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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by grace

  1. grace

    Mentor Division

    -1, not needed as stated above.
  2. There used to be a cool down with the old hit system. +1, I would like to see this come back.
  3. A lot of staff have come close to failing that, it's not really out of the normal. Also, I t h o ug ht y o u w o u ld ha v e s t o p pe d wi th th e or a ng e
  4. Any current member of the community can +1/-1 staff applications.
  5. What the frick, you're ba c k? +1
  6. +1, you were good staff. Welcome back
  7. -1, I don't think you should hold another rank, last time you were staff it was a clusterfuck.
  8. So much for that lol Anyways, +1 nice application.
  9. This was a situation that had taken place on old forums, so I doubt anyone had screenshotted it.
  10. Yeah no please don't come back lmao -1
  11. grace

    blair report

    Okay so basically yikes Also, this is honestly the same thing. A report/sit is OOC, so disrespect in OOC or disrespect in a sit is literally the same thing. -1 lmao
  12. grace

    My Ban Apeal

    what the actual fuck is this
  13. Holy shit congrats you guys, I hope you do really well as managers Congrats to everyone else as well.
  14. +1 Mature person, very active in-game, and nice person.
  15. This is also something I find excessive, this is DRP after all. Also this is just a no. Yeah no thanks.
  16. Are you really going to tell me, that if I break 3 rules, t hr e e r u l e s . You're gonna ban me for a month? I'd rather it have the same ban length as MRP, making it 1 week.
  17. Wait what, I was AFK. How was I involved?
  18. -1, I had an encounter with you in-game that was very displeasing, control your saltiness/anger.
  19. Shut the fuck up you old ass this is so sad, I'm literally shaking.
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