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Everything posted by Fetn

  1. +1 good app, active and you have more than 2 braincells I would love to see you be a GM
  2. i forgor to do this cause ion really use forums much but im back on swrp
  3. holy honorable mention... cya around mr danny
  4. +1 prior gm experience and good member overall
  5. +1 good app good person
  6. Fetn

    Fetn GM app

    10 hours of GMing ie taking off worlds or doing on worlds/passive RP. I still need time to play on the server as a clone for my battalion
  7. Fetn

    Fetn GM app

    In-game name: Zenska Age: 20 SteamID (https://steamid.io/ STEAM_0:0:220893720 Warns: 0 Timezone: CST Playtime: | BM SSG 0302 Zenska has played for 674:46:25. Do you have access to a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Jotaro, Splicer, Jones, Harus, Mort, Matrixz Past experience as a Game Master: [Optional] DRP X2 MRP x1 SWRP X1 Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] You should choose me over other applicants for the reasons of I have the past experiences of being a GM. I know how to control the flow of events and make them seamless and go smooth with the help of 1 or no other assists. I have an amazing way of setting up events and storytelling within the events to make players feel really intertwined within the events. My creativity with SWRP GMing is immense and endless, I am able to come up with improvisations to events with the snap of a finger which helps make the event go smoothly. My times in which I am active are also one of the reasons you should pick me over others. I am usually on for the earlier times of the server i.e. 9 AM to 1 PM then I get off til the later events. There aren’t many morning people to hold filler events for the earlier people like base attacks or an on world and I could fill those spots. In most if not all of my events every single battlegroup/faction had a thing to do this also went for jedi. I constantly asked Yoda (Splicer at the time) to @ them to get on for a DFU or a magna droid to deal with and some Jedi RP while I let the clones have their own sole objectives so it worked out. The events I held and want to hold in the future are of extremely high quality in which everyone has fun. I know I have had a troubling past. If you have any concerns you can list them and I will answer them. Regarding my exit from GMing earlier this year and how I abruptly left, I spoke to Harus the then I am pretty sure SWRP Director a few days before I left on how I am going to be leaving soon due to me going to a different game and not having much motivation left. I should’ve made a proper exit but it was ill timing with my RANCOR removal so I apologize for that. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: perma banned for cheating than comm banned and unbanned a lil while ago How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: at least 10 hours of GMing a week In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To hold high quality events and to push for RP to become more a part of the server. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: Passive RP is already a good precedent in the server so I would go after more of the active RP and players taking a bit more initiative in engaging in RP IE this would lead to medical personnel to be doing medical checkups during a chemical attack and engineers trying to make a air purification system to rid the chemicals in the air while EOD is looking for the original place of origins for the dirty bomb. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: My single most creative idea is to allow the specialties to take more control within the events. Medical specialties would be able to take control of scenes in events and do their job while letting the Engineering specialty to work on vehicles or setting up more in character projects like from RND ie project Aegis from a while ago. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Aim to write at least 1 paragraph (~4 sentences) per event idea, anything less is most likely not detailed enough. Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation.] Operation Iridescent EVENT 1 Jetpack grapples allowed Vehicles allowed No aircraft Expo allowed (First part is an on world leading to a CIS Anaxes Deployment) RING RING RING holotable is ringing who is it? It is Fleet SLT Aristotle calling the 34th in regards of an intel drop to them that he has to drop it off and brief them himself. Suddenly everyone starts to hear an alarm MISSILE LOCK MISSILE LOCK “what the fuck? LAUNCH THE FLARES” a explosion is heard near Athena The call cuts the 34th gather everyone to main hangar bay getting ready to move out to get Aristotle to base safe. The 34th received HEAVY fire from the mountains and the valley. It seems the CIS have