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About Why

  • Birthday 04/17/2004

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  1. It's a videogame skid, ease up have some fun. I understand being upset on how a faction is rolling, but you can just leave, no need for some fat faction diss, that just makes you look like a retard with emotional control issues. Pretty funny tho, seeing as for a good majority of my time on the server GB was shit and couldn't pull their weight in war, but recently (from what i've seen), GB has been actually pulling weight. All I see when you're on is a bunch of bitching at low enlisted and power thirst. Also, if you're gonna make a salty post, fix the grammar faggot, my cousin can write better than this shit. get a life. (quick little edit, typed this up right when it was posted, but my wifi cut out, still wanted it to be said.)
  2. See you in the after life father. /me salutes! Thanks for training me for the first time on the real, you're the reason I got hooked on MRP.
  3. +1 niggas really trying to bring back SEAL Sniper? That mk11 was shit, couldn't hit a moving target. yeah the mp5 sucks at further ranges, so SEALs are pretty much restricted to donors or CQC. SEAL Operator used to have an m4, which pretty much fit the further range role (as long as you can deal with recoil lmao). If anything, I would suggest even fucking nerfing the damage of the mp5 and putting it on medic like it was before (but with a hard nerf cause that thing was FUCKING op with the old medkit).
  4. Ah the great chieftans doing their godly business. may the moments go down in history, brother!
  5. Promote Tree Branch pls he v cool mans


  6. lmao he’s been trying since i was LTJG. Didn’t know the skid got in.
  7. rep is for nerds basing your opinion based off someone's rep is dumb, meet the person and judge them off who they are and what they do.
  8. bind P "say // If someone is prone glitched, it's client side, so please don't complain in ooc :)" thanks for GRU PFC back in the day
  9. +1 both are great ideas, the server has been struggling when it comes to RP, and this new kidnap system would add some tension when walking outside with another person, as a group of SSO might be hiding around the next corner. The only problem I could see is when people are going to sims or more importantly, tryouts. Other than that I would love to see this brought into the rules.
  10. Sorry, I'm just really not feeling US again, and with ghost leaving and him being the only really active officer left, it's @ just not fun. I honestly can't remember the last time US won a war, and that's not entirely their fault. I really do miss the days after I joined SEALs for the first time when getting basecamped could be fun. @Hoskins I know you're on loa (part of the reason i'm leaving) but I just want to say you can blacklist me again if you so wish. @Pencil Thanks for making these last moments good. lmk if anyone else wants a tag
  11. F have to hope jackal's gonna be more active now.
  12. In Game Name: Gay Gay Origin of name (Why you chose it): It was originally Jay Jay the Jet Plane but I kept getting Jay Kenneth's PMs How long you've been on GG (Put the date you joined if known): Dec 2017 Favorite faction you've been in: SEALs Favorite memory on the server: Earraping Beating with Ryan McCree, but I enjoyed blacklisting Pony too.
  13. youch it's pretty much word-for-word
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