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Everything posted by Tuna

  1. Thinking about Vermont license plates

  2. Goat is just for fucking around l, always has been. I understand spawning out of bounds, but why would we encourage/fix a tool for minging
  3. Thinking about discord nitro

  4. I hope nobody colors a helicopter:trol:
  5. Accepted Your ban will be reduced to a 2 day non malicious mass, please be sure to read up on all the rules and be careful next time @Ozzy @Jake
  6. 625 people commenting a number every two days
  7. +1, this would make rp so much better in my opinion, especially when someone locks down comms and the attackers can do literally nothing to get in.
  8. This. Maybe like have a piece of paper with your name on it in frame
  9. Here's my clips https://streamable.com/384xvb https://streamable.com/iyu721
  10. Are they almost done rendering?

  11. Accepted The clip clearly shows that Stork had no intention of actually hitting who he did. Granted the area was also claimed to so idea why you were warned anyways. Just be more careful now that you know of the ricochet mechanic @Jake
  12. I'm kinda late but lmao. Me and you never really interacted that much outside of some instances. But I kinda owe alot to you, accepting my staff application Is what kept me around. By now I would have left the community like I did a couple years ago. Pretty much all I can do now is say thanks. Good luck in life
  13. +1 I may have only seen you on a couple of times. But your experience and event ideas are too good to ignore, I wish the best if luck on your application
  14. -1 I think you'd be a fine addition to join the staff team, I would like to see more activity though. I'd be more than happy enough to change this to a +1 if I see you on the server more.
  15. +1 I've had nothing but good experiences with this guy. I would love to have this guy as Obi Wan
  16. While nothing can really be done to remove headglitching as is plagues almost every FPS nowadays, it could be used as a tool to peek over a hill and find the sniper without running out blindly and getting sniped by someone you can't see. As for the jumping around corners, if I remember correctly when you used 3rd person in a war that was almost the tactic for CQC. Although with a 3rd person view, you can actually see what you're shooting at as opposed to clipping through the playermodel and guessing where to shoot. While true, the main purpose I'm trying to get with this suggestion is that in my, and some other community member's opinions, war in its current state is not fun; and many of them agreed that 3rd person combat was some of the most fun combat they've had on the server. While I agree with this post a lot, the suggestion wasn't really tailored towards events, as they currently are the only reason I play anymore. The suggestion was for war as stated above, many people just don't find it enjoyable anymore.
  17. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Combat on the server in it's current state is just a "pixel-peeking simulator" where almost everybody who knows how to fight well sit behind a hill and headglitch. (images below) Many players whom I've talked to all agree that combat just isn't as enjoyable as it used to be. What I'm proposing is the reintroduction of 3rd person combat. From what I've gathered from multiple members of the community, is that combat basically is broken down into sniping while being almost undetectable (whilst headglitching) and jumping around corners with an AEK. Back from when 3rd person combat was around, combat (in my opinion) was more skill based than it is now. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] Combat as it stands has been described as "not fun" from many members of the community. While I'm sure that some would prefer another way to make it better (such as weapon reworks, weapon stat changes etc.) This is one change I think that would be the easiest, and best way to change up combat and make it more fun. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
  18. Excact reason for me, this guy has had a positive impact on MRP, be it in Army or GRU. I'm confident he will be a fantastic choice
  19. -1 you were great on mrp, but without any previous swrp experience I can't +1 this
  20. 503 zachman signature changes
  21. I killed le marshel
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