degree in Behavioral Science. This means I took quite a few classes in psychology and non-violent communication. I feel like this will give me an edge over other applicants because I have prior experience in communicating with players that may be frustrated and overwhelmed. These skills I have learned will pretty much perfectly fit the skills someone needs to have in order to deal with the sits that are almost always going on. Overall, I feel like my experience both on GMOD and IRL gives me an edge over other candidates and makes me an excellent choice for the next staff member on Garnet. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? When I first started playing GMOD there were a few servers I got in trouble on because I liked trolling around with a few friends. I never did any of that on Garnet though, I don't think I have received a warning through my 578 hours on the server. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: I think the last application I made was over two years ago. I'm not sure when exactly. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I can be on around 4-5 hours a day most days throughout the week. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? When I'm not sitting around I enjoy fishing, going out to the movies, skydiving, and doing other random shit with my friends. Did you read the staff rules?: eXg Clarksp
  2. I am his IRL friend and he said it to me. I know he was joking but someone else went and screenshotted it and he got banned for it. He meant no harm when he said it to me, it was solely a joke.
  3. I spoke to Kristaps further and he said he called Capalot garbage in OOC, but that would have just been at most a warn for diss in OOC, not a ban.
  4. +1, if you were jailed you can still use OOC chat, as it is Out Of Character chat. You were punished for ARDM in the sit by being jailed, so if you were only banned for saying kill diego in ooc, then I think it wasn't a justifiable ban. @DiegoZavier @Capalot you can explain your side
  5. I have never played MRP, but I would assume there are different jobs within each team. In IRL, there are under door cameras that are used to see under doors or around corners before actually peaking. If it is possible to code it so only certain classes can use third person, I think it would be cool if there was a certain job that specialized in that "camera" and was able to use third person to peak corners and give callouts to the rest of their team.
  6. If option 2 is possible, that one should be chosen. +1
  7. I dreamed about this baby ever since I was a little kid. All it needs is a scope and a strap. It's already silent and deadly.
  8. Looks like a solid application. As long as you are ready and eager to learn, I think you'd make a good staff member. +1
  9. Shouldn’t have to even say this, but -1. Obvious troll application.
  10. +1, spawn is counted as being outside of RP. Therefore you can't get warned for something like FailRP. DynomiteX should not have just warned without getting your side of the story first. It clearly shows in your video that you hadn't even left spawn after joining the server. The warn should be removed and DynomiteX should receive a strike.
  11. This is nitpicky, but the grammar could use a little work. Overall, I think that addition to the second paragraph was good. I'll give you a +1.
  12. I think your application could use a little work in the "Why we should choose you" section. Everyone will say they will try their best to be a great staff member. Talk about some of your personal experiences that make you a better choice than the next applicant.
  13. @Dyn-O-Mite_X (I assume that is the correct DynomiteX)
  14. Clarksp

    False warn

    In the video you were standing in the wide open nowhere near a wall. There is no way you pressed a button to open that.
