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Everything posted by KingOfCoochie1993

  1. In-game name: Shai-Onta L. Delaware/KingOfCoochie1993SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:91564367Staff members in-game name: Juno (biggest opp)Staff members SteamID (/id (name): Can't get ID (cuz he an opp)Date & Time of incident: 9/16/22 8:12 PMTimezone: ESTBan Reason: ERP (Really was cuz I'm Lightskin)How long were you banned for?: 20159.65 minutesProof of Ban: What happened? (include any proof): Was banned for my skin color. I feel as though I was personally attacked. I'm just another brotha trying to make it in this small world. But I still feel as though I am discriminated against and persecuted for being a light-skinned individual. #FreeTayKWhy should your ban be removed?: I fuck, I drink, I ball. That's just Shai-Onta roll. I see no reason for my banning of my skin color. I shall see to it that they will rue the day, they messed with KingOfCoochie1993. (me and my soul brotha, sosa further proof of my heritage) Shoutout Seymour J. Billingsworth, fly high.
  2. My main point though and the entire point of this appeal, is in that clip I wasn't crouch jumping. The only reason why I was going higher was because I was jumping off the feet of the statue. Any other indicators that I was crouch jumping in that clip aren't shown at all.
  3. In-game name: Tali PVT Sabin/Regret SteamID (https://steamid.io/ STEAM_0:0:91564367 Staff members in-game name:313 MAJ Pappa Eric Staff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:0:36916350 Date & Time of incident: 01/16/2022 19:11:55 Timezone: CDT Warn Reason: Crouch-Jumping What happened? (include any proof): I was supposedly caught crouch jumping in front of Mosque. Clip Here: Clip Why should your warn be removed?: In the clip, it's pretty obvious that I wasn't crouch jumping. I was jumping off the statue's feet which may have given me a little extra height, but is not at all crouch jumping.
  4. 2GA PVT Regret A veteran from a while back and have played recently, but I've been fairly hesitant because of some stuff going on. Pretty interested in the new map and what the server as a whole could become in the future.
  5. -1 Not only are you blacklisted from staff, but you've also just came back 2 days ago. Your application may fit the minimum but it doesn't really satisfy me. Maybe in the future you could be removed off of the blacklist, but as of right now, you're no where near the level of competency to even become staff.
  6. +1 (Kinda) While I agree that ban appeals should be solely for if you were unrightfully banned. But this almost exact same situation happened not too long ago, where a certain individual had gotten banned for hacking, came back, helped get cheaters banned or made an effort to do so, and was unbanned by Garnet. I believe that if Simone also helped with this "anti-cheat" to get cheaters banned then he has corrected his wrongs. The only reason I think that this ban appeal might be "iffy" is because I don't know what Garnet deems as unbannable. Especially since the anti-cheat was never put in place, I can't say for sure on whether he truly believes Simone had benefited on the server. But Garnet had apparently told Simone to make this appeal so I'm leaning more towards his unban.
  7. This has happened in the past. And I’ll tell you right now. It doesn’t matter. It could be your friend, your dog, or even your aunt unless you have some kind of proof to show that they did it, the ban will stay. The only way for you to get unbanned besides that would be if the proof wasn’t good enough to warrant a ban. Which by how you worded the appeal, it seems like you or your friend clearly advertised another server. So -1.
  8. Please use the proper format when making a ban appeal next time. But yeah, Lala just grabbed the wrong steam ID and accidentally banned Purple. So +1 for Unban
  9. -1 Look, you seem like an alright dude and somewhat competent. But here’s my thing man. If you’re just coming back to the community and apply for staff without even getting past the rank of PFC or joining a SOC faction. Then, you shouldn’t be accepted. The community has changed drastically. There’ve been changes made that may make you realize that this server isn’t really what it used to be. I know that you’re a veteran and want to help the server, but you can’t just expect people that don’t even know who you are to choose you to become staff. You might become a good staff member in the future. But, you gotta know the community now, instead of the one 2 years ago, before that. This goes for all returning members. So, what I recommend to do is play the server, understand the changes the community has undergone and decide on whether or not you want to stay after.
  10. But seriously though, I'm sad to see you go man. Hope you can come back sometime.
  11. +1 Your behavior over the past month or so has been nothing but positive. I see you in situations where you seriously don't need to be nice but you still show affection and positivity. As long as you keep up this attitude after you're unbanned, I don't see any problem.
  12. -1 Your paragraphs are seriously lacking, not just in length but in overall effort. You just lack, what I would call, experience on the server. I'd also like to point out for the past week or so. your activity has been extremely lousy. Just try to hop into TS from time to time and insert yourself a little bit more into discussions.
  13. My feelings man. I'm hurt.
  14. I fucking miss CS Desert (The second time). I remember being a POS and trying out for Ethan’s SSO like 17 times. And when I finally joined I had one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. Even though I had a really shitty computer that could barely even run Garry’s Mod at 20 frames. I didn’t have to worry about any of the stupid shit that happens now either. CSDesert was fucking fantastic.
  15. Um, just don't use the glitch lmao. Seeing as how this doesn't effect war it really shouldn't matter. And if someone goes under the map using the glitch just report them for FailRP.
  16. Holy shit. The prophecy has come true. We literally have an entire fake faction called BEDSOC dedicated to playing Bedwars. As a BEDSOC DGEN, I think I speak for all BEDSOCers when I say that I'd be down. But we gotta get Bedwars on there bro.
  17. Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:91564367 Weapon Choice : M60 Your Favorite GUN ON MW : The AUG is the shit.
  18. Granted, but now when you bed-wet blood comes out. I wish I could be 7' 8"
  19. -1 I can tell you right now man. Advertising is a rule that is written. Also, even if you didn’t know the rule was written, not advertising other external links while you’re on a server is just basic common sense. You should really know that by now especially if you’ve been playing gmod for a bit. Maybe they can have a little bit of sympathy for you and unban you, but the way I see it the ban should stay because you kind of just dropped pornography in OOC. I think it’s make more sense to not put stuff like that on a server filled with people, y’know?
  20. End clip does indeed go hard. Still a nice little montage. good job
  21. -1 You seen like an okay dude ig. But, 75 hours is the bare minimum and your paragraphs are lacking. So, once you get about 300 or so hours and get well-known you should reapply. Good luck.
  22. Well, for Regret. This was my code name when I was in SSO and I’ve just kept it ever since. Apparently, it’s like one of the Halo prophets or something. SkaDoo is basically another word for jizz. Afro because I had a Bob Ross wig and I wore it in a picture. Finally, Gorbachev Black because I wanted to be edgy and cool.
  23. -1 Dude, I don’t even know why you attempted to appeal this at all. You were dissing in OOC, RDMing, and were just being a humongous nuisance for the entire day. This might be true, if you maybe RDMed. But, toxicity is a well-known rule not only on all gmod servers but in real life. It’s a pretty common rule taught in kindergarten to not be a humongous douchebag. This may be true on other servers (Which I seriously doubt). But, on this server you were toxic, disrespectful, and seemed like a person that wouldn’t positively affect the server in anyway shape or form. This is the 2nd worst excuse I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t matter if you were having a bad day or not, rules are rules and are enforced for a reason.
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