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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Doof123

  1. Doof123

    Duglas Appeal

    Hes stayed in contact with me, and from what i can tell hes genuine and really misses the community. everyone makes dumb choices and i think he really regrets his.
  2. Name : SSO SLT Doof I beta tested the first time Reason: My favorite map garnet has ever made is delta, I have nothing but fond memories from that map, I really enjoyed the first beta test, and I think that the input that was collected from that session was valuable. I'm a dedicated member of the server and id love to help out in any way possible, again thanks for your consideration regardless of the final decision.
  3. +1 plenty of counter evidence, another rushed ban per usual. most of these clips show nothing, and the other ones he clipped
  4. This would be really stupid but fun, Add the timed C4 suicide bomb, that tali gets. make it really expensive obviously to prevent PVT mass.
  5. SSO SOPT Doof - I'm applying because I'm genuinely interested in the new map, and because I really enjoyed the original version of delta, I think my input could be valuable because of that experience. Regardless of your decision, thanks for your consideration.
  6. +1, Hardworking, dedicated, and loyal.
  7. -1 This is pretty much damning evidence right here.
  8. -1 Immature and toxic from my interactions, wouldn't be a good role model. if you work on these I could +1 in the future, but right now its a -1.
  9. Bioshock? Escape execution, fight bandits, yell really loud at people. @Zachman Yep
  10. +1 This is a great idea, the mystery of hit reg in the source engine is retarded. This sums up my feelings pretty well.
  11. +1 I've been telling him that he should apply, he already helps out with events and stuff, so he's the perfect fit
  12. Doof123

    Windows Ban Appeal

    What kind of friends do you have? -1 Bad friends.
  13. I love you fetn, but i agree with this, when you came back from DRP, you r skill level skyrocketed. you were suspected of cheating by a lot of people. The video seems pretty cut and dry. -1 For now.
  14. Doof123

    Ban Appeal

    This is the clearest video I have ever seen, this is the most HD shit ever. This is 4K, How did they catch you in 4K? Fat -1
  15. Im gonna admit that I did think you were hacking at the time of your ban, But having seen the evidence I don't think that it justifies the ban. If there is more evidence however my mind could be changed, but as of right now its a +1 for me.
  16. +1, Classic map, Lots of things to do between wars, and some balanced OBJs.
  17. I dont think that clip alone is really enough to ban, seeing outlines is hard even from a scope. Riskii got banned for using ESP cheats but then he showed that you could see the silhouettes, and that was from a scoped in perspective. I just think that that clip is pretty bad evidence for a perma ban, im sure there was more, hopefully, but if that was it then ima +1
  18. nah bro, you were banned from the TS for 14 days, you are still perma banned on the gmod server.
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