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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Vibe

  1. Me, Tayler, and Jackal will discuss your reserves tomorrow one of us will pm you on forums letting you know. Never really talked to you but you seemed like a good lad. Good luck in school and in swimming. Ludwig 7s in chat.
  2. Vibe

    Mark's Ban Appeal

    The decision was made and posts after the decision should be warned. (Even this if staff sees fit) If you want to continue this argument take it to pms.
  3. I know this is not gameplay but haer me out. This was our old forums background and I think its time for a comeback. @rauler
  4. Will there be a mutiny event where the rightful leader of Seals is given back his rank
  5. -1 Isn't Advert short for Advertising. AKA Announcing. If players don't wanna go to events it doesn't matter how many messages you send. If i'm using my printers and such and getting XP and money then why would I go to a random karaoke event. In your advert put some kind reward or something for winners. Make it more appealing. You can also make an advert look more professional you don't need a plugin for it. /advert Ask for TP to Talent Show Event. OR /advert Annual Garnet Gaming Talent Show | Best 3 will get Cash Prizes | Message for TP
  6. Description - Change the current forum rules to allow people not directly involved to comment their opinion on a thread. Reasoning - This rule is only used and enforced when the forum administrator feels like it. Multiple appeals in both Rust and GMOD have multiple replies from numerous parties, Bruh's 2nd Ban Appeal is a prime example. Ban Appeals should be for community members to voice their opinions. The current MRP staff team lacks communication and common sense. When low ranked staff are banning established members permanently and their higher up staff are saying there was not enough proof then that's the perfect example of community feedback needed. It would be different if it was shitpost, but when ex staff are saying very valid points and starting meaningful conversations are warned and blocked from posting for 24 hours at the least. Additional Information - Not Needed
  7. Great update. Looking forward into playing the 2x
  8. Great update as always. All these changes are great and welcome additions
  9. Zoo we mama you papa garnet Thank you wasdin bb
  10. This is great thank you garnet. The rust server will be pushing 150 in no time
  11. You've been staff 3 times. Once you left and started your own competing community. What's gonna be different this time
  12. +1 I think faction leadership has been going through this cycle for a while now. Like I said multiple times I’m not a perfect leader but I have been an officer in multiple factions during different time periods. Back when I was LtGen of 055 I looked up to leaders like Tayler, Shrimps, Phantom. They all had unique ways of leading that all worked. They attracted different kinds of players. They did this by having unique tryouts, a shroud of secrecy like ISI, and not doing tryouts every day. SOC factions don’t need to be full to be useful. If a consistent 6 talented players are on a SOC faction then that’s all you should need. Tayler’s seals used this by being “elite” majority US looked up to them because they were so good and their tryouts were so hard they couldn’t believe that people actually passed them. Too many leaders try to copy what past leaders did. Leaders like Duel and Rauler didn’t copy what previous people did, they were unique. There is nothing stopping current leaders from doing this, they are just too scared and lazy to do it.
  13. I'll just tell I her I wanna work 3 days a week Train some new kid Go get a job at my mom's bar
  14. If you were community banned from 4 different servers at least we would tell you to go away too
  15. -1 Of course all the RU mains are gonna agree with this. The CZ on the Prestige class is insane. Sure it cant snipe but if this were to be implemented it would just be abused like it was before. Even if I get the first shot with my AEK due to hibox, movement speed, and other factors out of my control my AEK will do 13 damage while the CZ will do 55. I personally would like to be two tapped by a guy peeking around a corner. Sure third person was used to glitch mostly but people still used it to peak around corners like in comms. With the amount of tree cover and more focused CQB OBJs like EMB having third person in the game would ruin combat. Warehouse is also very CQB oriented so if people just abuse third person like they did before there is no way to outplay them. Multiple people have already commented on this like Shrimps and Bendak so ill just say go read their post above mine. I agree with this, but third person is not the way. Third person is still in the game it's just abusable. You can customize your guns, pick a crazy amount of classes, and pick where you want to go in war that best suits your playstyle. By stating this you basically are saying that if you don't use third person you are at a disadvantage. Some players like myself never have nor never well use third person. Using first person should never be a disadvantage in any shooter game. On CS Desert the only thing I could do was try and