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Everything posted by Fetn

  1. +1 Kachigga My nigga finally made a staff app fucking hell | but like he is very positive in game and helps people out
  2. @Bradley350 Can i get your side of the story please
  3. -1 i have never seen you around on drp so it show's you are inactive.
  4. Fetn

    ban appeal

    put his steam id
  5. DENIED you have been given 24 hours to fix this report and you still haven't done it so . @National @The King of Rohan lock and move please
  6. uh dark you got this report or no ? @DarkAlias
  7. ACCEPTED this was a false ban since you are already unbanned this will now be locked and move @Vernon @The King of Rohan @National Lock And Move Please
  8. Fetn

    Banned for nitrp

    Denied I have given you 24 hours to fix this report and you still haven't fixed it so @National @The King of Rohan @Vernon Lock and Move This Please No more Reply's to this until it has been locked and moved.
  9. also im gonna get someone to deny your other application since you made another one
  10. @National he did come to me also reverend but i want to see what this kid can do
  11. be more specific it means how many hours can you put into the role weekly
  12. bob the Game Masters Division shut down i infact were apart of it until buddha got demoted so until anyone else steps up its gonna be a ghost division
  13. uhm @National i have a copy of it if you need it but i suggest copy and pasting it into a different doc
  14. Fetn

    Banned for nitrp

    @Mister Fix it in 24 hours or get Denied
  15. -1 for the same reason just get to know the rules a lil better
  16. like entity said Im giving it a +1
  17. Im changing my answer since i just remembered that you rdm people on the street and pay them youve been doing this for weeks its time to stop chubz -1
  18. Fetn

    Script ban?

    @Iron_Fetus33 uhh confirm you did this ban also -1 your not providing any proof at all so provide proof of ban and maybe i will change it but for now its a -1
  19. Fetn

    False warns

    Yes also -1 but your kos sign was fucked up also you were killing people who entered the water
  20. yea are you lieing??????????????
  21. -1 What the hell did i just read completely rushed
  22. +1 since i see your active on the forums and ingame you also help out players in need so for this reason ima +1 also put me on the referall list
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