fortified Athena and put snipers in place to stop them. They push through to discover Athena is heavily fortified with turrets and fortified positions they need to push through all of them to save Aristotle. They must fight through and get Aristotle back to base so he can brief them on what was so important? Once they get him back to base the entire base goes on lock down, all battlegroups are manning their battlestations and the entire base is on high alert. The intel that Aristotle was delivering was this “A CIS fleet is overhead on CIS Anaxes, some intel brought by Fleet SLT Aristotle reveals the CIS are having a super high profile meeting with a Mandalorian clan officer to discuss dealings between them and the CIS and set up an alliance to defeat the 34th battlegroup. The 34th are going to be sent to CIS Anaxes and cause chaos and take out the high profile meeting they will search the bodies and any consoles for any intel. They will find a paper on a mandalorian body regarding the whereabouts of his orders. Now obviously the 34th intervened before this meeting got to its climax so they have the head start against the CIS and mandos. On a computer in the room where the meeting is taking place one of the engineers finds a message “Meet you at rishimoon FOB Hydil…” the 34th know what they must do. EVENT 2 MAP SWAP TO Rp_rishimoon_crimson Vehicles Allowed Grapples Allowed 2 aircraft Allowed 34th are sent to Rishimoon where they see off of recon that there are mandalorians and CIS patrolling the surrounding area and the base. They must attack it and figure out what the hell is important. They will be looking for any high profile targets on base and trying to grab any and all intelligence off of them as they can. Then they will chase the trail til the end (they will find intel on a CIS commander regarding some important findings of a sith artifact on the planet of RP_Arquitens…) So they will extract to the VENATOR EVENT 3 MAP SWAP TO rp_venator_extensive_v1_4 The 34th are following the trail they got off the CIS commander but they get knocked out of hyperspace! A small CIS fleet starts to surround the RAC Resolute! Troopers man their battlestations and Naval starts to man the turbo lasers while the troopers have to fight off the CIS boarding parties. BXs start to fly in through side hangar doors that were forcefully opened and begin to board the ship and move to the generator room to sabotage the engine and the grav engine. The 34th have to reclear and reclaim the ship while the Navy and CG fight off the BXs trying to take the bridge. Once they do engineers will have to repair the Resolute while Medics tend to the wounded. Navy speeds out of the fight and retreat to safer spaces and get the battlegroup ready. Queue heart felt speech by Navy CO/XO They move to RP_Arquitens EVENT 4 MAP SWAP Jetpack not allowed Grapple okay no vehicle The 34th make it out by the skin of their teeth and are finally on their to the planet the sith artifact was said to be on. The Resolute is damaged and in need of repairs, engineers are working on the ship and medics are working on troopers. It's a very sad sight… the 34th arrive near the planet of Arquitens and they board up in their LAATs to get on the planet. They get onto the planet and immediately all the Jedi feel an extremely dark presence surrounding the area… a DFU is around. There are CIS patrols wandering the entire place. The 34th need to fight through them and make it through to the other side and investigate where this presence is coming from. They Fight through and make it to the base at the end and a DFU approaches the rayshield to taunt them. When the 34th fight through and the Jedi defeat the DFU the DFU reveals before he succumbs to his wounds that his master is at Monsglacia… so the 34th disembark back to the Venator so they can move to Monsglacia and finally find who the fuck was behind all of this. MAP SWAP rp_monsglacia_crimson EVENT 5 Jetpack Grapples Allowed No vehicles The 34th are FINALLY going after the final big figure in this seriously messed up puzzle at Monsglacia. The 34th land on the planet and they start to get pushed by droid platoons while the Jedi start to feel the entire ground beneath them turn into a dark void. It seems as if the dark presence is surrounding them and the very ground they step on. The 34th must fight on and fight through them and defeat this DFU. The sith lord meets them and starts to taunt them through open comms the 34th breach the facility and the Jedi are face to face with the Sith Lord and the fight begins. Clones are fighting Companies of Droids while the Jedi are busy with Magna Droids and the Sith Lord. It's a very hard fight for everyone but the 34th succeed in their fight and retrieve the sith artifact from his body and are finally able to go home back to Anaxes.
