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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Posts posted by PraetorDon

  1. 9 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather fight a DMR/BR/AR on a head glitch than an SV/SR. 

    New players would still lose, leading us back into the doomspiral, with a different gun focus this time.

    I'd rather give tools then take them away, just the way I do things.

  2. Don't care about losing content I paid for, it is what is is. Adjusting sniper damage values would require an adjustment of all gun values, which I don't see happening due to the sheer time/dev work it would take/has historically taken. 


    Just engage with new players, countersnipe for them. Encourage callouts. Spawn cars. The tools are there. There are other threads that handle this better.


    Yes I have basecamped, but I also make a habit of killing basecampers. It goes both ways.

    • Disagree 1
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  3. 13 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    If anything, I’d want to reduce the cap of those classes. Id also be open to 11A just handing out the sniper whitelist after a recruit passes. I’m not sure what will work to ease up the basecamping issue. I am sure that evening the playing field more so than right now would be a positive change however. The issue here is we need to decide if we’re going to move in a direction where we try to take snipers off of the server or add more of them. If you ask me, I want less. 

    Your suggestion implies giving base players the tools they need to fight back, which I am for, just not the method of doing so.


    I don't agree with removing content, while not addressing the main issue MRP has, which is player engagement. Countering basecamping isn't difficult, from my observation few people put in the effort.

    Taking snipers away would just lead to the use of DMR's/BR's/AR's for sniping. Players will always find a way to get kills while getting killed is a minimal risk.

    • Agree 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    Price upped to $1000. Also if you say this is ‘unfair’, I just want you to remember that the only people buying this from the armory would be new players. Everyone who currently base camps already has access to a permanent sniper whether it’s an Orsis or a donator class. Literally no reason to bar this off from happening other than you trying to gatekeep the scout snipers. 

    I made the argument to increase the class limit for base faction snipers. Giving someone with 10 hours a sniper is going to make almost no difference if they don't actually know how to snipe. 

    It would take less time and fix another issue I keep hearing/seeing about and have experienced on MRP. Lack of engagement.

  5. Just increase the number of players allowed to be on the base sniper whitelist. 

    Incentivizes a faction to actually train their people instead of just throwing weapons at the problem. Much easier to implement for Garnet as well.

    • Agree 2
  6. Just be more selective on who gets reserves.

    GEN Ranks for Base, top 3 for SOC. 2LT's should NOT be getting reserves unless there is extenuating circumstances (deployment/medical). It doesn't take a particularly long time to climb to O-1, and in reality, you aren't contributing all that much as a 2LT anyway. (Training/Tryouts is something most people can do). Only exception would be for a leader's Reserves, but generally if they didn't completely fuck the faction, then they should be granted.

    Removing reserves entirely is a shotgun method when in reality the issue could be solved by the above going forward, and removing reserves from individuals who are not using them properly on a case by case basis as of now.

    Criteria for removing reserves would be a faction leader decision imo, not a staff one. Makes for better leaders. I don't expect the majority of US staff to know what is going on in Tali and vice versa. That being said, prepare to justify your decision for removing someone's reserves. 

    This is just a general idea, there will always be exceptions to all of the above.

    I am very much for putting power back into the playerbase, and having staff observing, if that helps on what I'm trying to get at here. Strong Leaders = Strong Factions.

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  7. 11 hours ago, Papamid said:


    1. Start warning players based on base camping. Members of the staff team will come to an agreement on what is considered base camping and will mark off areas as “if a player goes past here then they are base camping”. And it will be the sole responsibility of that staff member to get a clip of it before they can warn, if they do not get a clip and they warn that player can contest it and that warn will be voided. After so man amount of warns then they player may receive a small ban.

    So staff members are going to be sitting on staff on duty at base walls now? Or are players going to be responsible for clips? Either way, not a fan, as this doesn't help new players in any capacity, just veterans. (New players don't clip usually)

    11 hours ago, Papamid said:


    2. Remove powerful telescopes from snipers. I believe that with sniper scopes no more powerful than the ACOG we may see less base camping. While this may not entirely stop it from happening this will appease both sides as it makes camping harder with snipers as the scopes will make it harder to hit longer distant shots while also allowing those without snipers to be able to close the gap. This may require some play testing to see if this can be a viable option.

