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Everything posted by TheDudeAbides

  1. Sorry my g. That's pretty damning from what I see atleast. -1.
  2. Alright I suppose. As ya do ya know. Cripplingly lonely, worn the hell out by bad job, minor paranoia, but hey car payments almost finished, and I started making some cream puffs today.
  3. Needed a new name. Always loved the movie The Big Lebowski, and I felt it fit my disposition so it stuck.
  4. The boost wouldn't count for pvp fights. Only pve.
  5. Since when has cursing in a sit been diss lmao. I saw someone else do this yesterday too, and if i'm being real coming from someone who speaks like a sailor it's more common speech among a lot of people rather than used maliciously.
  6. Description: Add the fight club job back to DarkRP. The class would no longer start with fists. Would be unlocked somewhere between level 10 - 15 The job would be different in the sense that the fight club members would fight NPC's and players in a fixed area for XP, money, and maybe small prizes from fights. The higher the win count you get, the better xp/cash you receive. Reasoning: Add another option for players to get XP/money. Gives people low and high level something else to do for the time being. Additional Information: No clue how much of this is even possible to create. The idea is that in certain areas such as here - or here - where as seen in the second pic an arena around these areas of some sort is made. The areas like the office to the right in the pic would have NPC's similar to the duel NPC's in which you could request fight's with various NPC enemies for various rewards(combine, zombies, antlion, etc...) along with being able to challenge any other current fight club member to a fight with a weapon of choice. XP wouldn't be gained from PVP (or if it does make it much lower) The other NPC could be a fight club weapons dealer like the PD. These weapons could only be bought by a fight club member and can't be dropped. Weapons such as the knife, crowbar, various small arms, and larger weapons to be used in the fights. Fights would have 3 minute cool downs as well as 2 minute max time limit. Arena's would be setup in a way to kick out any players currently inside them if any, prevent them from interfering, maybe a way to view.
  7. As neat as an idea as it would be our Darkrp sure as hell isn't serious enough to make it work properly to be worthwhile adding. -1
  8. I love discord don't get me wrong. It's a great little service, but even after people kept asking for it hardly anything happens on it unless a server has issues. The main issue is while DarkRP may not use it much a good chunk of Mrp/Rust does. It also provides many added administrative tools that outclass most of what discord has, and (though I can't say for sure) I find the quality to be on par if not better at times on ts.
  9. If it was say possible to restrict it to specific props, and said prop can't be moved while someones on it could be nice. Otherwise not gonna happen. We've had it in the past where it was too heavily abused.
  10. Agreed. Can't forget about Jailtp either. Works wonders for different situations.
  11. You could just add the max rdm amount to whatever they're already getting warned for. Believe me when I say people either learn or leave once they realize they're gonna sit doing nothing for a good 10 mins or so. -1.
  12. NOTE: In order to see all of the props without issue you will need CSS Textures otherwise they will appear as errors. If you don't have the CSS textures follow this tutorial here - Ever seen a base using props you haven't seen? Maybe you just want a change of pace. Either way here's a list of a number of props that are available in Garnet DarkRP. (To find the props go to the top where it says "your spawnlist". Click the folder, and use the search bar at the top to find the props via name.) Miscellaneous props (A mix of strange or generic decoration items) - models/props/cs_militia/mailbox01.mdl (Mailbox) models/props_c17/doll01.mdl (Baby Doll) models/Gibs/HGIBS.mdl (Skull) models/props_lab/huladoll.mdl (Hula girl) models/props_junk/watermelon01.mdl (Watermelon) models/noesis/donut.mdl (Donut) models/food/burger.mdl (Burger) models/food/hotdog.mdl (Hotdog) models/balloons/balloon_classicheart.mdl (Heart Balloon) models/balloons/balloon_dog.mdl (Dog Balloon) models/balloons/balloon_star.mdl (Star Balloon) models/props/cs_militia/fertilizer.mdl (Fertilizer bags) models/props/de_tides/tides_staffonly_sign.mdl (Wooden "staff only" sign) models/props/cs_assault/firehydrant.mdl (Fire hydrant) models/props/cs_assault/wall_vent.mdl (Small air vent) models/props/cs_assault/barrelwarning.mdl models/props/cs_office/exit_ceiling.mdl (Exit Sign) models/props/cs_office/exit_wall.mdl (Exit Sign) models/props/de_tides/vending_turtle.mdl models/props/cs_assault/handtruck.mdl models/props/cs_militia/sawhorse.mdl models/combine_helicopter/helicopter_bomb01.mdl models/props/cs_office/phone.mdl (Small office phone) models/props/cs_assault/pylon.mdl models/props/cs_assault/meter.mdl models/props/cs_office/trash_can_p.mdl (Empty trash can) models/props/cs_office/trash_can.mdl (Full trash can) models/props/cs_office/offcertificatea.mdl (Certificate prop) models/props/cs_office/paperbox_pile_01.mdl (A stack of paper) models/props/cs_militia/food_stack.mdl (A stack of various disaster supplies) models/props_trainstation/trainstation_post001.mdl models/props/cs_militia/caseofbeer01.mdl (Case of beer) models/props/cs_assault/duct.mdl models/props/cs_office/fire_extinguisher.mdl (Fire extinguisher) models/props_trainstation/payphone001a.mdl (Payphone) models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl models/props_lab/clipboard.mdl models/props_c17/BriefCase001a.mdl models/props_lab/frame002a.mdl models/props_c17/gravestone001a.mdl models/props_c17/gravestone002a.mdl models/props_c17/gravestone003a.mdl models/props_c17/gravestone004a.mdl models/props_c17/gravestone_cross001b.mdl models/props_combine/breenbust.mdl (Breen Statue) models/props_junk/PlasticCrate01a.mdl (Small plastic crate) models/props_combine/breenglobe.mdl (World globe) models/props_trainstation/TrackSign01.mdl models/props_wasteland/laundry_basket001.mdl (Round metal basket) models/props_lab/kennel_physics.mdl (Dog kennel) models/props_junk/bicycle01a.mdl (Bike) models/props_c17/SuitCase_Passenger_Physics.mdl models/props_c17/gravestone_coffinpiece001a.mdl models/props_c17/gravestone_coffinpiece002a.mdl models/props/cs_militia/haybale_target.mdl (Shooting range target) models/props/cs_militia/haybale_target_02.mdl (Shooting range target) models/props/cs_militia/haybale_target_03.mdl (Shooting range target) models/props/cs_militia/gun_cabinet.mdl (Gun cabinet with 2 shotguns) models/props/de_prodigy/ammo_can_01.mdl (Ammobox) models/props/de_prodigy/ammo_can_03.mdl (Ammobox) models/items/ammocrate_grenade.mdl (Ammobox) models/items/ammocrate_rockets.mdl (Ammobox) models/props_junk/TrashDumpster01a.mdl (Dumpster) models/props_c17/pulleyhook01.mdl models/props_wasteland/kitchen_shelf002a.mdl models/props_c17/SuitCase001a.mdl models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart001.mdl models/props_c17/metalladder001.mdl models/props_c17/metalladder002.mdl models/props_wasteland/gaspump001a.mdl models/props_trainstation/trashcan_indoor001b.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureWashingmachine001a.mdl models/props_junk/TrashBin01a.mdl models/props_trainstation/trashcan_indoor001a.mdl models/props_junk/PushCart01a.mdl models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl models/props_wasteland/laundry_cart002.mdl models/props_combine/headcrabcannister01a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureFireplace001a.mdl (Metal furnace) models/props_interiors/Radiator01a.mdl models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl (Small gas canister) models/props_c17/canister02a.mdl (Small gas canister) models/props_c17/canister_propane01a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureBoiler001a.mdl models/props_c17/TrapPropeller_Blade.mdl models/props/de_nuke/clock.mdl (Clock) models/props_combine/breenclock.mdl (Decorative clock) models/props_c17/clock01.mdl (Small clock) models/props_trainstation/clock01.mdl (Tall clock) models/props_trainstation/trainstation_clock001.mdl (Large clock) models/props_c17/pottery05a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery09a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery08a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery03a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery04a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery02a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery01a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery07a.mdl models/props_c17/pottery06a.mdl models/props/cs_militia/furnace01.mdl Chairs/seat props - models/props_c17/FurnitureCouch001a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureCouch002a.mdl models/props_interiors/Furniture_Couch02a.mdl models/props/cs_office/sofa_chair.mdl (Thick brown leather couch) models/props_trainstation/traincar_seats001.mdl (Red train