get out of their sight and have a quicker reaction time. When third person was used like on siberia I felt utterly useless. If this change were implemented their would be nothing players like myself could do. That clip you posted is the exact reason why you of all people want third person back. Huskaii you are one of few players that whenever a new OP gun or "Meta" is in the game you abuse it. You are basically bunny hopping around on a small hitbox that is mave even smaller by the fact that you are crouch spamming. You say combat has gotten stale but thats just because you not have competition. The people in that clip could do nothing until either you peeked and shot at them (which isn't hard considering you saw where they were before you even peeked) or they had to push up and put themselves in a CQC situation against the AEK when it was a reliable 2-3 shot weapon. A lot of people who are +1 this suggestion are the same people who abused in the past. They say combat has gotten stale but that's because people are on the same level now. Sure implementing this might bring a player or two back and might make it more enjoyable to 20 people, but the players that would leaver or become inactive would hurt the server was more. Garnet has been getting a good amount of players on everyday, implementing this would seriously hurt the server as when that clip was shot it was one of Garnet's deadest times.
  16. Could attendance of this program be seen as improvement in my case or am I even able to attend
  17. You are completely right. You dont have to give me every detail. But you preach how people told you how they felt and what you did wrong but you wont show the same respect towards me. Since I have started playing regurally again I have not been mingy once. Yes earlier members of the faction I am in were kinda minging the comms chat before war I had no part nor did I tell them to do that. The actions of ones faction members should not hold any weight when judging the charecter of another faction member. There are only 2 reasons I could think of in my past that could lead to this. My mingy behavior or my past leadership. When it comes to my mingy behavior I have worked very hard like you to leave that behind and just recently have begun to RP more heavily and lead wars. Just last week I with a group of GB and other SOC forces led a mission to kidnap the 2GA leader and Officer which was a success and was really fun. When it comes to past leadership I've lead 2 factions. When I was leading GRU i really cared about the server and had fun playing it and had fun playing it with the people that were around me. The main reason for my involvment in GRU was to "revive" the faction which I did and sadly the leader after me tarnished slightly. When I was leading SEALs the playerbase was slowing going down, close friends like Jackal and Coyote resigned and stopped playing, and I was working myself to death with 5 closing shifts in a row each week. I'll be the first to admit that I was very inactive while leading SEALs, but when you go to work at 3 (when everyone gets out of school) and get home at 11 (when most people go to bed) I could never play during prime time hours. Also the server was very boring back then. Every war was one objective and I just got burnt out on going embassy every war. The final reason my term as SEAL captain was a bust was because I put people in the faction that I liked and not people that the faction needed. I didnt know you too well while you were plague. As an RU main we didnt have much interaction. I'll admit you seem like a pretty cool guy. Change is something that can occour over a short period of time but more likely comes from long periods of time with small growth here and there. I've been playing on Garnet for 3 and a half years now. Compared to when I was a 55th Brigade LTGen I have changed. There are times where I minge a little but thats just to relief stress. At the end of the day we are all here to have fun. If you really got mad at the Garnet Times I made earlier than im sorry but its all fun. You can look at all the Garnet Times I've made and its just to get people to laugh. Half are literally about Jackal and is forhead but he knows its just banter.
  18. I've heard worse things said to a staff member. If he cant handle a diss to his faction leader that has nothing to do with him then he cant handle staff. Even more reason for my -1
  19. -1 for reasons stated below. Earlier today me and godfather had a meeting in game. Before this I never really talked to you but you were an officer and pretty active so I figured you were pretty good. During the meeting I asked simple questions and you treated it like a joke and never gave me a good answer. When asked for 3 simple examples you kept changing the subject and just acting non proffesional. When you said you got serious you brought up my past as a way to back up your "argument" (if you could call it that). If you are going to use others past against them then you should also held to the same standards. You were kinda mingy back during your "plague" days. While activity is a key part in staff, being profesional is just as important.
  20. Glad to see PoliceRP coming back
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