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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Cameron

    Removal of PTL

    Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] I am suggesting this to mainly the GA and FADM on both sides. As of late ive been noticing PVT's bored out of there mind and when they ask to leave there is grown ass men powertripping over a WO rank and denying it just because "explore" isnt a good enough reason to want leave. So you guys have two options, 1. Tell your WO's and Officers that PTL is basically just so they know a PVT is out and to grant or.. 2. Have the complete removal of the PTL system and actually have your trainers train more than 5 minutes and let PVT's know about server rules Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] More PVT's would stay because they dont have powertripping weirdos making new players want to leave Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] none
  2. If anything make sure new players know how to access and utilize teamspeak
  3. Cameron

    Vac MRP Report

    Lmao +1 blatant double fire
  4. Cameron


    Also how about make suggestions on what the server needs and hold a staff meeting instead of crying and complaining lowkey just makes you look dumb to make posts like this LUL
  5. Through careful investigation me and my team have decided this individual was basecamped +1 for punishment
  6. Lol I’m the one that asked for your ban because you were just overall toxic and got on just to MassRDM Also when you did get banned months after you literally kept ban evading into the TS to still show your immaturity -1 giving you a second chance would be like giving Riley M one I’m ok
  7. Lol just wait until the two minute mark for the crucial part of the DB -1
  8. Heh I kinda want to see where garnet goes on the RP route, a map like this would work if it was serious RP and the war timer disappeared but I don’t think that’s going to happen -1 with how Garnet wants to run the server it’s going to be more like a Battlefield-eske kinda server where one large mass fights the other large mass so a map like CS Desert fits the server play style better with more smaller concentrated points of interest If garnet does ever change his mind though I’ll be more then happy to +1
  9. Just leave then.. you still failed to prove what constitutes as to where people are not KOS anymore
  10. Cameron


    Phantom this just prooves DRP staff are better they’re running around with handbooks
  11. I mean that’s one life if you use the same information after that person dies against them that’s basically NLR Lol you need a define point in which that person is no longer KOS, hence we have KOS lines and basecamp guidelines, etc is it going to be render distance or is it going to be 3 steps back? They’re is too much room for loopholing. Especially for stuff like OC is a whole bunch of RU allowed to get shot because a US sees them? No it would be illogical. Again I think KOS lines are plenty good for keeping unwanted people out of your base, also what are you ANP watching lines to see if toes pass? If the people at the line bother you so much just walk away and if it’s a raid prepare your troops. To me it just seems like tedious unrelevant RP all it does is extend KOS lines
  12. Lol I talked about Meta game because it is basically assuming you’re with the opposing faction, US wouldn’t just kill random people that walked up if anything they would get apprehended and interrogated, same could go with RU but you know Putin’s kinda a badass, second my next argument has 100% valibilty your claiming if you see people near your KOS line you can call this Cease and Disperse and kill them, I say people are just going to be targeting and it doesn’t really make sense at all since we have KOS lines up hello? Or so that’s what I’m getting from your post, you see people hanging around, you call this comms message and their is nothing to really determines what leaving around the base means also, you just say 30 seconds like hello?
  13. I’m going to have to -1 literally we have KOS lines up for a reason if you see someone enter press F5 and kill them I can just see loopholes from people just killing opposition for no logical reason other then “loitering” a foot away from the KOS line if someone continues the memery talk to their leader about the behaviour
  14. It’s technically meta gaming to assume someone’s faction without getting information first
  15. Well garnet you have like you said 2 options go more RP oriented server or stick with the classic GG TDM Style server. Personally I would say go with the RP route. The issue with that though is you would seriously need to buckle down and talk with the staff team on the best way to do it. The RP route is the best way to bring content on the server and will make more players stay they just need stuff to do. I’m glad you’ve changed your stance on it. If I could recommend it I would say stick with the classic GG CS Desert until you work all the kinks and bugs on how to introduce more RP into the server and when you get to the point how you want the server to play then I would make a map that best suites the play style. I have a lot of suggestions and will be willing to share once you make up your mind on which way you choose to go
  17. Ethan has downsyndrome then Any hostile past the line is KOS even if they cross and leave a second after
  18. +1 vanish him to the shadow realm
  19. All we need is shrimps running around saying saying he works for NASA And Jesters elite navy and we gucci
  20. Bro it peaked like high 50’s on a Friday night something’s wrong
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