seats) models/xqm/modernchair.mdl (Strange red chair) models/props/de_tides/patio_chair2.mdl (Nice looking metal chair) models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl (Small jeep seat) models/props/cs_office/chair_office.mdl (Standard office chair) models/props/cs_office/sofa.mdl models/props_combine/breenchair.mdl (Nice office chair) models/props_interiors/Furniture_chair01a.mdl models/props_interiors/Furniture_chair03a.mdl models/props_trainstation/BenchOutdoor01a.mdl (Wooden bench) models/props_trainstation/bench_indoor001a.mdl (Generic blue bench) models/props_c17/bench01a.mdl (Nice wooden bench) models/props_c17/chair02a.mdl (Simple metal chair) models/props_c17/FurnitureChair001a.mdl (Simple wooden chair) models/props_interiors/Furniture_Couch01a.mdl (Blue 2 person couch) models/props_wasteland/cafeteria_bench001a.mdl (Wooden bench) models/props_wasteland/controlroom_chair001a.mdl (Metal folding chair) models/props_c17/chair_kleiner03a.mdl (Barber like chair) models/props_c17/chair_stool01a.mdl (Old metal stool) models/props_c17/chair_office01a.mdl (Old damaged chair) models/props/cs_militia/barstool01.mdl (Wooden barstool) models/props/cs_militia/wood_bench.mdl (Wooden Bench) models/props/cs_militia/couch.mdl (Plaid 3 person couch) models/props/cs_militia/bunkbed.mdl (Bunk bed frame) models/props/cs_militia/bunkbed2.mdl (Bunk bed mattresses) models/props_combine/breenchair.mdl (Breen office chair) models/props_c17/FurnitureBed001a.mdl (Metal frame, no mattress) Chess/Checker props - models/props_phx/games/chess/black_dama.mdl (Black checkers piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/white_dama.mdl (White checkers piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/black_bishop.mdl (Black Bishop piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/black_king.mdl (Black King piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/black_knight.mdl (Black Knight piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/black_pawn.mdl (Black Pawn piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/black_queen.mdl (Black Queen piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/black_rook.mdl (Black Rook piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/white_bishop.mdl (White Bishop piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/white_king.mdl (White King piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/white_knight.mdl (White Knight piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/white_pawn.mdl (White Pawn piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/white_queen.mdl (White Queen piece) models/props_phx/games/chess/white_rook.mdl (White Rook piece) Plant props - models/props/de_inferno/potted_plant1.mdl models/props/de_inferno/potted_plant1_p1.mdl models/props/de_inferno/potted_plant2.mdl models/props/de_inferno/potted_plant2_p1.mdl models/props/de_inferno/potted_plant3.mdl models/props/de_inferno/potted_plant3_p1.mdl models/props/cs_office/plant01.mdl Tables/Shelf props - models/props_wasteland/kitchen_counter001c.mdl models/props_c17/shelfunit01a.mdl models/props_interiors/Furniture_shelf01a.mdl models/props/de_tides/restaurant_table.mdl models/props/cs_militia/bar01.mdl models/props/cs_office/shelves_metal.mdl models/props/cs_office/shelves_metal2.mdl models/props/cs_militia/table_shed.mdl models/props_wasteland/kitchen_counter001a.mdl models/props_trainstation/traincar_rack001.mdl models/props/cs_office/shelves_metal1.mdl models/props/cs_office/shelves_metal3.mdl models/props/cs_militia/shelves.mdl models/props/cs_militia/shelves_wood.mdl models/props/cs_militia/wood_table.mdl models/props/cs_militia/table_kitchen.mdl models/props_combine/breendesk.mdl models/props_interiors/Furniture_Vanity01a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureCupboard001a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureDrawer001a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureDrawer002a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureTable001a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureTable002a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureShelf001b.