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Everything posted by MeLikeFood

  1. +1 as long as cp cant use it and it can only be in a base it would be nice to have maybe if you could only view it in the base though like a monitor that is only 1 so you can see if your being raided from back of your base
  2. +1 would enjoy an orange colored vape
  3. +1 would love to see this on the sever ive played on severs with it and it was fun
  4. Because I am not likely to be back as staff for a while
  5. l mod was the rank i was before resign
  6. Dark rp just isn't fun for me anymore and i messed up my pc settings so much my mic input is really low no matter how loud i talk anyways it was fun hope. Bye everyone it was nice helping out the sever One last edit please set me to vip i had it prior to being staff i might come back
  7. you were never rude to anyone in game + is active so much +1
  8. im gonna +1 this not because i think what your saying should be done but i think at least maybe it should turn a frozen prop into an open fading door for like 20 seconds so if a cop false warrants someone building they dont loose thier base
  9. +1 was a great staff member before ban
  10. im not trying to get a form warning but use this
  11. +1 you were a good staff when you were staff and good app!
  12. +1 getting a ref from spilq and proggy is very good so is your app gl
  13. -1 5 In a YEAR is way to many
  14. Yes i agree printers should have cooldown i was just talking about different printers having cooldown reset each printer but garnet said thats not possible so yeah
  15. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] That the new 10 second cool down only applies to the same printer because when raiding a base or printer farming say you need to collect from multiple printers within a time period that would be helpfull because having to wait 10 seconds in between different printers just dosent make sence Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] It would be nice to be able to collect from multiple printers without 10 sec cooldown if you are printer farming or raiding Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] no Reason for edit: forgot to add something
  16. changed to -1 nvm based on other feedback
  17. MeLikeFood

    Ban Appeal

    -1 you admit to breaking the rules in this and its not fish fault about other warns but anyways @xFish still need your side
  18. 3 warns is alot for becoming staff but then again i think everyone gets a chance. I can confirm my ref other than that you know the rules pretty well and never banned so +1
  19. -1 all of the above evidence is just to bad get to know everyone and dont break rules and reapply then
  20. MeLikeFood

    The Arena

    +1 only if there is a way to deal with logs like maybe another damage category because yes damage logs reset is annoying
  21. MeLikeFood

    Ban appeal

    also you claimed that Garnet had said you were allowed to media micspam witch i highly doubt if im wrong Garnet please correct me
  22. MeLikeFood

    Ban appeal

    media micspam and micspam are different
  23. MeLikeFood

    Ban appeal

    you admit to breaking three rules in this i banned you because you body blocked, nlr(admitted in appeal), rdmx2(admitted in appeal,and media micspam. i have proof and so does knoxx of the body block and media micspam Edit: i have proof of staff chat being empty when i asked someone to take my sit btw my id is STEAM_0:0:138541619
  24. MeLikeFood

    The Arena

    +1 like the idea only it would be nice if you spawn back there on like a stage so you dont have to type /arena everytime
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