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Everything posted by Vac_

  1. Vac_

    Gamma's Ban Appeal

    I will say I am at fault for not bringing you to a sit as I acted in the moment, but here is my side: You say you were not verbal'd however, you were. In this clip: Bendak made a report on you after watching you strafe to break fire rate, then proved it by shooting his Orsis himself to show the usual speed. He made the report so I brought you and him to a /sit and reviewed the clip. I confronted Jackal about it and he said it wasn't concrete enough for a perm ban so I gave you a verbal warn instead of a full on warn for it and dismissed the sit. This is not the first time that I saw you do this, I've seen it happen In war from time to time so I pm you about slowing it down a bit, I don't have any SS of this so it can't really be used against you. But, today, br0ken pointed out to check logs, saw you hit people with the Orsis in under a second not once, but twice, let alone, war was like 5-10 minutes in. Lastly, I specifically remember telling you to chill with your fire rate as in war I noticed you fire faster then the sniper is indented to. EVIDENCE: https://imgur.com/a/0uFAi4g https://imgur.com/a/Z7NpGGI
  2. I'm being dead honest, I've never seen anyone use Hugo Stiglitz in game, so if it is true, I'll happily change it, it's just never saw anyone with it until today
  3. From what I saw in @ Chat, this was indeed a false ban, +1
  4. Massive +1; I have almost no bad encounters with you, infact personally I can’t even think of one. You’re active, mature and overall would be a great addition to the staff team
  5. Vac_


    “How the fuck am i giving a manager a hard job” That is the most retarded thing you could say after what you did, you not only made one staff member have to deal with you, but due to what you did, now another has to deal with this report due to your stupidity, have a good day “bud”
  6. Vac_


    Funny, he can’t even take his appeal seriously.
  7. Vac_


    You took it out of context, go back and read the whole paragraph Ozzy :P, it talks about a situation, not my opinion on the topic.
  8. Vac_


    He said he knew he was being spectated, then decided it would be smart to “apparently fake hacks” and assumed everything would be A’ Ok? Okay bud, okay.
  9. Vac_


    No, you stopped “fucking around” when jackal stopped spectating you and went to look at recording. Also you said you didn’t record that gameplay, so where is your evidence proving you didn’t hack? You claiming you didn’t hack is retarded and doesn’t prove anything. you have nothing to prove you weren’t hacking and you shouldn’t be unbanned for it. Even if you were “faking hacks” personnally you should stay banned for 1) Making a Manager have to deal with your BS making there job harder then it already is. 2) being toxic and deciding it was smart to fake hacks and mess with staff members. You clearly have no respect for the staff if you think it was okay to do that.
  10. Vac_


    The fact that a manager can’t make an executive decision without getting second guessed and the decision is agreed upon by a majority vote weither he is hacking to be banned mind boggles me. Jackal shouldn’t have to be defending his case unless topshot has evidence to prove his side, not examples, pure evidence. A manager should be able to make a final decision unless it’s overruled by a SA. Not by the community, at that point it’s opinionated, not factual.
  11. Vac_


    Okay, here, 1) The fact that when you “had your DPI super high” and you spun, and that you then resumed your gameplay perfectly instead of being somewhat confused considering you just span around, almost like you didn’t know it happened (even more sus since you were being spectated and most likely locked onto Jackal as gmod’s platform isn’t solid) (That isn’t very concrete but i noticed it while watching the clip). Also 2) The fact that you have no evidence to prove your innocience, the video posted by Vlad is exactly what you did, i don’t know what side he is on tbh, and lastly, the fact that you somehow “knew” you were being spectated, instead of saying you assumed, you said you knew, most hacks have an option to show who is spectating me leading to believe you threw yourself under the bus. My -1 stands.
  12. Vac_


    Also, how would they know you were being spectated, 80+ people on, why you? No bud. no "It wasn't the cheat." So you're saying it wasn't your hacks doing that meaning you are hacking and you just double oof'ed yourself, lmao
  13. Vac_


    lmao -1; you couldn't be more blatant bud
  14. Vac_

    Vac MRP Report

    As stated, playing in first person, the time it takes to fire, then break fire rate , then ADS, then get 2 consistent hits, I haven't done testing, but I don't even think its even possible in under a second (as longs are showing) EDIT: Also, if I'm not mistake, Jackal mentioned about needing video evidence (with audio) since logs can be inaccurate with time/bugs/other GG/G-mod issues
  15. Vac_

    Vac MRP Report

    125 DMG M95, HS would only be 250, so yes, it would have to ricochet if you were hitting one shots mate.
  16. Vac_

    Vac MRP Report

    No, that's why sometimes you can one shot a NG/RPG with 300 HP if you hit a headshot
  17. Vac_

    Vac MRP Report

    Ricochet , It happens when it bounces off an object (Mountain, car, even another player) Its the reason most reports like this get dismissed. I also snipe first person , so an accurate rapid fire exploit would be very uncommon since your ADS takes time compared to the third person mechanism. EDIT: If you would've pulled up logs, the damage against Hydrus was from me and him bouncing it off the mountain as we were near OC, he had the same thing happen. The one against you most likely hit the mountain behind comms, since that's the direction I was sniping towards comms.
  18. +1; Anytime that I’m online, I never see anything that would make me think less of you. Mature, active, gets stuff done. I feel you’d be a great addition to the team
  19. +1: Reasons: 1) We have an SMG and Shotgun, so objectives are limited due to having only Close quarters combat weapons, none of the SEALs use Tactical due to that main reason, changing the nades and shotgun to an AR would make the class actually useful and not just a class that you're whitelisted for. 2) Usage; It is almost impossible to win mid-long range gun fights unless you have a donor weapon while on the SEAL whitelist, changing the Tactical class to an AR class would make it more fair for the faction and would allow us to be put on different objectives/rotations to other objectives. ~Side note: Every other faction has an AR except SEALs ((And Vega)), in turn, giving them a major advantage
  20. Vac_


    Why wouldn’t I shoot? That’s like saying there is a guy in the open sniping me, but i’m just going to let him live. Just because I knew people were pushing in behind me doesn’t mean i’m not gonna try to clear the obj. Edit: slowed the video down to .25x , i saw what you mean when I turned to the door once Vendette entered. I died as soon as i turned towards the door to try and get behind the wall to reload, thats the death animation, not a flick
  21. Vac_


    I’m aware, as I stated, as soon as i strafed in the doorway, i saw both, i chose to kill the guy with the M60 first so more SEALs could push in behind me, i wasn’t able to kill the guy on the garage, but the SEAL behind me was able to.
  22. Vac_


    *Plays in 3rd person over right shoulder* *kills one* *turns* *gets called out for hacks* lmao, in all serious, just lucky aim my man Edit: I just realized, I didn’t even kill the kid to my right
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