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureShelf002a.mdl models/props_c17/FurnitureTable003a.mdl models/props_c17/display_cooler01a.mdl models/props_wasteland/kitchen_counter001b.mdl models/props_wasteland/kitchen_counter001d.mdl models/props_combine/breendesk.mdl models/props_interiors/Furniture_Desk01a.mdl models/props_wasteland/kitchen_shelf001a.mdl models/props_wasteland/controlroom_desk001a.mdl models/props_wasteland/cafeteria_table001a.mdl models/props_wasteland/controlroom_desk001b.mdl Wheel props - models/props_vehicles/tire001c_car.mdl models/props_vehicles/tire001a_tractor.mdl models/props_vehicles/tire001b_truck.mdl models/props_wasteland/wheel03b.mdl models/props_vehicles/apc_tire001.mdl models/props_c17/pulleywheels_small01.mdl models/props_c17/pulleywheels_large01.mdl models/props_wasteland/wheel01.mdl Door props - models/props_borealis/borealis_door001a.mdl (Metal oval ship door) models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl models/props_c17/door02_double.mdl models/props_c17/gate_door01a.mdl models/props_c17/gate_door02a.mdl models/props_doors/door03_slotted_left.mdl models/props_interiors/ElevatorShaft_Door01a.mdl models/props_wasteland/interior_fence001g.mdl models/props_wasteland/prison_celldoor001b.mdl (Cell door) models/props_interiors/VendingMachineSoda01a_door.mdl (Vending machine door) models/props_wasteland/interior_fence001e.mdl models/props_wasteland/interior_fence001g.mdl models/props_wasteland/interior_fence002e.mdl models/props_lab/lockerdoorleft.mdl Lighting props- models/props/de_nuke/wall_light.mdl (Long fluorescent light) models/props/de_nuke/wall_light_off.mdl (Long fluorescent light) models/props/cs_office/light_security.mdl models/props/cs_assault/streetlight.mdl models/props/cs_assault/light_shop2.mdl models/props_c17/light_cagelight01_on.mdl models/props/cs_assault/stoplight.mdl models/props/cs_office/light_shop.mdl models/props/cs_assault/floodlight01.mdl models/props/de_nuke/emergency_lighta.mdl models/props_interiors/Furniture_Lamp01a.mdl models/props_wasteland/prison_lamp001c.mdl models/props_wasteland/light_spotlight01_lamp.mdl models/props_lab/desklamp01.mdl models/props/de_nuke/industriallight01.mdl models/props/de_nuke/light_red2.mdl Trash/Junk - models/props_vehicles/carparts_axel01a.mdl models/props_vehicles/carparts_door01a.mdl models/props_canal/mattpipe.mdl models/props_vehicles/carparts_muffler01a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage128_composite001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage128_composite001b.mdl models/props_junk/garbage128_composite001c.mdl models/props_junk/garbage128_composite001d.mdl models/props_junk/garbage256_composite001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage256_composite001b.mdl models/props_junk/garbage256_composite002a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage256_composite002b.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_bag001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_carboard002a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_coffeemug001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_glassbottle001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_glassbottle002a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_glassbottle003a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_metalcan001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_metalcan002a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_milkcarton001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_newspaper001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle002a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl models/props_junk/garbage_takeoutcarton001a.mdl models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl models/props_junk/GlassBottle01a.mdl models/props_junk/glassjug01.mdl models/props_junk/meathook001a.mdl models/props_junk/metal_paintcan001a.mdl models/props_junk/metal_paintcan001b.mdl models/props_junk/MetalBucket01a.mdl models/props_junk/MetalBucket02a.mdl models/props_junk/metalgascan.mdl models/props_junk/plasticbucket001a.mdl models/props_junk/PlasticCrate01a.mdl models/props_junk/PopCan01a.mdl models/props_vehicles/carparts_tire01a.mdl models/props_junk/sawblade001a.mdl models/props_junk/Shoe001a.mdl models/props_junk/Shovel01a.mdl models/props_junk/terracotta01.mdl models/props_junk/TrashBin01a.mdl models/props_junk/TrafficCone001a.mdl models/props_vehicles/carparts_wheel01a.mdl models/props_trainstation/trainstation_column001.mdl models/props_trainstation/trainstation_column001.mdl1 (Unfinished) Structures - models/props_combine/combine_barricade_med02a.mdl (Small combine structure for basic defense) models/props_combine/combine_barricade_med02b.mdl (Small combine structure for basic defense) models/props_combine/combine_barricade_med02c.mdl (Small combine structure for basic defense) models/hunter/misc/lift2x2.mdl (Cube like white structure with a door) Walls/Barriers - models/props_lab/blastdoor001c.mdl models/props_lab/blastdoor001b.mdl models/props_lab/blastdoor001a.mdl