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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Vibe

  1. I agree with Crin people should just record their gameplay. This type of system I'm guessing would be a bitch to code and all the staff would have to know the coordinates of certain things.
  2. Didn't you cheat and then lied about it on multiple occasions
  3. When you kill a SOC faction and not an MP faction.
  4. You really hate to see that happen
  5. *Salute Cadet Broken Arm* You're my boi and even though I meme about your broken arm you are still my boi. I'll never forget the Sadam Gas incident with 055 I'll never forget drunk Gru Tryouts. Hope you get in TS sometimes peace my dude.
  6. The snakes have been screaming for about 2 months now.
  7. So can I call you Mitchell again or is it still Metagame
  8. Is this what your baseball coach put in the dugout
  9. I just saw this and you already know I had to do it to em. The first 2 statements I agree with, but that third one I'm not gonna let slide. I'm pretty sure we all know who you are talking about and I'm gonna go ahead and address it. Seeing as you yourself isn't on too much or at least while I'm at work or you just don't talk to us scummy Russians but we take more than just their time spent on the server when we call them inactive or bad or at least I do. Some leaders who have been leaders for a considerably long time haven't really done much for their respective factions and their factions are suffering because of that. Factions that were once the fear of the opposition and could hold an OBJ by themselves alone have become glorified enlisted. Leaders leaving should not be seen as desertion or ruining the faction but as a passing of the torch. No two people on the server have the same ideas and some officers just follow what their leader says with every situation. Factions are like cars, you can change tires and different parts here and there but sooner or later you are gonna need to change the lifeline of the faction like oil.
  10. Vibe


    The problem with vehicles is the tick rate of the server is affected by it. With the way some guns are right now, I don't think it's the right time to re-introduce cars. They were also just recently gotten rid of so I don't think Garnut would be to keen on the idea of adding them again.
  11. Every single one objective war half way through I see "An objective has been capped" followed by a spam in OOC and Radio asking who did it with a random private replying that he did it not knowing any better. I'm tired of seeing these privates getting roasted for just not being trained properly. Show them the objectives or at least tell them the directions for each from the respective base. Also if you have RFR, DS, or DI in your name and you ask for a recruiter what are you doing honestly. Officers can also train despite common belief. When I see a French diplomat training RU recruits over our recruiters there is a serious problem. Either these recruiters are not being trained properly or their training is very outdated and needs to be taken into serious consideration for a revamp.
  12. Vibe


    You spawned in the swep though. During a war, half of US were staring at you and you were encouraging it. As a manager, you should know better than to just randomly slaying people no matter if they ask or not. Consensual RDM is still RDM so consensual abuse is still abuse. Saying memes in OOC should not be an offense that is worth a strike, have you seen half the shit your somewhat active members say. And How is the final screenshot relevant. Like you said 2 strikes is a demotion so it would be a removal for an SO3 so by telling you to remove him means nothing.
  13. Vibe

    Vibe's Warn Appeal

    Ok, so the kidnap was allowed but once again why not respond to my pms. And you can hear me clearly say "I already switched jobs not my fault." All you wanted to do was keep me for 15 minutes but when you got me back after the sit you just killed me. This kidnap was scummy all around.
  14. In-Game Name: Vibe/Gazzy Garcia Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63191509 When did the punishment occur?: Saturday, May 26th at roughly 9:30 on a stormy night. Warn/Ban Reason: FailRP Who was involved?: Nomad and the staff was ClickBait Why should your appeal be accepted?: War just ended and because jobs are glitchy after a war with everyone switching I just ran into US base so they could kill me and I could go to DB. I did really good that war and was hoping I'd get a promo. After they didn't kill me I decided I'd just switch classes and sit a couple of seconds since so many people were switching at the time. After I had clicked the switch classes button, Nomad adverted the kidnap but it was already too late. I tried to pm him saying to either tp me back or I can run back as I felt bad about the kidnap. A few seconds without a reply I get tp'ed to a sit room. Knowing that I had no proof as to my claim to the job switch being glitchy I told ClickBait to just warn me and get it over with so I could go to sperate DB. I just wanna see the video of the kidnap from Nomad's perspective because idk if 3 people were present and within voice range and I wanna know why we couldn't handle this situation without staff intervention. Below is a picture of the pms I sent him which were met with no response. Proof (Screenshots/Recordings):
  15. -1 Why would you build a prop for you to later use on hobo? Why didn't you just switch to hobo? If your laptop died wouldn't that disconnect you from the server aka remove all props spawned? While there is no proof for the prop climb allegation you still failRP'ed and should be warned for that instead. This is a fishy situation because Grace has been staff long enough to not do shit like this so I feel like there is more to the story we are not hearing.
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