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Everything posted by Broku

  1. +1 For this, I've seen and compared the models from both packs and i personally wouldn't mind trading a few frames just to have a very fine looking weapon
  2. As far as the 91st classes go i can confirm that no other class besides Speeder Pilot, and Lightning Recon can spawn in BARC speeders which also makes it harder to do tryouts due to not being able to be on a Commander whitelist so this suggestion is a major +1 from me
  3. Broku


    Granted but a freak accident happens on a ride leaving you paralyzed for life. I wish i got paid to sleep
  4. So while i agree with this suggestion, i also see why it can be a bit iffy with the current equipment. For instance i actually like having a sniper added to my faction even though the main focus of 91st is scouting ahead on our Speeder bikes, If anything were to change i would want something more along the lines of helping our roles, such as for us maybe some sort of tool we can use to repair/maintain our speeders and possibly incorporate that into our RP. And lets hope it wouldn't cause anything like what the Bacta bombs were doing.
  5. +1 For this. The only people who should have third floor access are Commanders, Authorized personnel, and Shock, theres almost no reason for anyone else to be up there unless were in the middle of an event and are told to go there
  6. Broku


    Granted, but people still dont care about the rules so it keeps going. I wish i had a new car that works perfectly.
  7. Broku

    Buddha - Hacking

    Damn this sucks to see, just met you yesterday on MRP and thought you were cool at first but after seeing the evidence here i have to say good riddance and +1 to the report.
  8. +1 A lot of guns are under performing at the moment.
  9. Viz has always been a helpful dude and has past staff experience. That's gonna be a +1 from me dawg
  10. I think that this system wouldn't quite work as the server stands right now most of the players that seem to get kidnapped atm are usually lower enlisted who just wanted to explore the map and happened to stumble upon some Officers from an opposite faction, and even if it is a higher ranked player on the server that gets kidnapped i dont personally think having to change your ign is fair or appeals to alot of players, for some people (myself included) the names we go by in game are the names synonymous with our identities on the server. For instance anyone and everyone on the server who knows me knows i play under the name Broku, when people hear this name they know exactly who i am, if i was forced to change it people who werent on at the time or are out of the loop might think i just up and left the server. Another problem this might pose is for some SOC factions, Currently im playing for GRU and we have a system where we have to let one of the people in command of the faction know when we want our names changed (i assume its different for all factions but the premise is the same)and that would mean if for example i was kidnapped and a PK was called on me i would have to contact one of my leaders and tell them about the name change without confirming it with them beforehand since it would be forced. I feel like an alternative form of RP punishment would be better suited for the server as it is now like becoming a prisoner of war or something which could lead into other RP scenarios such as prison rescue where a small team would sneak into the opponents base and either sneak out the kidnapped person or break them out in a raid like assault situation. With all that said on this maybe a revision could change how i feel on this but for now its a -1 from me.
  11. Ik this situation sucks but whatever happens im sticking around. This is the best community ive ever been apart of and i cant imagine leaving. Hell if i have to build a better PC so i run Rust ill do it, Granted thatll take a little time
  12. Broku

    Gamma's Staff App

    This is a big +1 from me, Gamma has shown that he has Leadership skills and has done more than what was need to help many of the people he has interacted with, Even offering to help people improve how they play by training them on things like movement and how to take an OBJ, I feel like he would be a great fit for staff
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