models/props_debris/metal_panel01a.mdl models/props_debris/metal_panel02a.mdl models/props_wasteland/interior_fence002d.mdl models/props_building_details/Storefront_Template001a_Bars.mdl models/props_wasteland/exterior_fence002c.mdl models/props_c17/fence01a.mdl models/props_c17/fence03a.mdl models/props_c17/fence01b.mdl models/props_c17/fence02b.mdl models/props_c17/fence04a.mdl models/props_wasteland/wood_fence02a.mdl models/props_wasteland/exterior_fence002d.mdl models/props_wasteland/barricade001a.mdl models/props_wasteland/barricade002a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_short02a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_short03a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_short01a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_med01a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_med01b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_med03b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_med04b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall01a.mdl models/props_junk/TrashDumpster02b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall01b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall02b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall03a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall03b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall04a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall04b.mdl models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl Signs - models/props_lab/bewaredog.mdl models/props/cs_office/offcorkboarda.mdl (A cork office board with some random papers) models/props_junk/ravenholmsign.mdlmodels/props_lab/blastdoor001a.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign005d.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign005c.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign005b.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign004f.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign004e.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign003b.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign002b.mdl models/props_c17/streetsign001c.mdl models/props_trainstation/TrackSign10.mdl models/props_trainstation/TrackSign09.mdl models/props_trainstation/TrackSign08.mdl models/props_trainstation/TrackSign07.mdl models/props_trainstation/TrackSign03.mdl models/props_trainstation/TrackSign02.mdl models/props_junk/ravenholmsign.mdl models/props_docks/channelmarker_gib04.mdl models/props_docks/channelmarker_gib03.mdl models/props_docks/channelmarker_gib02.mdl Paintings - models/props/cs_office/offinspc.mdl models/props/cs_office/offinspa.mdl models/props/cs_office/offinspd.mdl models/props/cs_office/offinspb.mdl models/props/cs_office/offinspf.mdl models/props/cs_office/offinspg.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintinga.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingb.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingd.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintinge.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingf.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingg.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingh.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingi.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingj.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingk.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingl.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingm.mdl models/props/cs_office/offpaintingo.mdl models/props/de_inferno/picture1.mdl models/props/de_inferno/picture3.mdl models/props/de_inferno/picture2.mdl Crates/Boxes/Barrels - models/props_junk/cardboard_box001a.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box001a_gib01.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box001b.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box002a.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box002a_gib01.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box002b.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box003a.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props/de_nuke/crate_small.mdl (Wooden Crate) models/props/cs_militia/boxes_frontroom.mdl (Pile of boxes) models/props/cs_militia/boxes_garage_lower.mdl (Set of 3 boxes) models/props_junk/cardboard_box003a_gib01.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box003b.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box003b_gib01.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box004a.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/cardboard_box004a_gib01.