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Everything posted by Theta2

  1. You got banned for a real reason and ur only defense is that the ban is bs? @ElCompadre
  2. Theta2

    Ban appeal

    I just went this rabbit hole like 3 days ago lmao. "Any appeal attempted on a ban that is older than 30 days will be automatically denied. This rule may be disregarded at the discretion of any Managers or Superadmins." I doubt this would've been accepted even when this was in the 30 day period.
  3. @Shin_TsukimiYour side?
  4. I have 0 sense of time so thats my fault if I didn't notice that it was the next day. You deleted your props which then Joe placed down his. Because before he even showed the evidence you were already being very uncooperative and refused to just move it behind him after i gave you a extra seconds to possibly remove it before I disconnected you. It looked like that in the logs but I never gave my verdict until after I got a clip because it seemed that somebody (I don't remember if it was in @ chat or what) said that you did have your base there before then deleted it. Me and Minxx agreed that if you deleted it and someone placed it there before you re placed it that its no longer your spot. I figured since you deleted your hut and ran back to the place you deleted your hut from spawn that you had switched your job. This is not in a favor of Joe but more of a attention to detail on what I thought I saw. I don't see how me saying that will get a better answer for joe. This I will say is a fault on my part, I didn't take offense and just thought it was strange that u would be doing that while being staff. That section of my post should not be taken into interest. I am sorry. I do not remember you telling me you had these clips in all honesty. I was more serious because you were a staff member that was being really stubborn. I agree, I told Joe I was gonna eventually talk to Proggy/Diego about it, I just hadn't gotten around to it then I see this. I told Joe to stay away from making a forum report because this was already resolved in game. Don't forget: And refused to delete it until Theta got proper proof. The only thing I lied about was my over exaggeration about the name calling and shit. you were practically against my door tho when you were micspamming next to my base though. The only reason why I started leaning towards joe is because you are a staff member that placed a prop on another players hobo hut. Don't have much else to reply from that paragraph but I will end it like this. I have no reason to hate anybody on Garnet. I refuse to hate anyone on Garnet. I have no grudge against you but when I saw a clip of you (a staff member) placing a dupe on another player's hobo hut it didn't sit very well with me. Even after this report is done and finally over with I still will not hate you. I didn't want this report to even take place because I told Joe that I would be discussing this with executives.
  5. This is all true, even if Krabbe switched off hobo and deleted his hut he lost his spot. When I took the sit on him he kept denying that he placed the dupe on top of Joe, after seeing some footage I reconnected Krabbe after warning him that if the proof is enough then I would reconnect him. I don't have any screenshots of it but after the situation Krabbe was going up to my base and screaming and being very disrespectful in rp, @, and ooc. Krabbe needs a serious reality check because he is a staff member.
  6. I can’t believe we are actually going through with this

  8. Cinni posts status updates that nobody replies to 😞 we don't deserve cinni

    1. WilburCinniFubar


      eh, its pretty normal for me, so I don't mind ^^

  9. Theta2


    @AgentFlint this is your ban, your side?
  10. you posted your dono support in the processed area which nobody can reply to. post it in the area before processed so it can be replied.

  11. Denied You show no video of the mug so there can't be proof of nlr. Voice chat racism is not against the rules. No action will be taken. @DiegoZavier@proggy
  12. -1, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2257183130 Ignore the sign lol. You advertised your staff app in ooc
  13. My mans completely cut off the "did you read the staff rules?" section and thought he was gonna be alright. You only have 1 paragraph, please add another do /id in game to get your steamid. -1
  14. I would rather Garnet fix these constant crashes first then give us halloween
  15. Lil Darkie high key slaps

    1. Silo
    2. jaylen


      ive always known you were retarded. not this retarded. he said "Lil Darkie is better than Lil Uzi, Jcole, and Kdot.

  16. Theta2

    Staff Application

    LMAOOOOOOOOOOO What are they for? You tried improving ur app but you didn't do enough to be the minimum. Your paragraphs mention nothing about how you will improve the staff team/server, just how you will handle a sit (which isn't correct anyway.)
  17. Theta2

    Staff Application

    do /id (your name) to get your steamid ingame. Stop yelling at me jeez. These are not paragraphs, these 2 combined will equal 2/3rds of 1 paragraph. Work on them greatly. Ashamed of the referrals for this one. Reread the staff rules, you missed something. *edit* Did you delete ur past experiences and put it in ur paragraphs?? Yeah no, -1. **EDIT2** Larry has not referred you, don't place people in your referrals that didn't refer you.
  18. Accepted El Compadre has no proof and the only video he mentions is of you killing someone inside the base. Compadre will be talked to about getting evidence. You will be unbanned. Also, your console proves nothing of you crashing. @DiegoZavier@Spilq@proggy
  19. @ElCompadre do you have proof of the rdm?
  20. Denied You impersonated TheDudeAbides, we have a strict policy on staff impersonation. Smitty did nothing wrong in the situation. Your ban will stay. @DiegoZavier@Spilq@proggy
  21. Accepted..? Turns out the guy was already banned for mass rdm and ltap Thank you for your report anyway! @DiegoZavier @proggy locky movey
  22. Accepted Anthony doesn't have proof of this ban but you admitted to RDMx2 in your appeal. Your ban will be reduced to 1 day for RDMx2 + ltap. Anthony has been spoken to about keeping evidence when it comes to bans. @DiegoZavier
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