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Everything posted by Shrugger

  1. Description: Add a Second and (Potential) third floor to the killhouse building with the CSCDeseret Obstacle Course and Simulation rooms. Reasoning: Most Factions use the Killhouse Building from tryout purposes. It would be convenient to have the obstacle course(also commonly used for tryouts back when CSDesert was a thing) close by. However, OC is not big enough to fill a whole second floor of Killhouse. This gives free space for other stuff. Another thing that most factions include in their tryouts are simulations. By creating a couple of small simulation rooms and 1 big one(perhaps its own floor for 5v5s or bigger). Simulation rooms would be similar to the Dueling Rooms. This allows factions to hit up the Physical Training building and get all their stuff knocked out. Another benefit towards having simulation rooms inside of base would allow for same country factions to do simulations without having to worry about being kidnapped and be able to do all of their tryout without leaving the protection of the base. Additional Information: Shitty Painty Drawing First Drawing is if OC fits perpendicularity to KH Second Drawing is if OC fits parallel to KH
  2. The Squad @Chef Ramardee - Best friend on GG and off GG. One of the best leaders I have been under. @Phantom - First actual leader I went under. Another one of the best leaders I have served under. Even though we play on opposite sides and sometimes have different viewpoints your one the people who's opinions I respect and no matter what happens we're always chilling. @{GG} CJ - Wolverine 1, This is Charybdis 1. You are cool guy. How copy? Taught me all the RadioRP I know. Extremely fun to hang out with. @Arnold Smith - One of the enjoyable and hospitable friends I have. Auto inclusion into squad. @Flak - My most chill friend on the server. It's always nice to talk to you and just mess around after some seriousRP. @Uncle Burger - My Pillow pal. Whenever I need a break from whatever I'm doing, you always provide me a place to stay and conversation with you is delightful. @Greasy Dan - Greasy Dan @Catfisher - Grenade Sensei and a stupendous conversationalist @Everyone else - I have too many friends and people I wish to pay my respects to then I can remember.
  3. It's only for 1 life though and at a cost. +1 to the suggestion
  4. It was something Shep hosted back when he was SA. He spawned some HL2 zombies and we killed them for cash. Their bodies ended up on the ground until the next server restart though.
  5. Shrugger


    -1, what @Yazmo ☣ has said
  6. -1, There are significantly more upsides for having prone in game rather then removing it for "Prone Glitching". Here's a list(Will add on if I come up with more or if people suggest more reasons to keep prone): Accurate RP Usage of bipod weapons anywhere Sneaking around and hiding in objectives or in crevices Opens up certain parts of the map previously unexplored(under trucks for example) Usage in PT However, if garnet could find a different script that doesn't "prone glitch" that would be immensely helpful.
  7. I feel like this is the best option here. Remove Grenade class off of SEALs or GB and transfer it to DF and Add Grenades to Vega.
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