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl (Wooden Crate) models/props_junk/wood_crate001a_damaged.mdl (Wooden Crate) models/props_junk/wood_crate002a.mdl (Double Wooden Crate) models/props/cs_militia/footlocker01_closed.mdl (Hobo box prop closed) models/props/cs_militia/footlocker01_open.mdl (Hobo box prop opened) models/props/cs_assault/dryer_box2.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props/cs_assault/dryer_box.mdl (Cardboard box) models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl (Blue water barrel) models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl (Metal oil drum) models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl (Explosive oil drum) Tech - models/props_lab/monitor01b.mdl models/props_lab/monitor01a.mdl models/props_combine/combine_interface001.mdl models/props_phx/rt_screen.mdl models/props_lab/plotter.mdl models/props_lab/workspace003.mdl models/props_lab/workspace004.mdl models/props_lab/monitor02.mdl models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl models/props_lab/reciever01b.mdl models/props_lab/reciever01c.mdl models/props_lab/reciever01d.mdl models/props_lab/securitybank.mdl models/props_lab/servers.mdl models/props_lab/workspace001.mdl models/props_lab/workspace002.mdl models/props/cs_office/tv_plasma.mdl models/props/cs_militia/television_console01.mdl models/props/cs_militia/tv_console.mdl models/props/de_prodigy/wall_console1.mdl models/props/de_prodigy/wall_console2.mdl models/props/cs_assault/camera.mdl models/props/de_nuke/nucleartestcabinet.mdl models/props/de_nuke/equipment1.mdl models/props_combine/combine_interface002.mdl models/props_combine/combine_interface003.mdl models/props_combine/combine_intwallunit.mdl models/props_lab/hevplate.mdl models/props_c17/computer01_keyboard.mdl models/props_lab/citizenradio.mdl models/props_lab/crematorcase.mdl models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl models/props_c17/consolebox03a.mdl models/props_c17/consolebox05a.mdl models/props_lab/harddrive02.mdl models/props_lab/harddrive01.mdl models/props_c17/tv_monitor01.mdl models/props/cs_office/vending_machine.mdl models/props_interiors/VendingMachineSoda01a.mdl models/props_lab/tpplugholder_single.mdl models/props_lab/tpplug.mdl models/props_lab/tpplugholder.mdl models/props_lab/reciever_cart.mdl (Adding more)
  13. Pretty much what most people said. Chill dude. Little to no issues in game. Lots of experience. +1. Add me to referrals b
  14. Wish I could remove the hud elements, but whatcha gonna do. Hiding in the alter with vapes Singing campfire songs with Siphilis Sam, and others. A community printer farm we managed to keep going where anyone could claim cash at the printers. Surprised it last as long as it did. Watching Shrek in the theater. Partaking in a satanic cult Doing coke with people in a bar
  15. While I can't say I've been fully active throughout the 4 years here roughly i'm gladly surprised to see the server still kicking regardless of the good or bad I've seen it in. Crazy to think it's been that long, and it's grown this much. Much respect my man. Let's shoot the shit sometimes it's been too long.
  16. Description: Add a scavenger job to the game. The job would work by scavenging random goods from the dumpster. Finding things such as random cash amounts. Junk items to sell at a junk npc much like weed/meth (junk items are dropped upon death like weed/meth. Item to represent this could be a box or something) or basic weaponry. Police would be able to want/arrest anyone found scavenging. It would take 5 - 10 seconds to scavenge from one dumpster with a 1 minute cool down or cool down on the most recent dumpster. XP would be gained from both selling goods to the NPC, and finish searching a dumpster. Random money amounts could vary from $250 - $1000 with no junk or weapons. If random junk is found it puts the junk in your inventory with a random worth between $1000 - $3000 with no cash or weapons. If a weapon is found no cash or junk will be given. (Weapons included could be Hk45, USP, Colt1991, M92 Beretta, Sig Sauer P229R. It would also have a lower chance than the cash or junk) Level - 6 non Vip Equipment - Standard Citizen Loadout Rules - You may base. You may printer farm. You may counter illegal activities. You may not raid/mug. Reasoning: Adds another job to help increase diversity, gives a reason for the dumpsters to exist, and gives another way to earn XP/money for those just starting out. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] Model could be odessa Or resistance member maybe.
