As much as the idea seems appealing, I can see a couple issues pertaining to this that prevents me from giving it a +1 currently.
The abilities of the job listed here are not unique enough to warrant a new job. There already exists other classes can use donation boxes, heal, and base in the church. The closest "unique" trait this class would have would be the ability to own a base and use donation boxes, which is admittedly a bit interesting, but not exactly one that is in high demand or beneficial to the game state.
I don't feel that the Priest should only be allowed to base in the "church building," or that the "church building" should be restricted to only allow the priest to base there. I like basing in the church, and I know a lot of other people who have good bases there too. If this were added, I would much prefer the priest be allowed to set up his congregation in any building he wishes, rather than just the single spot of the church.
This is less of an issue and more of a general opinion on the proposed class, but I don't think the Priest should be allowed to print or anything. I think it would be funny and make sense if the Priest spawned with the "Annabelle" weapon from HL2.