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Everything posted by StillWohMi

  1. https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans From what I saw, you were talking about what a SPECIFIC person's (who I won't name unless they respond to this) body fluids tasted like, in OOC. That could be insinuated as sexual harassment. Proggy definitely had a reason to take action against you, and he chose to go (in my opinion) a bit overboard and perma you. This is incorrect. The thing that you said was inappropriate and should not have gone unpunished. You definitely deserved a punishment for that, however I will concede that (at least in my opinion) the perma ban was a bit excessive. While I would recommend an unban, the fact that you don't think you did anything wrong is definitely not good. It's up to the admins on this, but in my opinion you deserved at the very least a mute, if not ban time, just not a perma-ban. Just because you think something doesn't hurt someone doesn't mean it's okay to do it. The fact that you didn't fill out the requirements for the appeal even though the resources for them are also problematic. I suggest you use those links and fix your appeal if you ever want your sentence to change.
  2. +1 Absolutely godlike app, if it's true that he was really staff from 2014-2019 then this shouldn't even be QUESTIONED lmao. Make this guy staff already, he seems awesome. Also from the bit I remember playing with him online, he was fantastic at taking sits and staying non-judgemental.
  3. I don't have any opinion about this YET, I'll probably wait for all the other opinions to come in, but I've seen a few incidents that make me not want to immediately upvote this.
  4. -1, from what I've experienced Couch is not mature enough to be on the staff team. Plus with all the "lies," bans, etc... Couch, you got a long way to go before you become mature enough to be staff.
  5. proggy stealing? our glorious darkrp super admin would never do such a thing
  6. i have never played mil rp in my life but garnet got me HYPED!
  7. If you dont stop heart-reacting all my posts on Garnet Forums this is gonna be usspacer.png

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    2. StillWohMi


      @The King of Rohan shit man i dunno Shin prolly has some big ol titties

  8. So what I think you're describing is, not only would the server keep track of every single printer, item, perk, meth, cocaine, weed, and base while it's crashed (which I believe means it's not connected to the internet), when/if people join back onto the server, they would be compensated IN FULL. That would take an INCREDIBLE amount of data. Either that, or you're expecting the admins to just memorize that, which is equally as impossible.
  9. What time zone are you in? Just wondering. Anyways, even if it affects the entire server, it's still no reason to give people free money that don't deserve it. It's simply too complicated and too risky to ever be instated.
  10. sorry to assume that you weren't VIP. Here's a helpful spreadsheet on the prices of Garnet. (VIP printers don't cost 200k.) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tiMksQp4C1Dg42CxBu4S2ZILyvJaJ_DYoa0UQ2mkeXI/edit That's exactly the reason. DarkRP is tough, man. Getting a large sum of money just because the server crashed wouldn't be good for anyone. I get that you're upset that you lost your stuff, but are you SURE that it's the servers fault? I have not been playing today, but since you're vip, I'm going to assume the server crashed 5-6 times with you fully upgraded everything, and perks. Even so, I haven't seen the server crash so frequently like that since we added the original unbox plugin. If it's YOUR connection that's the issue, that's more on your problem-end and not garnets. Maybe check your connection/internet speed before blaming it on Garnet and requesting a plugin be made. Also, another problem with the !crash plugin: The way you describe it, I wouldn't even need to crash. I could leave, say I "crashed," get the Large sum of money, leave again, rinse and repeat. !crash has somewhat-good intentions, but there's too many flaws with it for it to ever be added into Garnet without grave consequences.
  11. +1, I feel that this could be boosted even. (40-50) for long ones, etc. Since I'm a fast typer, I suppose this is a bit selfish, but I like the idea of getting credits for typing. The only problem is that there would probably need to be something to stop the existing problem of people just copy-pasting the word from console or binding it to a keybind. I have seen people react with words instantaneously, which is annoying when you have the ability to type it out yet someone has put "bind num9 "say Psuedopsuedo..." or something like that. I have considered making a separate thread for this, which I will edit this and link it if this isn't accepted in the future. Great suggestion though!
  12. -1 How do you even lose that much? Assuming you're not VIP (because I've never seen you in my life,) it takes $30172 to buy, upgrade, and purchase coolers for 2 printers, assuming you don't collect anything from them. Following your logic, you would have had to have rejoined and done everything I described at LEAST 13 times (lowballing this at 400k.) Assuming you're also buying perks and a weapon of some sort, I'll up your amount per crash to ~50k. Even then, you would've rejoined at least 8 times, if not more. (Unless you're capping) It costs $30172 to fully upgrade + cool + buy 2 basic printers. This would absolutely ruin the economy, as you're giving people over 8.2 times the money that they would have spent. And what if they don't have printers? What if Level 1 "rick el brick" joins, server crashes, he rejoins and gets a cool 250k for the server sneezing? I haven't experienced a crash in a while, so It could possibly be just you. I do see where you're coming from. While I haven't experienced a crash in at least a month, I can agree that it hurts when your printers, perks, and guns disappear to something that's out of your control. But the fact of the matter is that this stuff is really hard to prove, and easy to abuse. Adding a command based on trust that people did have all the perks, weapons, and printers is dangerous, especially if people abuse it. The thing that would truly worry me about this is that since you're describing the "10 minute timeframe" between crashes, crashing the server would actually become profitable. If I made a lag machine that can crash the server in about 5 minutes, plus the time that it takes to rejoin (~2-3 minutes), I (along with anyone else who would use !crash) would be making around 8.5 million in 4 hours. While I don't think this is a very good suggestion, (heck it's not even good), I can get where you're coming from. Sometimes, you just got to be prepared to take a fall.
  13. StillWohMi