  17. I was checking through my screenshot, and I remembered you were the dude who got banned by accident. Guy with a name one off of your name was doing it. I would have had you unbanned already, but I can't do so myself anymore. Accept this
  18. You had plenty of time to talk, and I took it into account when I checked over a few areas of the logs. Was it 5 days? My b on that. Either way -Broke NLR FailRP for wanting after death, and RDA since it was a false want. I have no issue with this being reduced though to say a day, seeing as you're formal, and didn't really have any malicious intent in game.
  19. TheDudeAbides

    Ban Appeal

    As much as I'd like to due to how much you've dug your grave the person who put in the ban ultimately hasn't given any response. I wanna see what swagger says, and the evidence he has to support it if any. Either way i'd suggest tempering your attitude a bit. You need to get off whatever high horse you're on as well. It was such an insignificant example of disrespect that really wasn't needed to be added in. Sorry if it hurt you're feeling, but you're staff on a darkrp server. Get over it. (considering by what you've said he was already dealt with in a sit and should have been banned well before which would have prevented this in the first place). This wasn't your ban in the first place so no real reason for the evidence. I'll wait for swaggers response ultimately. I'm tired of seeing this petty shit from you as well as others. It's not just this incident or you alone that's tipped me over. Teach the players, try to improve the experience. It's what I always advocate for first. It's why you don't see me warn a player as much.
  20. That's how it happens as much as it sucks. I'm all about the security as well trust me. Believe me when I say I've gone through quite a few times scrubbing what I can just because of this kind of thing, and even then if you know some of my old name's you'd find accounts to various sites that I couldn't always deactivate or adjust.
  21. You're not wrong, but as I said ultimately if it was sound he could have had you gone in an instant just as anyone else. He doesn't need a permission to have a ban except for specific circumstances. And arguably if she wanted to hide this she needs to take more steps imo. As much as it blows to say it's pretty much either keep that shit indirect somehow or have it attached and easily find able. Not saying it's her fault for any of this mind you, but basic info such as that unless purposefully kept track of is generally extremely easy to find. Considering he didn't go out and directly say any info from what I see it's not something I'd say was doxxing. It wasn't particularly necessary for sure but malicious as a dox no. You aren't inherently wrong either about him going against some specifically. I've seen it, but that's for another time.
  22. What? My man that's not doxxing nor is it exactly some forbidden info. It's basic knowledge of a search engine. I've used it to find old players or info my self for various reasons. I mean if the evidence was in the right it doesn't really matter what rank he is ultimately.
  23. No clue. I've never see anyone use one so I may be missing something, but I didn't believe it did anything particularly. I didn't realize it did that on Mrp.
  24. Description: A few recommendations for things that could be added to improve the current F4 menu on DarkRP. Add various commands to the f4 menu that could be beneficial to many players both new and old along with small description of what the command does as well as what it is when typed. The description could be shown in the blank space under the command buttons. Create new tabs for easy access to the hat/blood/credit menus that could be between the jobs menu and ammo menu. Remove rebirth totem and the request gun license command. Add a current prop limit counter that adjusts with the limit as well as a prop counter for how many you have spawned that would be right next to it. If possible a way to disable/enable the custom escape menu. Reasoning: The commands added would be useful to many new players who don't have a grasp on our commands or systems yet (along with vets who may not know). The extra tabs for those menus would provide an easy quality of life access to both the hats/credits, and a much easier way to access blood if you don't know the console command. If not extra tabs perhaps a command in the command tab to access them. The rebirth totem has no use considering it's both wildly too expensive, and would create issues in combat when used. The gun license request breaks the hud usually. The prop limit counter/ability to disable the escape menu would be another nice QoL change for people building. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] Commands to add to the command tab with descriptions - /placehit - /placehit Opens the hit menu to place a hit for a small price. /give - Gives money to the current player you're looking at. /report - /report Opens the report menu for easy staff assistance as need be. /hats - /hats Opens the donator hat menu. /delivery - /delivery Starts the delivery job when playing as deliveryman. /rape - /rape Attempts to rape the current player you're looking at. /hits - /hits Opens the hit menu when playing as hitman to claim hits. What would be /bloodcolor or /donatioblood for the blood menu.
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