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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Jackal

  1. I have a few questions mainly to clarify things that people are voting for since some of these don't feel as though they have been covered well based off of the poll alone. So lets begin. Back Accessories So this option is the one I actually voted for but after getting through typing this out I am actually kinda regretting it. This is solely because, at least with things like backpacks, having them fit your respective model can be a bit weird. PAC3 and it's customization is extremely diverse but depending on your respective model can determine what certain things you can actually do. Of course PAC3 allows you to even create an entirely different model but nonetheless that in itself doesn't matter. We are using only the DarkRP base and nothing additional. When it comes to that kinda thing we are limited whereas PAC3 has an immense amount of freedom for its users. So this brings up another question. What kind of variety are we going to see with things like backpacks? Are we going to get only a few to choose from or are we getting a decent selection that can work with a variety of models depending on the ones you play? Also, this is mainly applicable to backpacks and rucksacks that were mentioned. I can assume with things like guns it shouldn't be an issue to have them work with pretty much every model since you are pretty much slapping it on the dudes back. The room for error in that case is pretty low. Visible Achievement This isn't really a question of it's functionality or what it is but more so asking why? Why would I want the title "Booty Clapper" to be above my head ingame or even "Jumpin Bunny." I feel as though this option might be better received if there were a bit more options that aren't exclusive to what achievements we have. Although, the idea of having an achievement name above your head could very easily come off as rewarding. The only issue is that a lot of the achievement names don't really fit well and correlate well with the idea of "prestiging." Personally, I feel as though the Visible Achievement thing should relate more to titles similar to Destiny. Having titles like "Dredgen," "Harbringer," "Savior," etc. These titles can very easily correlate to new achievements you unlock and are able to complete after prestiging or something. Destiny is a really good example to look at for title ideas or even challenges for some people to earn since for some people it is extremely rewarding. Medal of Honor Is this going to be something visible above my head, similar to the achievement, or is this gonna be exclusive to the tab menu or even both? I feel like this and the visible achievement idea should maybe even be one entire thing to be implemented. I.E. have my prestige icon/medal on the tab menu for people to see and my "title" to be seen in person above my head. I just feel like this option on it's own does not seem appealing at all. Vehicles The idea of having new cars that are exclusive to certain prestige(s) is cool. However, this brings up a predicament that we have on the server and how rules are in place for vehicles and such. Are people who aren't officers going to be able to spawn those same vehicles since right now only people with the "Commander" whitelists can spawn them and actively use them. Does being prestige negate that or is this going to be limited to officers who have also prestiged? Reduced Cooldowns I feel as though for this choice it can actually be desirable if it is fleshed out and explained how much we actually cutdown times by. Are we cutting down the time by a minute each prestige? Are we cutting it down by half each time? Etc... Essentially if you explain and flesh out specifically what benefits you reap through this option, assuming it's good, can probably sway people's votes or even future ones. Weapon Skins I feel like this one as of now without any clarification for the others is going to be the fan favorite which is also evident based off of the poll thus far. I think this one is one of the only ones that can actually be self explanatory and doesn't need to be expanded upon in a response but it could be nice to note the discrepancy between prestige 1 and 2 skins and so on and so forth. I.E. is a prestige one skin gonna look vastly worse than a skin you need prestige 2 for or is it gonna be just very unique skins that you get for each level.
  2. Jackal

    Firerate Fix

    I do remember the P90 being a major issue way in the past where, if I remember correctly, it shot incredibly slow. A similar situation is occurring now where every gun shoots incredibly slow with the exception of certain guns that, previously, had an abnormally low firerate. For example, the Vega Group : Enforcer class has a PKM with 600 RPM yet shoots considerably faster than guns that have 800+ RPM. As I mentioned in the post the fix has something to do with hitting or surpassing a certain threshold otherwise the guns shoot incredibly slow but with a chance for them to break and shoot even faster. But that's assuming previous fixes are applicable here.
  3. Jackal

