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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Promotions br0ken - Admin > HeadAdmin Trip- T.Admin > Admin Mark Duglas - Mod > HeadMod (Contact Ethan or br0ken to join a division) Ghost- T.Mod > Mod Landon - T.Mod > Mod Viva- T.Mod > Mod AwesomeAiden- T.Mod > Mod Gotham- T.Mod > Mod Mikel - T.Mod > Mod Huskaii - T.Mod > Mod Demotions Hind - Mod > User Skye- HeadMod > User (Resigned)
  2. It's not like factions usually have more than 1 tryout going on at a time. The officer leading the tryout uses the officer class and whitelists anyone who passes at the end. No need for more than 1.
  3. I think the "jumpy combat" is what needs to be stopped, but I do agree that the stam system could be reworked so that you lose stamina more slowly and gain more when standing still.
  4. Your story was really sketchy, I don't think anyone buys it. Sorry if it is true, but it's most likely not, which unfortunately means you should move on.
  5. Your account was involved, so the account receives the punishment. Sorry.
  6. Despite already solving this weeks ago, I understand how the other side feels. The ban will be reverted, but I do not condone using alts and it doesn't change the fact that some of the clips are still suspicious.
  7. I don't know why you waited this long to make an appeal, even after we talked about it. At the end of the day, you don't need to be on the server with an alt. Most of the players on at the time were calling you out a hacking, and it looks extremely sus. Even if it is not "100%," many more have been banned with less sus plays by other staff members. I already talked this over with you weeks ago and it doesn't need to be brought up again now. Enjoy the fact you can play on your main.
  8. Old but gold. This is remaining denied as per Trip's decision.
  9. I don't personally have an issue with you, but I can't treat you differently than the other guys who were denied. According to Garnet, you did tell others to leave the server on another discord and were running with a peculiar crowd who has had very bad relations with this community. Wait for a wipe.
  10. ??? I literally told Vibe to tell you "No comment" on whether or not you can make an appeal. it doesn't nullify this appeal, but please don't say things that didn't happen.
  11. I didn't even insult him. I was posing a legitimate question that even other DRP players have been raising.
  12. Why was this guy let back into the staff team?
  13. FYI, got promoted to Iron 1 today
  14. -1, biggest idiot on the server
  15. Regarding the whole pedo thing, I never intended to label you as one, and if I recall correctly, only was mentioned in your forum ban where only you should have been able to see it. While you aren't necessarily a pedo, the way you were talking to minors could certainly be seen as pedophilia, even if it was in a joking manner. After rereading through your first ban appeal, it just reminded me how hard you made it to want to unban you and, as I mentioned in Gardner's staff app, it seems there is this sentiment that one can just disappear for half a year or more and come back expecting things to be different. This isn't a grudge, I just don't see how things have changed and I've witnessed failed cases of redemption multiple times here. I won't give you your shot at redemption this time, but if there ever is a ban wipe, maybe you can be unbanned then. The fact that this would be necessary for anyone on a Garry's Mod server is just sad.
  16. Oh, this is still going to be denied as I happen to agree with what everyone has been saying on this thread.
  17. It may be great that you "changed" and all, but it doesn't change what you did. There seems to be this idea that one can just keep applying no matter how bad they messed up, and eventually people will forget or just decide to give a chance. This sets a bad precedence that someone can do something really bad like chargeback and think "well, I can just do this now and come back a year later and things will be different." I, however, do not want to set this precedent. Sorry, you messed up big and now this is the consequence. As mentioned previously, be happy you can even play the server now.
  18. This is more of a general statement for anyone else applying, but one should not apply to see what other players think. Ultimately, the decision is up to me and/or the HR staff. Player's +1/-1 on the thread mean almost nothing to us if we don't personally view one as fit to be a staff member.
  19. Phantom


    You've been unbanned.
  20. Promotions lua- Modrator > HeadMod Skye- Moderater > HeadMod Br0ken- T.Admin > Admin Bendak- T.Mod > Moderator Demotions Jackal- Manager > User Pencil- Admin > User (Resigned) PhatPropane- T.Mod > User (Resigned) Cramer- Moderator > User draggy- T.Admin > HeadMod
  21. For medics, there is the possibility of one SOC faction on each side getting a Medic specialization. We could also leave the medic classes to entry level to encourage a more symbiotic relationship between SOC and Entry. For the SV98, if it were added like any other sniper, it would probably be a 90 DMG variant. Many other players I've spoken with would like for the Arsenal to stay away from 1 shot weapons and I agree with this.
  22. I think this would be sufficient, perhaps they would be able to keep attachments and be able to purchase an extended barrel and grenade launcher attachment with 1 40mm grenade?
  23. It would have infinite slots
  24. That's what I would like to do which I forgot to add to the thread.
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