  15. Clarksp

    False warn

    Lacking sufficient proof, -1
  16. I have been looking over a lot of the staff applications being submitted and I can't help but cringe at some of them. Throughout my 2,000 hours on GMOD and my 2,000 hours on Rust, I have made a lot of staff applications for various servers. I have been a staff member 3 times on the Garnet Gaming DarkRP server and have made about 5 applications for this server alone. After having my many applications both accepted and denied on many different servers, I have learned what most staff teams want to see while looking over staff applications. So in an attempt to raise the standard of staff applications, I thought I would make a list of the do's and don'ts of making a staff application. 1. Honesty It is very important to be honest in your staff application. Most staff teams will instantly deny an application if they find out you have been lying in it. This goes for your playtime on the server, your referrals, your previous punishments, and your previous staffing experience. The staff have certain requirement for a reason. By asking for your playtime on the server, they are finding out how familiar you are with their community. This also gives them a taste of how well you know the rules. Do not lie about your previous punishments either. It is very easy for staff members to check and see if you have a clean record or not. Don't set your reputation as a liar, that will only hurt you. Finally, do not make up fake previous experience. Most staff teams I have experienced on Garry's Mod have been happy to let people with little to no staffing experience onto their staffing team, as long as you are willing and ready to learn. A lot of the higher ranking staff members know people from other servers. With that being said, it isn't hard for them to find out if you were actually a staff member on that server. Don't lie in your application. 2. Grammar + Effort It is extremely easy for a staff member to see how much effort you put into making your staff application within 10 seconds of clicking on it. The staff members want to see effort put into your application. This includes detailed responses and the USE OF GRAMMAR. There is nothing more cringe-worthy and irritating than an application full of misspelled words and improper grammar. Capitalize your letters when it is necessary, use the correct punctuation, and use complete sentences. Don't be afraid to spend an extra day or two reading over your application and making edits to it. If you get denied, do not just copy and paste your application the next time you apply. You should always improve and change your application somehow when you are reapplying. 3. Answering the dreaded question "Why should we choose you over other applicants" It is important to listen to the prompt and actually type two paragraphs. Almost every single staff member will pay attention to this and call you out for not doing it. Save yourself the trouble of having to go and edit it on the fly when you can just do it right the first time. This next tip is extremely important, pay attention. Do not just go and write the same thing everyone else does about how you are going to catch and punish all the trolls and hackers. This is the most boring and generic answer you can give and it does not make you stand out in any way. Of course you will be punishing trolls and hackers, that's your main task as a staff member. We want to see how your personal experiences, both in-game and IRL, will help you be a better staff member than Joe over there who just wrote about how he wants to ban trolls. What personality traits do you have that you think would make you a great addition to the staff team? How did you obtain these qualities? Are you in any clubs, outside activities, or jobs that teach you anything that could better you as a staff member? These are the types of things you should be writing to answer this question, not how you want to rid the server of trolls. 4. Use of colors I have seen applicants that thought it was a good idea to use brightly colored text in their applications. 9/10 of these have resulted in getting -1's solely for this reason alone. If you want to stay on the safe side, just use the default color. 5. Be active in the community. This goes for both in-game and on the forums. Staff members want to know who you are before seeing your name for the first time in a staff application. By being active in the community, you are bound to run into many of the staff members of that server which could ultimately result in you getting a referral to put onto your application. Don't just play on the server for 72 hours and then instantly make a staff application because you have met the time requirement. Get to know the community. This goes for the forums too. By being active on the forums before you even make a staff application, you are immersing yourself even further into the community which will only help you (unless you are constantly toxic, don't do that!). 6. Accept criticism This is a mistake I made on my first few applications. After receiving a negative rating on my application, I felt the need to defend myself and tell that person that they are wrong. Don't do that. Read over that person's comment and reflect on it. Use their advice to further improve your application. That person must have done something right because they are on the staff team, so use their advice. 7. Patience After submitting your application, just wait. Under no circumstances should you ask anyone to look at your application. This will result in your application getting instantly denied. Give the staff team time to read it on their own. 8. Keep it professional Think of the staff application as an actual job resume. Would you swear or criticize other people in a job resume? No. So don't do it in your staff application. This will only make you look immature and unfit for the staff team. Being immature is a -1 magnet. 9. Persistence Don't give up after being denied once. Read over the feedback you received and try and improve yourself for next time. By doing this, you are showing the staff team that you are willing to adapt yourself and keep trying. Determination and persistence are both great qualities to have as a staff member. Some of these tips may be very obvious to some, but trust me, there are applicants that need it. If you have any other tips that may help future applicants, feel free to add them below. Enjoy.
