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  • Birthday 05/24/2003

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  1. Im gonna be honest its a mix. Garnet is currently sick so i can understand why he hasn't been updating anything or just hasn't had the time but at the same time we could 100% Benefit form a dev team if garnet could find on i do feel like that you would have more people spending money therefore making more money if we had a dev team updating the map people would want to stay but i cant say i know anything about Developing and am not to aware of anyone that has offered altough i have heard stories. I feel like as players staff and GM's we need to focus more on keeping new players and keeping them entertained as of right now its hard for some people to find a trainer but again Garnet Also needs to realize some stuff needs done and i think he has and has it in the works but limited to just him is gonna be hard maybe he could give more power to Higher up staff im not sure thats up to him i think as a community we all need to put effort in from being higher NCO to garnet himself the community needs to pull toghter to fix it
  2. +1 Guy is on the server and always willing to help or train when need be and he is a faction leader sets a really good example for enlisted and officers and would set a great example for staff as well good luck salmon
  3. Personally he didn't even have over 123 hours on gmod not to mention he has spent like at least 10 hours on dark rp with me recently so i doubt he even has 100hours on MRP So a perma ban shouldn't be used for someone who doesn't even have 100 hours over the span of 5 months
  4. @Homast Samsung joined on the current map last rotation this year i know because hes the one who got me on the server
  5. Personally I think Samsung has changed as well. Personally he didn't even have 150 hours over the course of around 5 months i think he only knew the rules from training and the simple common sense one if he had know that there was a vet mass i don't think he would have done it plus i dont think he is a vet with 150 hours over 5 months that's like getting on one hour every day so for this reason I'm gonna plus one this post. +1
  6. +1 Tora you are like always on the server and you are always willing to help like Zach said i thought your paragraphs would be a little bigger but where none the less surprising you are such a pure guy and your competent would love to have you on the staff team
  7. Tesla

    Staff Aplication JM

    I'm gonna +1 I've seen you on a lot recently so you show your dedication to the server I also see u interact with both factions which is a plus. I could recommend getting more hours but you have a decent amount the times I've talked with you I have seen competence and your a chill guy so its a plus one from me
  8. -1 Personally I don't think you have enough hours it says 75 but i recommend getting at least 150-200 I'm gonna be honest I don't really have any idea who you are your paragraphs are not the worst I've seen but i think you need to get out there with the community and engage with them more also post to forums be active on forums for now its gonna be a minus 1
  9. Garnet honestly it was never meant to be toxic but i should have thought about it before i posted it i look forward to working with you in the future congrats to everyone
  10. Day  8: We report that garnet has not dropped MRP staff promos the team are getting worried we hope it will come soon but time will have to tell

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. WhiteBolt


      “ what i meant by what i posted was that garnet has payed no attention to mrp staff sense he has gotten back we haven’t gotten any updates on staff promos or anything it seems if not there has been no communication from any of the staff to us it seems”

      that is quoted from Tesla, he wanted me to defend himself but he can’t considering he is banned. 

    3. Lex_


      @Garnet Not a vendetta against you or anything. You'd rather do many of these things yourself instead of utilizing the help and things that people have tried to provide to you for free. Self-righteous might not have been the right choice of phrase, but you have this sense of "you're wrong, I'm right" sometimes when it comes to developmental topics (optimization, Lua, modeling, mapping - this one is actually understandable seeing that you have the most experience with it). From my perspective, it doesn't look like you're that open to criticism.

      And to speak on the "people you trust" thing, you trust the same few people who end up fucking a portion of the community in someway with their attempts to fix messes that they may or may not have created.

    4. Nutter


      PS. sorry for the very long response, but things are repeating so often it's actually getting on my nerves, I know everybody has good intentions, but please let all this sink in:


      @Torch for how many more years are you going to echo the same sentence (sorry getting frustrated here) and how many people are going to still echo that for some reason "I am not open for help"?

      When it comes to anything, whether it be mapping/lua/modeling, I am always receptive for help and very thankful for it. I thanked you for days following you teaching me how to properly modify CW to allow for attachment preloads - your code taught me ALOT about how CW works despite being very simple. I made sure to thank you publicly for it and make it known it was your code that helped us advance as a community. I'm Dream offered to help map multiple times, and while I declined his offers in the past due to the fact we had Diomonder as our mapper, I have since reached out TO HIM regarding mapping as well as weapon texturing, to no real avail. Multiple people reached out to him on my behalf (Phantom and somebody else). People continuously reach out to help and then do not follow through, nothing I can do about it. But I am most definitely not reluctant to getting help. At the end of the day,  I have put people I did not trust in positions of massive power, people who the communicate delegated (surprise, those can turn out to be horrible mistakes) IE: Dude Bro/Jester SA combo that was chosen by the community, IE: letting the community pick leaders for certain factions years ago such as the AFG subfactions.

      @VBourbon I don't know why you'd mark me as a businessman, when in reality I'm just a gamer who likes a nice community to play alongside, especially given that I lost alot of time/money to this hobby in its initial years. Lets take a look at 2GA resignations today, not enough content? what is this mysterious content that is needed? I'm here to either get it done, or commission somebody to. Interior events? I have created a GM system with trusted players, I myself do not have the time to get on and create events on a server for 3-5 hours of my day unfortunately. All it takes is one of our 10+ servers crashing and I HAVE to hop offline and fix it (particularly Rust and DarkRP). I claimed MRP is NOT self-sufficient and heavily relies on the staff team - I DID claim our other servers are self-sufficient, thus much easier for me to up-keep. I am trying to put time aside in order to be in close communication with Gythem and Ozzy currently as they're the ones reaching out to me, but my schedule is still a bit hectic as I took a week off the server. Do keep in mind that almost every single server at this point in time is requiring my extensive attention.

      I appreciate your opinion, I will  try to open myself up to more people, given that they add me on Steam and initiate intelligent conversions. https://steamcommunity.com/id/garnetsgaming

  11. Tesla


    As an officer hugo did help 2GA he hosted tryouts maybe nothing for the server but still garnet shouldn't have said that to someone has prolly barley talked to or played with that toxicity is not needed especially now when we need to rebuild. Not saying its the direct cause but its a factor
  12. Tesla


    That honestly should not have been said by garnet in my opinion this is why the server is in the state it is in
  13. Chaharikar let's do it Excited to see the GM role in action @Homast
  14. Honestly whatever helps the server is what we need but this is my opinion #1 C I Think that having 3 factions would give a lot more to do in character from teaming up with other faction or leading to more fun during war . 3 Factions would also give the new players more to choose from and would honestly i think make for such a better experience #2 B I think having a map in the city would be much more fun and force people to breach and clear and would mean officers actually have to train enlisted on how to do so giving them more to do helping them not burn out #3 B i think having an all time war system or even just longer wars shorter peacetimes would be a lot more fun as enlisted right now don't wanna wait an hour to go fight the enemy team it just takes to long people just go afk and wait for the war. Having war all the time or war when people wanna Host RP war and actually capture objectives would be better than waiting an hour . #4 I think honestly we should just have more War based experiences but also keep the ones we have like duck hunt and hide and seek that the staff do i think that would be fun but also gives them a choice and more to do depending on what they are feeling. This was made at 12:55AM i just gave a base of what i think but honestly Garnet whatever you think is best and as long as the community supports its im fine with it
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