    Firerate Fix

    FAIR WARNING THIS POST IS GONNA BE SUPER SHORT SINCE IT'S MORE SO TO BRING LIGHT TO THE FIRERATE ISSUE AS A RESULT OF THE TICKRATE CHANGE. ALSO, I BROUGHT TO LIGHT THIS ISSUE ON THE UPDATE THREAD BUT UNFORTUNATELY I GUESS SOME PEOPLE AREN'T AS VOCAL OF THE ISSUES AT HAND. Description: I am bringing to light the recent issue with firerate as a result of dropping the tickrate. Also, dropping the tickrate was absolutely necessary. However, it should be noted that doing so messes with the firerate values with guns. As a result, the ideal thing to do is try to get the guns back to what they are suppose to be since the stats that they have are correlated to the firerate they have. As in a gun has super high recoil and damage as a result of high firerate or a gun has lower damage and recoil as a result of higher firerate. Reasoning: It would essentially revert the guns back to what they were and are intended to be like. I.E. all the time spent weapon balancing with people like @Ozzy @Jake and even Garnet would be wasted without this change. Additional Information: As for the actual fix for firerate it correlates with tickrate and vice versa. As in the firerate values have to fall between a certain threshold or surpass a certain threshold. Granted, that information might be old or outdated but is what I could recollect from talking to Garnet years ago about this same issue.
  4. This change isn't something that would take days to implement. It literally takes minutes to remove and add something like the suggestion is proposing. However, Garnet has already mentioned that models are something he is looking into but that isn't relevant to this post. By no means is this change intended to be a priority either. Although, it shouldn't matter if Vega is already performing well right now or not. What does matter is if all of their classes are viable and quite frankly the enforcer class simply isn't hence why no one has actively used the class for as long as I can remember. Essentially 4>3
  5. Description: This suggestion is more than likely not going to be nearly as receptive as my previous post but, nonetheless, I will propose it. Vega Group Enforcer as of right now is an abysmal class with no sense of belonging alongside the rest of the Vega classes. The PKM is horrible as an LMG and has been for a while. As a result, I am proposing to do one of two things. Remove PKM - Add a Medkit Replace the PKM - Add a Medkit Reasoning: Remove PKM - Add a Medkit This proposal out of the two is more than likely the safest and most likely going to be the most liked idea out of the both. The reason why I think this will be more receptive is solely because it doesn't give an additional gun. However, I don't see why this wouldn't be plausible or widely accepted. Each faction on US and RU has a medic class of some sort excluding Vega. So might as well set them up with a medkit now. Replace the PKM - Add a Medkit This option is obviously a stretch but we have seen medic classes with another gun of some sort before. Obviously it was changed since some classes got really strong SMGs but I feel as though that issue might not be nearly as rampant. Although, there would be one thing to choose between assuming we did decide to grant Vega a medic class with an SMG of some sort. Either each medic class for SOC get an additional gun other than a pistol or leave it exclusively to the top tier factions of each side. (Delta Force / Vega Group) Ultimately the reasoning behind this is it allows Vega to have all of it's classes viable as well as offer variety in weaponry since this could also allow unused guns to be used. The options are limited to SMGs but we can even put in the consideration of shotguns as their primary/secondary as well since most are unused. I.E. guns like the Vector, MAC-11, UMP-45, TOZ-194, etc Again as I already mentioned the idea of giving medics some sort of primary isn't going to be widely accepted but again this offers some form of variety and allows unused guns to be actually used other than to take up space on the server. TL;DR Regardless if we add a weapon for it or not providing the Vega class with a medkit allows them to have 4 viable classes as opposed to the previous 3. Additional Information: N/A
  6. Description: Shotguns What I am proposing are some fixes for a handful of weapons. Firstly I want to address shotguns. Previously the shotguns were over powered as hell. This was partially attributable to the raw damage they had as well as attachments. However, now they are something that you hardly ever see unless it's a new player using the demolition class or a donator that is purely messing around. As a result I am proposing to buff their respective AIM ACCURACIES from what they are now to somewhere around 75-85% The reason being that all shotguns right now have aim accuracies of 20-50% resulting in people completely whiffing most, if not all, of their pellets. I understand the intended design of lowering their aim accuracy but unfortunately it makes shotguns no where close to viable and as a result aren't seen for the most part. (Bear in mind barrel stuffing is viable but anything farther will be inconsistent) Bizon and SR-2 Veresk The very straightforward problem for these two guns are their respective aim accuracy. The guns aren't intended to have 30% aim accuracy at all and has been acknowledged by both Jake and Garnet and there is a plan to get them fixed. However, bringing it up here is so then there is at least a record of it and can easily bring about a change without having to reach out to them respectively. Simply bump the aim accuracy up to 90% like the other SMGs. Reasoning: The change for the Bizon and SR-2 Veresk are pretty straightforward so I don't think I need to elaborate more as to why it would be beneficial but to put it simply. Makes the guns good and not broken bad. As for shotguns this change allows them to, similar to the 2 previous guns, to be viable in general. Personally, I believe the damage on them is fine as well as the clump spread. The only issue comes down to aim accuracy basically causing the gun to be a "dice roll" every time you fire the gun. Bumping the aim accuracy gun allows your gun to be consistent assuming you have the aim to accompany it. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] N/A
  7. Great update overall! It brought about a lot of optimization and actually brought a working gamemode for war other than the repetitive OBJ wars. However, the only thing I am going to note is that as a result of the drop in tickrate firerates for guns got all fucky (severe drop in firerate). If I remember correctly this is a pretty easy fix in general but other than that the update has been really smooth with minimal complaints around the board.
  8. For now the tunnels shouldn't be used just because of the massive advantage US gets especially since RU spawns at RU base. But if our spawn changes in the future I wouldn't see an issue with the tunnels being usable again.
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