  17. Because it was a long sit and I didn’t think anyone would want to sit and watch the whole thing. edit: I am currently rendering the full sit and I will post a link once it is uploaded to youtube
  18. I made a previous report on someone else and was told that I didn't have enough proof. To ensure that I had enough proof for this one, I asked for @proggy's opinion and he said this evidence is enough. Who are you reporting: PlayerYour in-game name: ClarkspYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:124073303In-game name of reportee: CharlieSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:114614206Date & Time of incident: Around 2:30 pm on 5/31/2020Timezone: ESTWhat happened? (include any proof): So I believe workers skeletron was the mayor at the time. He had a law that weapons out was AOS. Charlie kept flashing his weapon out to try and bait an arrest. He was then wanted and arrested. Then 5 or 10 minutes after that he made a false report with the sole intent of getting me false warned. He was saying that I quickwanted him for no reason and that he did not have a weapon out. Then Void told him he could install instant replay software and Charlie then said that he already had it but he didn't care about using it. He finished off the sit by saying that he only made the sit because he wanted to try and get me warned. Charlie should be warned for making a false report which only took up the admins time when they could have been taking actual reports. https://streamable.com/x3sse0 (Charlie lying in the sit) https://streamable.com/xl3vus (The arrest) This is the full sit. I was originally saying that I didn't have proof because I had forgotten that I was recording at this time. At the beginning of the video I was checking through the console logs because I thought this was for a different arrest.
  19. This is a clip I have from my instant replay. After the lockdown ended he continued to want and arrest multiple people. https://streamable.com/3oaxhd
  20. Did I say it was proof? I linked the proof in the report.
  21. I was there and was watching it happen. The players were all asking in chat why they were being arrested. The only reason I wasn't being arrested was because I was a cop too.
  22. Who are you reporting?: StaffYour in-game name: ClarkspYour SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124073303In-game name of reportee: workers skeletronSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): don't knowDate & Time of incident: Around 6:15 pm EST on 5/30/2020Timezone: ESTWhat happened? (include any proof): So before and after the lockdown started and ended, the VIP Mod workers skeletron was mass RDA'ing a lot of people. It is intended that everyone in the street is arrested during the lockdown, but after the lockdown ends it would be considered RDA. Workers skeletron arrested a lot of people after the lockdown ended which would result in mass RDA. https://gyazo.com/b3927a713e3fc6a71db16ac20e99acd4 (Arresting people before the lockdown) https://gyazo.com/b6db5d6b364ae3fbc0fd706ca8514d4e (Arresting people after the lockdown ends. You can see lockdown has ended at the top of the picture.)
  23. The chat was flooded with people spamming numbers. He always plays as thief, then out of nowhere he switches to spartan just to warrant me then goes back to thief. That is pretty obvious targeting.
  24. Who are you reporting? [Staff] : ShadowKing (S Admin)Your in-game name: Little FredYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): https://steamcommunity.com/id/improatcs/In-game name of reportee: ShadowKingSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): https://steamcommunity.com/id/ShadowKing0711/ Date & Time of incident: Around 6 pm EST on 2/8/2020Timezone: ESTWhat happened? (include any proof): ShadowKing said in chat, "Let's play the number game", which resulted in a lot of people spamming numbers into OOC. I told him he should know better since he is an admin. He proceeded to become a spartan, warrant my base, and then destroy my printers. After he did it, he switched back to the thief job. This was obvious targeting and him being biased towards me because I told him he should know better. He is always the thief job, and then out of nowhere, switches to the spartan job just to warrant me then switches back to thief right after. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/796511002078611232/596B0D8D37BF636957099B28ED54F0A09D31ECAC/ (him creating spam) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1992488630 (creating spam p2) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1992488519 (right when he switches to spartan and warrants me) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1992488472 (him trying to defend himself saying it was barely spam) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1992488392 (him saying the only reason he switched to spartan was because I had visible printers, but in this screenshot and the last screenshot you can see he had already switched back to thief immediately after the warrant) I think ShadowKing should be punished for this because he created spam in chat and he was also super petty and targeted me for telling him he shouldn't do that. It would be more understanding if he was a TMOD and did this, but as a S Admin... that's just sad. He knew he was in the wrong because he got off the server right after it happened.
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