    3. Instant kill zones. As the name implies, this would be a zone that is coded in where at the start of every war a line is drawn out and if an enemy gets to close to the opposing sides base and crosses the line they could either die or just be respawned. This, like the first option, would require members of the staff team to determine where that line should be and how it can be implemented.

    The short dot exists on the Orsis and SV98, it's what I've used. Removing the higher magnification scopes will make a minor impact until people adjust.


    Instakill lines would just make the walk back longer. Safe zones have never made much impact. Someone basecamping can just move 15 steps back and wait two more seconds. 



    Honestly, I quit playing MRP because I was tired of people arguing over it, among other things.

    The SOC factions should be preventing this from happening assuming they are active, and have equal numbers. (This is a rough quote from Ozzy, specifically he said the high skilled players should kill the high skilled players basecamping.) If SOC factions are unable to fulfill these requirements, then that should be looked into.


    My personal observation is the majority of issues with basecamping are coming from the US side. AFG(or RU) simply does not, and historically (on MRP) has not had the numbers to contest US in a head on 1v1. Because of this, over time, the playstyle has evolved into this. Art imitates life.


    There are counters to basecamping which have been mentioned above in this thread.


    Personally, I think increasing driver/vehicle hp would be a far easier and more effective way to reduce effectiveness of basecamping then what it outlined here. This has been mentioned several times in this thread, but I always post a solution to a problem.

    I admit, I was an avid basecamper, but I am firmly of the opinion the players are not fully utilizing the options currently on the server. Enjoy this unmedicated post from me, back into the hole I go.

    • Like 2
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    8 hours ago, Ziggy said:

    *Snip* Multiquote is being a pain on mobile.

    Another thing that I would like to see come from this suggestion is the merging of 055 with Tali, and MARSOC with 1MD. Back in the day, SOC and entry were connected. This had its ups and downs, but I think that overall it was good for building a connection with new players. How this worked is that 055/MARSOC would be able to promote for entry, host their tryouts, etc. The purpose of it was to build that connection and bridge newer players into SOC factions. At the same time, all SOC officers also served as enlisted officers meaning there was really never a shortage."


    I have mixed feelings on this. I've seen it work, but more often that not (even as recently as a month ago) it has not. Takes the right kind of Marshal/GA and you need to SOC leaders and Marshal/GA to have some sort of preexisting connection so things don't turn into the Marshal micromanaging a SOC in addition to the main faction, or completely ignoring it.


    Regarding removing donor factions, yes, please remove them.


    Everything else looks good and I'm up for changing things up a bit.

    My main is concern is the time it will take to implement these changes.

    How long would you expect something like this to take?

    For the record, this is almost the same argument of swapping RU for Taliban.

  9. -1, has existed before and been removed due to people doing nothing with it as well as poor leadership. In addition, the skybox would need to be extended on any map the AFSOC/Airborne/AAF was not designed for.

    This is Garnet's opinion on the matter as I see it. This was taken off of another thread that also discussed adding in an airborne faction. He's welcome to chime in himself if his opinion has changed.


  10. A few ideas I had.

    A multistory tower, think the child of Construction and Silo,.. Could have a basement entrance, several ladders/windows, w/e.

    The reverse, an underground bunker complex, think tunnels on echo but that's the entire obj.. Toyto beat me to this.

    A trainyard, big trains/shipping containers/boxes/small buildings, etc.

    One small building at the top of a very large mountain, tunnels are carved into the mountain/there's a storage area underneath. You would need to be inside to cap.

    Island in the middle of a lake, hope you can swim.

    A literal bridge, would be a good middle of the map obj.


    Obligatory US base.

    • Like 1
  11.  The model portion normally would belong more in Suggestions than anything else, which can be found here: However, see below.



    8 hours ago, DougDimmaDome said:


    - New models for all classes except officer (models https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500247187)

    Model change requests are forbidden by the suggestions format. Adding new models to the server is a time consuming process, as hitboxes must be adjusted for each one. Time that's better spent by the devs working on something that benefits the whole server.


    8 hours ago, DougDimmaDome said:

    - New guns for all classes preferably the VECTOR as its a gun not seen in this game at all and the only classes that get it are paid

    There are a more pressing issues regarding weapon changes than a donor faction that only four people can play on.

    Also, the Kriss Vector is the strongest SMG in the game, it does not need to go on another class on US.

    This might be part of the premium faction, but if you want new guns for each class, you're going to be waiting a very long time for it, which brings me to my point below...

