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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by xFish

  1. Despite your playtime I have not seen you once in game - did you go by a different name? Xavier has cleared things up with me and I have indeed seen you in game and I believe your a worthy candidate to be considered. +1
  2. I'm uh going to have to minus one this app because of you advertising your application in game which under the staff application rules it specifically states not to. -1
  3. @proggy Doesn't look like he has proof and he hasnt made any noise on this post anyhow so unless @Luna1 has anything to say about it deny/lock&move ?
  4. First off to be fair you didnt ask him in ooc so there is no way he would have seen that message. Second off could you continue the clip for me and either edit and paste it into here or send it to my discord Fish#8425. You said someone resolved your sit without taking it and I would like to see who it was.
  5. It would be interesting to see a suicide mechanic however I'm very against the RPG aspect. I do think we need more classes but I don't think this would add much despite what you said I would only see it being used for the c4 mechanic. Even if the class was allowed to base I don't think it would be used because of its non raiding capabilities. You would have to give it lockpicks and keypad crackers and it would just turn into Alyx but with c4. If it were added I think it should be a VIP class and level 40 & if it does get added maybe include climb swep along with that. +1
  6. Just overlooking prices here-for most of those weapons I've tested them and some def. should not be added for the prices. These could destroy a server easily if not priced correctly. Especially if you consider how easy it is to get a million. When unbox was still around RPG-7's were 7mil and if we add in any items that can do 10x the damage and radius of it- it should be sold for a lot more. In fact I would rather that the only rpg that was sold by him was the standard half life one without mouse tracking. However I would like to see SOME of these added to the game because I think it would make the weapon arsenal a bit more fun. +1 Edit: Garnet pls add Harpoon to the server its like the same thing as machete cept' it looks cooler and smoother.
  7. I think this would be a good addon however I'd have concerns about the songs that would be played. I feel like a bunch of troll songs would get voted on and it would be a good mix so to speak. Either way it would be amazing if it had a list feature as well to choose a song / repeat the same song if you really like it. +1
  8. xFish

    Staff App

    Okay if you could please reread the rules and respond accordingly, fix your paragraphs they are too short and choppy please beef them up. Although you have 140 hours I have never seen you once in game by the name of Dragonn atleast. -1
  9. xFish

    False Ban

    @DiegoZavier lock n move?
  10. +1 Your reasoning seems perfectly logical to me, and I've noticed this problem before in fact its usually the reason I don't play hitman anymore.
  11. So - I have a few issues, one you posted in the wrong catagory, please post in the "Staff Applications" category, two your app is more like statements rather than two paragraphs, which is more of an issue with the formatting but if you could just seperate your paragraphs and fix that a bit no worries. For "Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?" we want to know if YOU have been banned or punished on not someone else. Your playtime that you listed I assume is your Garry's Mod playtime- we want your in game playtime on the server. (Your EXACT playtime would be nice) Along with that you mention your past experiance as a staff member of 3 years. What rank did you achieve? You also mention staffing on many other servers besides Elitelupus's Server, could you name a few? For your time you can contribute - as much as I admire your enthusiasm I would like a real time estimate. As for your final statement - you clearly have not read the rules please re-read them.Sorry for the lengthy post but I would like to see you on our staff team if you fix everything listed here I-along with most of the staff team will most likely give you a +1 on your app but- until then -1
  12. So - I have a few issues, one you posted in the wrong catagory, please post in the "Staff Applications" category, two your app is more like statements rather than two paragraphs, which is more of an issue with the formatting but if you could just seperate your paragraphs and fix that a bit no worries. For "Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?" we want to know if YOU have been banned or punished not someone else. Your playtime that you listed I assume is your Garry's Mod playtime- we want your in game playtime on the server. Along with that you mention your past experiance as a staff member of 3 years. What rank did you achieve? You also mention staffing on many other servers besides Elitelupus's Server, could you name a few? For your time you can contribute - as much as I admire your enthusiasm I would like a real time estimate. As for your final statement - you clearly have not read the rules please re-read them. Sorry for the lengthy post but I would like to see you on our staff team if you fix everything listed here I-along with most of the staff team will most likely give you a +1 on your app but- until then -1
  13. Dude I don't know why you didn't apply sooner. You're super chill in game and I always enjoy playing and seeing you interacting with the community. Fat +1 from me for your in game manners and your staff app
  14. Should uh, shrink that forum picture by a bit and I'll plus one it. App was good and I've seen you in game. But I believe it's against the forum rules to have a picture that big - if its not I'm changing mine to be bigger T_T Changed everything asked for After speaking with other staff members I do not believe you are fit for our staff team due to some new evidence. You seem like a good guy and I hope to continue seeing you in game but -1
  15. No shit this is getting denied because of obvious reasons. I hope you learn from this experience along with a screenshot Shin will soon be adding of you proceeding to call our staff team shit. Fat -1
  16. Biggest clan on the server. *Laughs in Hydra* To be fair though, you do have a point. I would love to see a class getting perms to megabase much like crips and bloodz. Also Hydra is kinda ded so I guess that laugh can be revoked. I'll plus one it because I'm bored of seeing the same spots occupied and would love a huger base area. Also-there should be spots where you can't megabase like the city should be off limits. I'm talking around the pd and hotel area. So it's a +1 from me but only if certain restrictions are met.
  17. I'll +1 this idea as well, it's worth looking into and exploring further.
  18. So you posted this, after you got banned? To what try and get a staff member punished for something that happened two weeks ago? If someone wronged you why would you wait so long to make a report. I'm just trying to follow your thought process. What did you expect to happen here?
  19. xFish

    Benny's Appeal

    Until Proggy responds I'm going to give you a short answer, you were banned for advertising your discord. As for everything else I'll let Proggy address it
  20. xFish

    Appealing Ban

    he's uh, getting sum stuff rdy for it no worries
  21. Yeah this doesn't really need to be said but like tbh KOS only applies to interiors, most rp shops and such dont generally use KOS signs (- gun dealers to keep annoying riff-raff outta their lobbies) but bases do. It should be a general rule to stay out of a base unless you're trying to raid them or you live in one. Or unless you're planning on taunting them and calling them cabbage heads *cough cough* Shin
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