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Everything posted by WohMi

  1. -1 This would turn me into the most paranoid nutcase on the planet while I'm playing mayor. I wouldn't let ANYONE in my PD. More objectively, creating a class whose sole purpose is to counter/kill another class is kinda lame. The mayor already has plenty of ways to die, and the server meta isn't really clamoring for another one.
  2. +1 We already have different colors for other types of messages (/advert, /broadcast), so It wouldn't hurt to add another color to differentiate PMs from normal messages. I wouldn't pick green, as that could conflict with the color of Staff Chat, but perhaps a nice red or maybe even purple... Perhaps this could be extended to affect the less-used but still applicable /g command for PD. A nice blue would work well for that, I think.
  4. I agree with chawhead. -1 I actually got banned for /demoting while staff was online when this was still a thing... Oops...
  5. Neutral I am absolutely all for lowering the price of ALMOST all the crates. As it stands currently, pretty much every single crate besides the ones with the chance to drop explosives are functionally useless. The prices are way too high for most of the rewards dropped from the case. I still remember a "meme" on the server when crates were first released: "10k HK!" This is referring to the cheapest crate having a chance to drop an HK45, a gun which I'm sure everyone who's reading this thread knows... isn't worth anywhere near $10,000. Reducing the prices of most of the !unbox crates could make it so that you have the chance to make a lucky profit from a crate, which would be especially helpful to newer players. Imagine LittleTimmy91's joyful surprise when he get's dropped a PSG-1 for half the price it would normally cost! I truly like the concept idea, which is why I really wish I could +1 it... However... Explosives are another thing entirely, especially Launchers. I feel that these should still be made difficult and expensive to obtain, for balance and server economy purposes. TL;DR: I'm all for reducing the prices of most cases, just not the ones with launchers.
  6. -1, for a couple reasons. Reason number one would be the usage of exploits by people who have alts. As @ChrisRid said, If I use "Robot_WohMi" who has never collected from a printer or leveled up to build my base, that quite literally gives me 10-15 levels in which the only XP source would be playtime XP in which my base is completely unraidable. Sounds very easily abusable and finicky. Reason number two.... this won't help new players nearly as much as you think it would. Giving new players a "grace period" won't help them not get raided, it will just mean that instead of raiding a level 1-2 who has no idea how to build a good base, you're raiding a level 11-16 who has no idea how to build a good base. The best way to help out new players is to literally help them out. Find a player(s) whose base looks like they don't know how to spell "Keypad," and offer to give them pointers on how to make a better base. @1998Corolla makes excellent points throughout their whole post, but this especially sticks out. I'd put money down that >90% of new players wouldn't check the rules thoroughly enough to find that they have a grace period, and that if implemented, this rule wouldn't serve the function it was intended for.
  7. -1 No real need for this to exist. /g exists already to communicate long distances within the PD.
  8. Neutral. While this definitely makes sense, I'm rather accustomed to where the job slots are currently... I wouldn't really mind the change, but I wouldn't mind it not changing either.
  9. +1 I believe in Fetn. Definitely has the potential to make a great GM.
  10. -1 As much as I like the funny boat builds I see people come up with, being able to use deep bodies of water would be too broken for raiding defense. If this were allowed, people wouldn't build "boats," they would likely build blacked-out "submarines* that are partially or totally flooded to make raiding an utter nightmare. Anyone who has ever raided the cave base knows how much of a pain in the ass it is to crack keypads while underwater. Having the full ability to make those bases wherever you want on the water makes an idea of allowing these classes to farm printers too overpowered. I'm fine with the idea of a job specific class that allows people to specify in building funny boats, but making out of class that can allow you to create freeform waterlogged bases? I'm a bit less willing.
  11. Thanks for everything, boss.
  12. -1 90% sure you asked me where to apply in game, and I sent you the link, and told you, "Don't apply yet, solely based off of your playtime."
  13. Shoutout to the World's Longest LOA Admin. Thanks for all the memories.
  14. +1 As Salteens said, this is a No Brainer. Adding Descriptions and Imagery would help people know what they're getting much more than just "Ghost Knife | Hyp..."
  15. +1 from me. Bro has got four kids. I'm sure it he's willing to deal with a couple more then he can do so with ease. Changing @Danny_The_Dog's vote to a +1 as well, on the grounds of a minor spelling mistake.
  16. +1 If the dumpsters can give money, weapons and drugs, then I don't feel that giving XP would remove the game balance either.
  17. -1 Under minimum age, didn't read rules, lousy paragraph, playtime lacking, no referrals ... But you do be balling though
  18. Oh. I stopped keeping track halfway through the month, but... I was honestly expecting to see ~60. Yay me!
  19. Respectfully, please don't. I already had one or two heart attacks when I suddenly heard an unexplained glass-breaking noise in my home, and I'm gonna need about 11 1/2 months to recuperate from this scare.
  20. FUCKKK ITS SO JOEVER.... this is fine actually. I just won't die.
  21. +1 Can't think of any overwhelming negative experience I've had with Errol, or any negative experiences, for that matter. Errol's played for a hot minute, so I don't think it would hurt to have him on the team.
  22. | iplayxb0x has played for 248:15:40. playtime lines up, but... didn't read the staff rules. -1 for now
  23. Goodness Gracious. +1 Camp's a gimme for staff. They're always on, so they can always help out with sits. I'd complain about there technically only being one paragraph... but nah. Camp would make a fantastic addition to the staff team.
  24. WohMi

    staff apps test

    -1 I told you multiple times in game not to apply for staff on the sole basis that you lack the hours required for staff. Seeing as how you titled this application "test," it seems pretty blatant to me that you don't really take this application seriously, otherwise I would have a long, long list of criticism. At the very least, don't apply again until you up your playtime (and turn 15 LMAO).
  25. WohMi

    Raiding Rule

    -1 Aside from the other reasons which others have stated in the thread, this rule would be an absolute pain in the ass to enforce. If someone adverts raid immediately as they walk in to the shop, are they outside or inside? What if someone adverts assist on the inside, but the original raid was on the outside? This rule would just cause unnecessary complication to raiding, and would likely not be very heavily enforced.
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