  8. u didnt put me down as a ref im so sad +1 give him GM immediately. Genuinely me, rook, and billybob on 1 event would make that event great.
  9. its kinda cool to see these NPCs would love to see more stuff like this
  10. holy fuck you resigned.... I lowkey haven't been @ed in one of these in SOOOO long Was genuinely such a great time with you bro shit was great hanging with u :)
  11. cmon chaw... gives new people the experience of having everything taken away from them! overall no need for this -1
  12. HOLY SHIT UR THE SAME PAEREBUS FROM BACK THEN LMFAO Long time no see buddy This guy is great genuinely really cool person and he's grown up on garnet ngl lol +1 from me
  13. I kinda thought this was a thing ngl +1 is a really nice QOL change also @Failed401yw for poggers screenshot :DD
  14. FUNNILY ENOUGH THIS IS NOT ALLOWED! This wasn't allowed when I was staff a bit ago if it's allowed now then apologies but I am pretty sure it directly is said in the staff rules one of the first things that we were taught is not to do any base checking unless a report is put in lol But on MRP cloak was used for gamemastering thats it lol the point of cloak was just to hide the camera playermodel that GMs had. Cloak isn't needed nor wanted by staff just pointless to bring to DRP imo I genuinely can not think of any reasons staff would require cloak for DRP -1
  15. https://imgur.com/a/CaU4kM3 It is AI !!! -1 lol
  16. +1 He is genuinely one of the greatest to work with in any RP situation. He does a great job and honestly think him being a GM is ONLY positive
  17. In-game name: ARC Advisor Havoc Age: 19 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:220893720 Warns: None Timezone: CST Playtime?: | ARC Advisor Havoc has played for 217:05:22. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Horse, Colt, Bingus, Jones, Splicer, Quads Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] MRP x2 DRP x2 (DRP events were jus TDM/maze/ hide n seek) Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] You should choose me over other applicants because of the experience I have being a gamemaster in the community. I have well over 1000 hours GMing on MRP where GMing was sort of… lackluster and we had to improvise and adapt to the tools we were given. The experience I have on MRP shows through how I have played on SWRP I have been pushing for specialties to be used more in off worlds and passive RP. This goes first hand with the MEDRP I have been doing and pushing to do in events. I know I ended my GM career on an extremely bad note but I acknowledged the fact it ended badly and I understand why it had happened. I was a good GM but not a good H.GM I wasn’t ready for the role and it led to my GM team going down hill and the quality of events going down. I will do better this time around and will be able to prove that if I was given a chance. I also will look for criticism and seek it out to try and improve events, I am not a star wars expert meaning I am new to this type of setting I will have to learn a lot from others. I will take in any and all knowledge I can get about Star Wars and will use that to improve my events by making them more lore accurate. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details was banned for cheating in 2020 appealed then got community banned in 2023 then appealed and recently came back How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 4+ hours each day In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To keep the retention of players by making and creating events that utilize all the tools presented to the GM and to make sure players have fun. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would be pushing for more passive RP during times where no off world/on world is happening IE an IFT-X got busted up during a expedition and now Engineers need to fix it up or do something for medics to try and treat cause right now only selective few passive RP events happen. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: I believe my single most creative idea is that the specialties in the different certifications should be used more in events. We have a dozen different specializations all focused on different things yet we don’t use them… why not? We should allow the Mechanics to work on vehicles and the technical people to work on consoles etc. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] This would take place on gm_vyten Operation Dolos The NCC holotable rings and it gets picked up. Who calls? It’s FLEET CM M. Grant he's come to task the 34th battlegroup with a mission to the icy place of vyten. There's been some distress calls from a local settlement there saying “shadows” are taking out their settlers and that the CIS are moving onto the planet and slowly taking the settlements over. So the 34th are sent there and they meet some CIS patrols nothing too big but then they come across small little villages of settlers all sort of... broken and blood all over the place as if a slaughter happened... They need to investigate what happened to the settlers. While they are investigating the settlers seem to become terrified almost as if they see something in the distance while they are talking a settler drops to the ground with a blaster wound in the chest. The 34th all turn to where the shot came from and all they see is a dark mandalorian figure disappearing into the snowy fog... They must find the culprit and put a stop to the CIS and the mandalorians on this planet. They must fight like hell though the mandalorians seem to be everywhere all at once... They find a small droid FOB being defended by a lot of CIS forces something is in there that they don't want the Republic to find out. After clearing out the FOB the find a datapad with some information on it although it's sorta corrupted. It reads "Need reinforcements at crashed venator coordinates *******" The 34th have recently gone on a mission to a crashed venator which recently fell back to CIS control. Could it be the same? The 34th exfil back to the RAC Resolute where they go swiftly back to the crashed venator. This is where the map would change to the venator While they are leaving the planet and getting into open space they are attacked by a CIS munificent the 34th MUST win this ship battle to make it out of alive all battalions are fighting tooth and nail to get out until Navy decides to send a boarding party to set up a bomb in the control room and get back then slip space the hell out of there. The 34th are chasing this new intel until they get to the end of it. Mandolorians and CIS working this tightly together? Something important is in the midst... 2ND OFF WORLD IN THIS CAMPAIGN Operation Flood... Map would be set to rp_vanqor_sbs This event would be directly after the 1st event ITS A CAMPAIGN!!! The 34th are sent here to this crashed venator but everyone remembers how they had to fight here because of OPERATION NOSE-DIVE but nevertheless they are here again chasing after some intel they got off some datapad. The 34th are set up in the FOB on the planet and they can see CIS forces all around the crashed venator. They gotta clear them out. While they are clearing them out they start to see the ground in front of them sort of shift around as if something is crawling out.... the creatures they fought during "NOSE-DIVE" are back! They start attacking the 34th forcing them to shoot and move to the bunker that is now all full of mold making clones seal their suit. While the clones are slowly making their way into the bunker they start to get a static on their radio that seems to be a device causing it. They finally make their way into the bunker and they find the device blipping it's in the hands of a dead scientist... well a decomposing scientist its another comms device and there's another console nearby seems to be some important information on it. The bunker starts to shake violently forcing the 34th to transfer the intel quickly and get the hell out of there once they make it top side they are surrounded, they radio in for a hot evac LAATs come in hot the 34th scramble and get out of the area before the bunker explodes underneath them. Seems to be a self destruct sequence in the bunker that got triggered, no idea how... They have to go back to Anaxes and decipher this intel they got... MAP SWAP TO ANAXES 3rd Event 1ST PART Operation Aries Now back on base with the intel in hand when they get back into base and JUST start to relax a tiny bit a CIS munificent comes into orbit and starts HAMMERING Anaxes base and drops Pods and enemy armor on the runway. ALL hands are on deck with people scrambling to decipher the intel and troops manning the main hangar bay to keep the CIS back they seem to be extremely determined to take over the base I wonder why... after awhile the people deciphering the intel finally get through but only some of the message is seen the only words seen are "ALL OF ANAXES WILL BE OURS GOTO FACTO-" then it cuts off after that... Seems to be something big planned happening at CIS Anaxes the 34th MUST go and investigate CIS Anaxes to deal with this problem once and for all. 2ND PART The wounded from the base attack are sent to medbay to heal up, the rest are grabbing ammo and more equipment getting ready to ship out to CIS Anaxes where an insurmountable force is waiting for them. They arrive to CIS Anaxes where there is a Munificent in the sky and what appears to be an extremely large hostile force gathering at the factory. The 34th group up and start moving towards the factory. The CIS are fighting them like hell. Something important is there, I just don't know what it is yet. They get to the outside of