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Everything posted by Ethan

  1. Accepted You have been unbanned now since your ban was for a day, br0ken already unbanned you in-game. Any more large bans will lead to a permanent ban as you already have a past of two intentional mass RDMs. Be more careful in the future.
  2. Denied You need to focus on getting known within the community, and getting to know the community yourself before looking to staff here. You seem like an alright dude, but we don't want just alright for staff, so show us some more through playing the server and interacting with more people. You can apply again in a week.
  3. @Phantom Homeless also resigned from staff, I set him to user in-game and removed him from roster, but I can't edit the demotions tab on the MRP Staff Spreadsheet.
  4. That shotgun 2GA has is the best shotgun in the game as its slug rounds turn it into a sniper with no scope, lmao. Surprised you think it's underwhelming or never used (maybe it isn't used, but should be). It's just a better version of marksman class, but doesn't have scopes. But even then, Army has a shotgun class, and shotguns would be better with the update being able to travel to an objective on vehicle, and get up close on an objective quick.
  5. Yeah, I agree with this, and Pencil brings up the only other time is when they need to demote someone that's a PVT, resulting in a removal of whitelist, which happens often, and Officers should be able to deal with this on their own instead of asking for staff assistance each time. The change can be lived with easily, it doesn't ruin anything, but it complicates things a bit more for no reason.
  6. Why should staff be needed in something Officers could easily do on their own if they have access to the whitelist slot? Why does 2GA/Marines/Officer need a limited Officer class slot? The change wasn't necessary. Staff can do it if needed, but shouldn't be the excuse to slow down how things run. Staff should only be used if needed. Officers could handle those simple whitelisting issues on their own easy. I don't know where you got "status" from Pencil, they got the "status" of their rank already, the whitelist just has the ability to handle whitelists. Why was it taken away? There was no explanation given besides Special Forces Officers can spawn vehicles, so they shouldn't have a lot of slots for spawning vehicles.
  7. It was removed because often you would have only 3 low grade from a barrel, half the time low grade and crude, and a small amount of the time both. Now it's just always crude. I know you played the Rust server, did you just never farm the oil barrels for low grade?
  8. That was intentional in a previous update, Garnet asked about loot tables, we suggested remove low grade and only get crude oil so you can refine it and get larger amounts of low grade. I liked the update, works great, don't know why you want 3 low grade when you can get 7 crude oil and turn that into like 21 low grade instead.
  9. Accepted Contact myself, Phantom, or Gildarts in-game to be set to your rank (don't use your staff perms till you're trained), and @Pencil to be trained. Welcome to the staff team!
  10. This isn't a playermodel suggestion, it is a class suggestion, and a part of a class suggestion is the playermodel for the class. The thing that isn't allowed involving playermodels is swapping playermodels for other ones with no change in class. To add this new class, which is the suggestion, we have to swap a playermodel as there is one extra 2GA model, but it has a face showing, and most Officer classes on the server are the ones with faces showing.
  11. Add a Russian Forces : Heavy Class Description The change I want to make is to change the current Russian Forces : Officer (Russian A) to the MW2_Russ model (a similar model but with the face showing), and the Russian A model should be given to the Russian Forces : Heavy class. The Russian Forces : Heavy class would have the old Taliban Army : Heavy's RPK (an AK-47 with different attachments, I am sure Garnet remembers) for its main weapon, and the normal 2GA Makarov as its side arm. Reasoning Adding this class would give the Russian Forces an addition weapon to utilize, the Light Machine Gun category of weapon that the US has available through the Marines that Russia has been missing.
  12. That's just when it got to an unbearable point. It has always been an issue. The third person we have now was changed for a reason. It isn't needed to play the game, just an addition for those to look at their player model for issues and such with their player model. The current map's skybox is so low to the ground, it is almost impossible for staff to fly high above action to spectate it, so adding helicopters and planes would not work at all on this map. As well as it would cause more lag on the server. It is an interesting idea, but those were the main reasons I remember it being removed back in the day, and those reasons haven't changed I don't think.
  13. Accepted I have already set you in-game (don't use your staff perms till you're trained), but you need to talk to @Pencil to receive your staff training. Welcome to the staff team!
  14. I no longer think this lmao. After actually using the stamina system in several wars, and seeing everyone else affected by it, it is very interesting, and I am liking it more and more. It makes people put actual thought into their movement instead of just spamming or running everywhere. The fire fights are a lot more interesting in my opinion, including sniping. People have to conserve their stamina before they get in fights so they have enough to dodge shots and shoot back instead of being stuck in the open with no stamina. Using your stamina wisely benefits you, and ignoring that stamina bar hits you hard.
  15. Yeah, my MATCH time isn't affected by the stamina at all. I even still have enough stamina to try and bhop at the end using about 3-4 jumps.
  16. I agree with this, or decreasing how fast sprinting brings down stamina. Either way, the amount that stamina is decreased by jumping would need to increase to maybe 20-35% per jump instead so you can jump about 3-5 times before you need to wait for more stamina.
  17. For now, this thread is now useless with the new update, so ignore it for the time being. It is still useful I guess for those that don't know what bhopping is, but in relation to the server, it isn't needed.
  18. Yeah, it is, but when it comes to trying to win the war, people do it anyways, even if they know it's scummy, sadly.
  19. Clarification On What Bhopping Is This is the description of the YouTube video posted here: Simple video showing an example of bhopping vs not bhopping. Bhopping is when you jump right as you hit the floor so that your character doesn't actually run on the floor, and due to some strange game physics, gets a boost of speed if done right, or when on a slope like shown here. The second example is simply jumping and crouching, but not right as you hit the floor, so there is a small delay, giving no large gain in speed, just a way to dodge bullets with how people play the game at the moment. Edit: If you have any concerns about bhopping, any questions, ask them below. Any shitposting, or unrelated conversation on this thread will be forum warned for shitposting or for being off-topic.
  20. Accepted Contact myself, Phantom, or Gildarts in-game to set you to your rank (don't use any staff commands till you're trained) and @draggydx to be trained. Welcome to the staff team!
  21. I would say this suggestion is trying to find a good way to decide how they would be implemented, not just that vehicles should be implemented. Personally, I think the Officer classes being the only ones who can spawn vehicles and it being on a cool down of one use per 5 minutes or something like that would be reasonable.
  22. Accepted Contact myself, Phantom, or Gildarts in-game to get your rank set (don't use any staff commands until trained), and @Skye to be trained! Welcome to the staff team!
  23. Denied You were given good advice, and either ignored it or never bothered to correct it. Essentially, you need to fill out how much playtime you have on the server. And if JSG in 2GA is the highest rank you have achieved so far, you probably shouldn't be looking to get into the staff team just yet. Wait a minimum of 1 week before you choose to apply again.
  24. Try to @ me next time so I can find this more easily, but lucky today I was checking each section of the forums for new shit. I added you to the LOA list, hope you enjoy your time out of state m8.
  25. The rule of no random 1v1 sims has always existed and was never removed. You can't just advert sims go, and kill your friend, then advert sims over or some shit like that around the base. You have to go to a designated area, claim it, and begin sims as practice. That is always allowed, even 1v1s. Don't know who told you that all 1v1 sims used to be not allowed.
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