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Everything posted by Hofman

  1. -1 When you were coming back to the sever you weren't the most pleasant person to speak with or be around not saying you are toxic anymore, but you mostly seem to chill with your friends and not branch out to other people much to show if you are changed. If you were to be more vocal and reach out and show people how you are changed, I wouldn't have a problem changing my -1.
  2. Chicken strips with ranch go hard

  3. Gonna really miss you man. Fun being in the 2GA ts with you back in the day, sorry we didn't really get to speak more I really enjoyed being around you. Hope you come back and we will speak more then!
  4. Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:147516606 Weapon choice : Black smoke Your favorite gun on MW : Type 95
  5. @AwesomeAidan My start in GB once you took over was actually pretty fun for the start of it. Honestly you are good at taking jokes and were funny to just joke around with. @SecretkillaWe first met when you were in 2GA, and I had to try so hard to get you into GRU. You are now one of my closest friends. @VBSA You being marshal on Echo was the best thing going for the sever at the time, you always bringing loads of 2GA to all of SOC's tryouts. My all time favorite marshal and maybe one of my favorite people. @Larry_The_Potato Being in GRU with you is still one of my best memories. Kidnapping people as Bush men and playing easy street as we went to Objectives was some heat (When we gonna finish playing dying light?) @Valor @Valor1 Really sad you had to quit. Hearing you get high and rant in TS about crouching 11B was honestly the funniest shit ever. Miss you man. @D_Rose Don't really speak much anymore. You have a good heart and never changed even after getting manager always sticking to your guns. I have a lot of respect for you and can't wait to see what you do next. @Homast When we used to chill in GB TS together you were always a nice dude, never knew you before but honestly I've grown to like you. Never being toxic and just being a down to earth dude, hope seals finds you well. @Jake Know we aren't on the best terms but I'll say it anyways. When you aren't getting mad at models you are a stand up guy. You always tried your hardest on whatever you did and I really enjoyed my time speaking with you on US. Even our little roleplay endeavors on Echo were pretty fun, shame we weren't able to continue them. @Romulus Love this guy, never knew you too much in army but someone I considered a friend with my time on US. Come check out RU sometime alright?
  6. Chicken strips 

  7. You have a good taste in music
  8. so basically I was just sitting around and then I stood up

  9. What more is to be said? If there is a crouching PMC model their arms seem to cover their entire hitbox, taking 4 shots to kill them while he sprays me down. This seems like such a quality of life thing that would give everyone the same advantage. +1
  10. I've been watching you over the past few days to see if you have really changed since when you were on Echo. While yes you are less of a minge I don't think that being "Less of a minge" still qualifies you for a staff position. And you cringe reacting people on your own staff app doesn't look good whatsoever. You try and play both RU and US to get more well known, but it doesn't help if you then proceed to only act like a fool on the whitelist. Here is some advice, in war don't use your in game mic just talk in TS. -1
  11. I have bare minimal interaction with you when I switch to US every now and then. Back when you were in army you were crazy toxic to me, even after joining GB you not pleasant to deal with. As of late you have not been as bad, but still your toxicity and you trying changing is too close together to see if you are really changed. Almost no of RU has had any real reaction with you to see what you are like and how you handle yourself. I would suggest not chilling in GB TS all day and only playing US to get better known. -1
  12. For the people who have not heard already. We have lost another brother in arms today, I will be taking over and trying to carry on the legacy of those before me. Spetsnaz GRU Current Roster -Officers- GenMay : Hofman PKN : D Rose PPKN : Hashem MAY : N/A KPT: N/A LT : N/A JLT : N/A KST : N/A -Enlisted- SSP : PPS : Vlone SHS : Kruger SNS : N/A SGT : Zuki JSG : Jerry, Hysteria
  13. And it get hot, I got lot, I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that, that, that, that turn, uh, uh, uh blonde in the sun

  14. @BatHulkSmash Thanks for letting me into GRU and giving my first shot at getting better . @Koulit We become good friends and shame we don't speak so much anymore. @AparhTurtle You can be kind of a minge, but you were my first real friend on Garent. @Sim_One You used to be the chillest and most humble dude I ever knew, many time I wanted to quit the sever but you help me stay. shame you cheated and you can't play anymore. @Duglas Why are you still around? @vilan Pretty sure you cheat but that's alright. @Secretkilla We were best friends in GB and in GRU, some fun times we had. Good we are able to keep having them. @PraetorDon Biggest weeb I've ever know. @KrugerYou sound like a little british girl. @Guitar You were a good leader and gave me my first real leadership role, you were always down to earth and it's a shame you fell off the face of the earth. @br0ken Thanks for giving me all your money in duels
  15. Why do people say dumb shit on the forums?

    1. ADVDUPE


      Virtual internet points.

    2. Homast


      Because funny.

    3. DuckyRU


      I do not no

  16. Ok but why does your sound go like GSSSSBBBB randomly
  17. So basically why do people happy?

  18. Rather sad to see all the staff +1ing this. Seems like great guy if you are reading nothing but all the +1's, but more people coming out and giving proof of you kill baiting is a real scum thing to do, which should have more people -1ing you for. If you go a bit deeper into seeing your recent interactions with how you treat new people is a disgrace to anybody who is trying to be staff, with the newest one being you being toxic as fuck to some new player in a sit. Telling him to shut the fuck up when as a staff member you should be helping him not trying to get him warned because you don't like how much he is talking when he has a real issue , (Video of it, https://streamable.com/hmznvu) When I first joined DarkRP I was met by Buddha telling me that DarkRP isn't so bad if you keep on playing, and even giving me pointers and good guns to use. That right there is the quality of staff that DarkRP needs, not somebody who would kill bait and rather have some guy muted rather than just helping him. I think that with all this having happened so soon and not changing at all, that you should be no where near staff in the time being. -1
  19. I once once once yeah.. then you can see my phone and see how much money and I don't think you should be a bit as

  20. Hofman

    Dash's Staff App

    Okay didn't actually think I'd be changing my response. Ever since I've given you some advice to get more well known you've done it, when I was on US I remember seeing you going into the army TS. Even more recently going into the 2GA channel to socialize. I haven't had the most glorious experience with SSO and you stood out amongst them being mature (Minus the one time you talked over my body when we didn't know each other. Which you never did again.) Honestly a decent dude who took some advice to heart to change. +1 from me
  21. Being an MRP main I've never really replied to a DarkRP post. But this sit was a disgrace to how staff need to handle sits, with Bin actually dissing you in the sit but not getting warned for it. Hell even asking the player if he wanted you warned or not, it's his sit and should decide the punishment. Like you had a genuine issue and were trying to fix it and everybody was just ignoring and being toxic to you, if I was a new player and this happen I would just quit the sever tbh +1 for the warn to be removed.
  22. I know this might not mean much due to him being in my faction but I'll say it anyways. Fox started off as a US marine while I was in GRU, I always tried to get him to join because he was respectful and very calm. After he passed my tryouts he was always in TS and very active in game, always trying to lend a helping hand to everyone. He is someone who always will try his hardest to get something done. Even his short time in being in GB has never once been toxic or lose his temper. +1 from me
  23. He can't, ducks are immune to the virus. When is Garnet gaming SCP RP coming out?
  24. I had the time of my life while you were MAY and COL of GRU. I get we weren't on the best of terms at the end but that's all right, honestly you taught me a lot such how to take jokes better and be more serious. I know can be a bit of a retard some times but you still put up with me then so thank you. Hope you don't die of Coronavirus and that you can get an Octiloli one day.
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