    As an aside, I believe Donstir is still waiting for his ISI donor faction to be configured.

    This is my pragmatic understanding on how these donor factions work, for any more info, you would need to speak with Garnet.

    • Cringe 2
  12. 2 hours ago, BillDanger said:

    Reduce effective range of snipers so when near edge of render distance it doesn't instakill. This change could affect just the Mosin and Orsis so snipers on jobs for groups like Delta, Rangers, 11B and whatever has snipers on the AFG side maintain their effect while reducing the amount of insta killing, grenade toting, RPG shooting snipers while keeping said groups and WLs the same.


    TL;DR reduce effective range on dono/credit snipers to reduce the amount of instant kills from edge of render from random people on a medic or rifleman WL.

    Our goal in this is to not nerf guns, but to bring underpowered/poor performing weapons in line with a median. Obviously, we'll be taking a look at outliers like the FMG and Vector, who outperform the other guns in the SMG category.

    Using the aggregated stats at the time of writing, the Mosin's effective range is far less than the Orsis and is actually the weakest sniper based on stats. The Orsis has the same effective range as the SV98, the L115 and the SR-338 and is in the middle of the road.

    We're currently looking at CQC weapons, though long guns will be part of the rebalancing at some point.

    1 hour ago, Wyatt said:

    UMP needs fixes for everything!

    Based on the numbers that I see currently, the UMP will likely receive a buff.

  13. Reverts/Removals:

    Friendly Fire Gun Damage - Already a post for this: 

    Chinook (or at the very least fix it spawning during war) - Currently, supply drops don't work/have no value. It's not fulfilling the intended design of being something to do during peacetime. Instead, it's usually just killing people in base/interrupting tryouts/events/trainings or is an annoyance that has to be removed by staff as war is about to start or has already started. The tank is fine and can stay.


    Permaweapons, this one is fairly self explanatory, and I have been told has been reported, but putting it here for transparency.

    Chinook - If we're deadset on the Chinook being on the server, then at least fix it spawning during war if possible.

    Cuffs - Currently when you jump/get bumped/look up at the wrong angle (this one is a joke), it sends you into the sky, and you die from fall damage. Cuffs don't have much use right now as a legitimate tool for stopping minges/kidnaps.


    Gun balancing/reworks - numerous threads on this, as far as I'm aware, this is being worked on by upper staff (or at the very least they have Ozzy's doc with all the values). 

    This is more of a generic, but I would be fine with adding more weapons/items/purchasable items. This goes for both the credits menu, and the donor store.

    Give a use for money, items/temporary weapons/buffs/cosmetics/titles/etc.. Not sure what the development timeline of the crafting system looks like, but there hasn't been any update on this in a bit. If this is nearing release, then disregard this comment. Numerous posts on the crafting system and its potential.

    Replace Grenadier with Prox, makes no sense we don't have an IED class and US does.

    ROE Changes (Prioritize This) - Thread: 


    Executives/Staff need to just sit down, review all the rules, see which ones are still applicable/need updating and publish a new doc, then have Garnet post it to the forums (this is on the Trello). There are many rules that exist in the minds of staff, but are not formally documented on the forums (solo raiding for instance, as Reeper, Gabe, and I found out a week ago).

    Shitpost Tier:

    Garnet-chan Model and NPC.. I can provide it, all you need do is ask.

    This is a rough outline, I may go in more detail/add stuff this weekend when I'm not wrapping up three projects.

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  14. +1 The explosive damage was a good change that balanced the use of explosives, preventing them from being used excessively. This can stay as is.

    The friendly fire change with weapons wasn't needed, and leads to a very frustrating experience.. I would rather see it reverted entirely than trying to make it work in any capacity.

    • Like 2
  15. +1 

    I would like to hide in the mountains and trees.

    On a more serious note, peacetime is boring, other than the occasional raid/tryout. This will definitely keep more people on during those times, leading to a higher pop overall.

    If it doesn't work, reverting is easy.

    • Agree 2
  16. Confirming referral.

    Pink shows that he cares about the server and is quite active. While I'm slightly biased (he's in TSFU), I believe having him on the staff team would be of great benefit. Everything else has been covered above.


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  17. The new players of the server have always been Soldier's focus. Giving him the tools to facilitate a welcoming and enjoyable environment will benefit the server greatly.



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