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Description: Today I'm suggesting the removal of the NLR Zone in adminland. The addition of the NLR Zone while controversial with its pros and cons, has an issue that affects the way events are done on the server. The main issue comes from the fact that many events that are done in adminland are negatively affected by the NLR Zone. This then limits certain events that are done there to be either unplayable or tedious to run. It is also noted that adminland is in a separate plane that has no RP in it and shouldn't be affected by a feature that only affects RP.Reasoning: The main reasons that we benefit from having this change are as follows: - Quality of life feature that aids Gamemasters in hosting events - This gives Gamemasters fewer limitations in new events that can be hosted - It's a simple change that has positive effects and no negative effects - 2 words RDM ArenaAdditional Information: N/A
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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Today I am suggesting we add this as part of the base expansion. You can have the entrance be from the bottom or the top. You use to be able to base outside that base until the map expansion and they added the sewers so you can't block it off now. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] No one ever really bases there and I believe that it would start attracting more people to that spot. It would also allow people to get creative with base building and allow their skills to show. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
Description: I'm suggesting the ability to search for players' names on the party system. Similar to the prop buddies menu, all players can be searched via in-game Username. This adds a simple quality of life to the server. Implementing a feature like this should be no problem, considering how simple it is.Reasoning: - Makes adding players to a party easier whenever there's a high population count. - Players don't have to scroll through the player list to find that specific player. - Prop Buddies menu already has this on its menu. - Quality of life feature that enhances the server experience. Additional Information: Photo of Prop Buddies Menu: Photo of Party Menu:
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Description: I'm suggesting the addition of more materials that you can obtain when you Prestige. These 5 textures have been tested on multiple player models to better suit which would fit in the DarkRP Server. Although purely cosmetic, this could add more customization to our current set of materials in-game. I can understand this not being a high-priority suggestion, although it doesn't seem too difficult to add.Reasoning: - Encourages players to prestige for newer materials. - Newer materials can make others stand out amongst other players. - Adds more materials to prestige levels that don't gain any materials. - Incentivizes new ways to customize your player model. Additional Information: Credit to @Payphonefor the Screenshots - phoenix_storms/stripes - models/shadertest/shader5 - models/props_lab/warp_sheet - models/flesh - phoenix_storms/Fender_wood
I am gonna make this short :(.... I haven't really been feeling up to playing on drp recently and I just kind of think my time has come. I reached my goal of L. Admin and have a pretty good time playing with you all. I will be on swrp (maybe come over :)) and I will come on drp every once in a while most likely but don't expect me to be on a lot :(. I WILL NOW MASS MENTION. @stretchyno words nerd ong you freaky frick dood @crimes My brother (inactive mf) @smileeface ugly smile ong @Ghostieee chillest man on earth looks like jesus and has W rizz lmao @Juiceb0x(idek if this the right mf but) chill good guy kinda annoying but still love em @FireHazardthis guy is literally him def cool mans @kevinhhundoliterally one of the chillest dudes I met @j0untmaybe a lil cooler than your brother??? @computerkids on crack literally a physcopath @Gorditashopping cart? idk @StSDogI know what you have done trolling you was fun @Chicaa21mechanic with some moola literally should gimme some money (super chill) @FreakyFrankielil freakie ong @Danny_The_Dogdanny (and) the door. does he still not know what it is? hehehe @Glorbnobyour first drp base sucked ong chill guy still @Payphonecoolest brit on gmod (where is the british flag emoji bruh) @1998Corolla keep being chill brotha @Criteria stole my name @Corbzzfailed hockey player couldn't even pull juice's mom @AlexConway kinda gay ngl (ppl who @ garnet are weirdos ong)
Currently, if you bring for example $100,000 of meth to the XP guy you only level up once, according to what I've been told. It should be changed so you can level up more than once.