the factory where they hear an open comm of "STOP FIGHTING" all the droids back up into the factory and the 34th see some figures walk out of the hangar bay seems to be... a CIS Commander and sith? Behind them is an artifact of unknown origin... but seems to be emitting a wave of "force energy". The Commander yells out for the head of the operation where the Commander offers a deal. a duel between his Sith and the Republic's Jedi whoever wins gets to win the battle fair and square. Now its up to the GC if they will be dueling for the win or will they fight to the death. All the troops are antsy and stressed... it's up to GC now... END OF MINI CAMPAIGN 4TH EVENT Operation Halla’ rov Map would be set to gm_marsh NCC Holotable starts to ring…. It’s FLEET CM M. Grant with another mission for the 34th a settlement went dark on the planet of Mimban their last recorded call was “Shadows killing us send help” the 34th set off immediately to the planet not wasting any time. They get onto the planet and set out clearing the area only some CIS patrols are around but the troops are reported to see shadows move in the fog… almost as if something is watching them. When they are clearing a house they hear a blaster go off and see a clone drop everyone is antsy. They look around and look for an enemy but don’t see any droids or anything. Then they hear on an open comm that they took someone from the 34th; it appears to be a 327th Talon Squad as the mystery man says they want the 34th to leave the planet and not come back. The 34th are looking around for them but they only come across a bunker of some sort… When they enter all they see is some mandalorian gear strung about. Seems to be a hideout of some sorts the deeper they go into the bunker they find the mando’s and their hostage, it’s a stand off of sorts. The Mandos wanna get out alive and the 34th wants the Talon Squad member… What will happen? Who knows… whatever happens on their way out the 34th gets attacked by CIS drop pods and BX droids who are heavily trying to stop the 34th but the 34th prevail and get out alive. 5TH Event rp_betaworkshl2 Holotable starts to ring… FLEET CM M. Grant is on the other side calling once again for the 34th to help him out with a situation. CIS have taken over betaworks all of it. Besides a small FOB that is still under Republic control but its losing men fast and the 34th need to get there fast and help reinforce the FOB. The 34th load up and get to the planet setting off fast but they take shots from a ridgeline. The smoke makes it hard to see they are fighting in what feels like Vietnam. It is extremely hard to take out the CIS in front of them but they must prevail and make it to the FOB. They get to the FOB and there are a few troopers left; they have to reinforce the FOB until they are able to get more reinforcements from the 54th battlegroup. They hold the droids off wave after wave but then are informed of a 2nd bunker near the base in a cave with some valuable intel that needs to be wiped from the database. A task force is sent there and they clear out the bunker and get the intel back into Republican hands. Reinforcements arrive the 34th start to load up into their LAAT until the CIS strike again. One of their LAATs get shot down and they have to land and clear out the CIS again and tend to their wounded inside of the FOB. They need to get EVAC ASAP the RAC Resolute comes to their aid and starts to help them out with close air support and LAATs to get them the hell out of there. Once everything is clear they get into LAATs and quickly move out back to Anaxes. I know I am back even though I said I wouldn't be back but honestly.. I am having too much fun on SWRP and I wish to become a GM and work with some people
  18. !!! more props = more strain on server!!! -1 there have been multiple suggestions to add prop limit to vip or raise prop limit!!! and they ALL get denied no reason to add more prop limit!!! 35 is good!!! just pick if you wanna base or jus vibe out with a cool dupe !
  19. +1 I had horse as a GM a while ago on MRP genuinely one of the greatest ones I ever got on my GM team. Horse is a cool person although can be dumb sometimes but he would be a good addition to the staff team but IMO he should be applying for GM not staff think he'd do some great work as a GM on swrp instead of staff Edit MASSIVE +1 one of the BEST GMs I ever had under me and ever had the pleasure of working with I told him it was wasted talent if he went the staff route instead of the GM route
  20. +1 Fern is genuinely one of the nicest and respectable people I have met so far. He is extremely cool to talk to and offers a LOT in the rp section of the game. Him being a GM would ONLY benefit the server genuinely no downside to having him join the GM team
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