    Rule Addition

    Who cares? Just ignore them, all they're doing is being a little goofball.
  14. Update: Decided to add damage amounts, this could probably be tweaked, but here are the damage as is. Primary Attack - Mode 1: 15 Damage, 3-hit combo esque, i believe it does more stun/knockback Primary Attack - Mode 2: 15 Damage, slightly faster Stealth Attack - Mode 2: 100 Damage Secondary Throw Attack: 35~50 Damage (this one was a bit tricky to test, damage slightly fluctuated) It also DOESNT do the weird fence- infinite range thing, like the brick. However, due to a little bit of testing, I found out that the throw attack (if directly pressed up against the wall) does pass through thin props however I don't see this as a massive, game-breaking issue. (After additional testing, I found out that if the hammer spawns inside of a prop, it will ignore that prop collision-wise, however all other props will be included. This seems to be intentional as to not get the hammer stuck.)
  15. How's the progress on /arena coming along?
  16. Description: The Hammer Swep is exactly what it sounds like: A small, one-handed claw hammer that can be used to swing and hit things. I originially found this on the Workshop, and, after messing around with it a bit and doing some testing, thought that it seemed perfect for GarnetGaming. Playtesting it in singleplayer, I find that it's the perfect low-medium power, high hijinks weapon, with different attack modes, a "stealth" attack, and the possibility to throw it. This next bit is directly copy-pasted from the workshop's page. Primary Attack - well, to attackSecondary Attack - throw (can be picked back by pressing E on the entity)Reload - cancel throwing or change mode (switches the hammer head side) A stealth attack can be performed in the sharp mode while sneaking from behind someone (you will see a special animation) Reasoning: This Hammer Swep could have tons of different uses: New classes, new store weapon, even a possible replacement for the knife the hobo lord has. I haven't found or encountered any severe/game breaking bugs, as the weapon is very simple. This weapon appears to be simple, easy, and fun, and I think it would work very well in the Chaos that is DarkRP. Additional Information: The link to the download is here, for anyone else wanting to try it out https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285965501 I will most likely respond to any comments on this topic, so feel free to ask me any questions. Happy Hammering!
  17. Good staff, Great player. Never talked to you but you always seemed very kind and understanding. Come back soon!
  18. -1, Could easily be abused especially with perks. I don't want to fight a 250/350 HP security guard if I'm raiding. I don't think giving people shotguns/stun batons for free is a good idea. Also, most of the time security guards are either low-level or dedicated, meaning that they are actually getting paid. Most Security Guards over the level of 20 won't do it for free, and I don't think adding an extra command that could possibly mess with the server is a good idea for such an easily solved problem.
  19. Windmill base can also be used in areas with corners/doors. Pretty nifty tbh
  20. Thanks for the Shoutout Shin. In all honesty, I haven't TOUCHED Crack Dealer since I first played him LMAO.
  21. Thank you. I will try all of this. I already reinstalled GMOD once so I'm gonna try the others. IT WORKED!!! THANKS
  22. I know this probably isn't the EXACT best place to ask for help like this, but I'm getting desperate at this point. In the past week or so, I have only been able to launch the server successfully ONCE (don't even know how) The server loads fine until I hit "materials/icon64/thirdperson/thirdperson-icon.png" . As soon as that message pops up on my screen, the game crashes. Any tips for this at all???
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