In Game Id : Jdam Age:15 coming 16 Steam Id : STEAM_0:1:196351774 Warns: No Warns Timezone:PST Playtime?:1135+ hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?:Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:Yes Referral(s):None Past experiences as staff: I Have Two Years Of Staffing on Gmod On a Removed Military Server. Why should we choose you over other applicants? I will Be Able To Work With many of the people that are Breaking different rules.I've seen how hard you admins have to act to be able to control the situation and I believe I am up to the job.I have saw the rules and understand the things I have to do to work on the this server and on the forum. I will try and log on as much as I can and always help if I can. You Can Garnet that I will be on weekends always. If I Can I Watch Other Admins For Ways Of making my own Sits better I will. I am a Fast learner. I will always stay calm. Im on the forums always. And lastly will always Ask for evidence before Start If any. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? I have not Be banned or have Broke any Rules. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: I have not This Is my First Application How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:As much time as possible. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? Mainly marching band and Running a Server My Self Did you read the staff rules?:Yes 1. Be respectful to all community members2. Serve as a role model for other players3. Do not harass users of the server.4. Do not use administrative commands unless in case of emergency or if you are on duty or in a sit. I.E Physgun players off duty5. NEVER question the final verdict of a higher up.6. You must be 13 years or older to apply for staff7. NEVER request a promotion8. Do not alter the server rules in any way.9. Do not be biased towards players10. Do not use vulgar language during staff sits.11. Keep a mature attitude at all times12. You must have a sit before warning a player (exception for violations in non-OOC: Dis In OOC, Racism In OOC, @ chat spam, etc.)13. You may not handle your own sits UNLESS deemed necessary, and there's not a sufficient number of staff members online.14. When applying for staff, in the field: "Did you read the staff rules:" the response should be your in-game-name, IE: "Did you read the staff rules: {GG} Garnet"15. You may not staff on any other gaming community while staffing on Garnet.16. Copying and pasting previously accepted or denied applications will result in a denial. No exceptions.17. Do not TP (Teleport) to higher ups without their permission it may result in a warning.18. Only Manager+ can have invisible names/jobs in rp situations. Admin+ can have invisible names if spectating.19. Do not spam bring/teleport staff or users20. Must use steam ids when using !warn or !ban.21. Do not Afk on duty22. No Rping/Roleplaying on duty23. Don't aimlessly sit is someone's base as a staff on duty, If you have a sit the requires you to go in the base however you may do so.
Hey guys, Targets here I just thought it'd be nice to give back to the community for being wonderful by handing out some of the earned money that I have from playing DarkRP. Raffle draw will be on the 25th of September! (Get to joining) or as soon as all 35 slots are filled! I will be giving one random player ( 5 Million Dollars ingame ) Read the rules to be able to participate! Rules: 1. You must enter your steamID in the comments section. 2. If someone gets banned from the server and they win, I will reroll the raffle and then the second winner will become the winner. 3. If someone keeps on posting multiple steamID's / multiple posts you will not be qualified in joining in the raffle. 4. Each Steam ID will get 1 chance to win the 5 million dollars! To grab your steamID whilst being ingame type /ID (Username) 'Not in brackets' Raffle qualifiers! - Example; STEAM_0:0:139375001 (Targets) 1. STEAM_0:1:88921050 ( Roy Kenneth ) 2. STEAM_0:0:155912883 ( Vapr ) 3. STEAM_0:0:149116220 ( Bloodhound ) 4. STEAM_0:0:199496737 ( Memed ) 5. STEAM_0:1:77117653 ( Gunner ) 6. STEAM_0:1:114614206 ( Charlie ) 7. STEAM_0:1:230379094 ( Grace ) 8. STEAM_0:0:143169546 ( Golden Doggo ) 9. STEAM_0:1:148411754 ( Vladimir ) 10. STEAM_0:1:102549432 ( Dark ) 11. STEAM_0:0:179153540 ( Nitro ) 12. STEAM_0:1:149701997 ( Not Cool ) 13. STEAM_0:1:67829962 ( Turtle ) 14. STEAM_0:1:66473673 ( Doggo ) 15. STEAM_0:1:105324713 ( Madara ) 16. STEAM_0:1:126335643 ( Watak ) 17. STEAM_0:0:176601986 ( Lamp ) 18. STEAM_1:1:149643947 ( 123HIV ) 19. STEAM_0:0:94811797 ( TheDudeAbides ) 20. STEAM_0:1:217397094 ( Its Malo ) 21. STEAM_0:1:170227511 ( Wendell ) 22. STEAM_0:1:97837142 ( Lemon ) 23. STEAM_0:0:93032079 ( Savage_Fantasy ) 24. STEAM_0:1:117732142 ( Baka San ) 25. STEAM_0_0:139375001 ( Trippie Jack ) 26. STEAM_0:0:145452964 ( Toucan ) 27. STEAM_0:0:83194466 ( Adil Ahmad ) 28. STEAM_0:1:122468691 ( Nutella ) 29. STEAM_0:1:228231780 ( Fark ) 30. STEAM_0:1:129810381 ( Lost at sea ) 31. STEAM_0:1:79310329 ( Mamba ) 32. 33. 34. 35.
Hello there friends my name is dippi you can call me dip for sort im trying to get staff and ill be online 21/7 and please try to show no hate im just trying to make my favorite server more fun and get rid of those annoying trolls Real name: diar region: muslam and arabic age: 14 steam-profile: Timezone: GMT+3 Iraq Discord: DippiDay#8895 i am a good picture in game taker and a i learn form my mistakes if i do something wrong ive been an admin before in my friend basheer server but sadly his server got shut down because he did not pay the server bills Why should i choose this servers over others?: im gona be very honest about it and i love this server so much . that i left a full server that gives everyone staff if they just report something or someone breaking the game and it was a buggyest server ive ever seen and it was easy to find a bug and i want to say from my heart that i freaking love this server. and so i want to make it better for everyone and i dont want dirty trolls or hackers in the server i want clean players in it and yes i understand that you all will be like "haha this is a 14 year old who wants staff" and yes i want staff for good and not for bad im calm about everthing i see but the things that make me mad are chat spammers and rule breakers and that dosent mean i am gonna drop an ban bomb on them no ill just talk with them and see and fix there problems and please show the hate and love from your heart and dont hide it and im making a teamspeak account soon so wait for it if you like me that means your up top of my heart but if you dislike me then your still up top but a bit down
----Lakin's Staff Application! ----- This application took me 3 hours, Hope you like it! In game name: Lakin Age: 14 SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:126957684 Warns: I have four infractions, One for rdm Which I can see why i got warned and then for nlr " didn't know the nlr time " And 2 for FailRP " Which is what I got warned for because I did something and I didn't read the rules but i've matured by now even thoe it wasn't so long ago I just realized how annoying I used to be and now you can see i've matured. Timezone: EST Playtime?: 29 hours Do you have access to Team Speak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] : Well, I do have a microphone and I wish I could get on team speak with everyone but, I play on Linux so I really don't have many ways of getting team speak/Because Linux cannot download exe files like team speak etc, But I can download gmod because it's in a file called h12.Linux Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] NO, But I can screenshot. Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] VAPR Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Well, I actually own a DarkRP server, But I was on one server called[VGC] gaming before it shut down and I was told I did pretty good and was chill with the players, and I was once Super Admin on my friends server but, I guess it doesn't really count because it was my friends server. Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] Because, Where I've had more experience than normal players because I've been staffing/moderating for a while I've had several steam accounts. My other I gave to my brother you can search up Jinglenuts17 on steam and look at the hours played, But I could help out a lot and I can see you currently have a small staff team and you could use more people to join the team hat have experience with what they are doing! I can get along well with players and try to bring players to the server and I work well with " Squeakers " Like real squeakers the ones that make you want to break your headset. I am easy going in sits, Unless someone lies to me and makes me take action -" annoying / warning / jailing them " Because I like to keep the server clean! I can help out be responsible take my role and know what I'm doing I could do better than a Normal T. Mod and I can work hard train myself to be a hard worker! I love to help new people and show them how to play/ what to do and hopefully we all can come together and repopulate the server back to 150 players, Because the more players the more fun! And with more fun/players we get more donations! Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details Yes, Actually I got banned on my friends server because I was trolling him and freaked him out, But I got unbanned. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Probably like 3:00 pm EST to 10:00 pm est on week days and most likely it's gonna be random on weekends because I like to stay on all night. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod I do Cross Country, I ride my bike around the city, and I go to school also Did you read the staff rules?: " Lakin Yes, I have read and acknowledged the staff rules and I think I will be able to handle this role on the server! "
I Love Your Server But Whenever Im On There Is Alot Of Laws/Rules Being Broken I Wish To Become An Admin So I Can Help The DarkRP Sever Become Less Chaotic Please Consider Me And Thanks
RPName: Hajilex Steam name: saustinmarlin SteamID: don't know will check tomorrow Staff who banned me: don't know but will try to find out People involved: some annoying kid I can't remember Reason I was banned: mass RDM don't know what that means but I assume it is killing people at all Length I was banned: a whole week Proof of ban: will find proof it's night so I can't be on my computer My side of the story: I was playing this game as a cop when this really annoying kid was mic-spamming (I call it that because he kept saying the mayor is bad in the police department with his annoying voice) so kept killing him whenever he did that (note the mayor said no mic spam in the law and I arrested him once but he didn't shut up and I felt like killing him was more merciful then jailing him because if he died he could immediately respawn and he had no weapons to begin with) then an admin froze me while I was minding my own business, and when i asked what I did he didn't reply and banned me for a week
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I often go on raids with some of my friends and there is one type base I see A LOT. These are the bases that have one-way walls (not always one-way) slightly elevated so that they can fire onto your feet, but there is no way for you to fire back on them. Building rule 21 states, "Do not set up an unfair advantage in a firefight within your base, I.E: Where you can see and shoot someone, but they cannot see or shoot back or any other unfair advantage." I would assume these bases would fall into this category but I still see these used very frequently by players with a fair amount of experience (like 50 hours). So, are these bases illegal or are they valid? let me know, thanks guys. INSERT: This is my first post so if this is the wrong category to put it in please tell I really enjoy the help.